Sentences with phrase «other online portals»

I have become aware of a story circulating on adomonline, GhanaWeb and other online portals with a headline suggesting I am daring President John Dramani Mahama, our beloved former President.
The proliferation of Facebook and MySpace and a gajillion other online portals has only further complicated a mating ritual that was already impenetrable from the dawn of civilization.
With the WealthTrust App, you can shift your existing investment on other online portals and go commission free.
You'll find out how to sell ebooks and print books on Amazon and other online portals, then discover the marketing practices used by some of the most successful self - published authors in the world.
In many ways it is not all that different than any other online portal allowing indie publishers to get their books into as many global catalogs as possible.
This TV will be available on Amazon and other online portals.
A surprisingly large number of Galaxy S8 owners have taken to support forums and other online portals to complain of a wireless - charging problem.
The problem: A surprisingly large number of Galaxy S8 owners have taken to support forums and other online portals to complain of a wireless - charging problem.
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