Sentences with phrase «other organ in one's body»

As the disease progresses, lymphoma can affect other organs in the body.
The toxins released due to this process can affect many other organs in the body.
These spices can also help cleanse your liver and also strengthen other organs in the body such as your colon.
First, periodontal infections serve as a source of chronic bacterial infection for other organs in the body.
Moreover, these stem cell - derived cells released different amounts of hormone in response to known feedback signals generated by other organs in the body.
Serving food with inadequate amounts of moisture will present several problems for your dog such as kidney diseases, and dehydration which will ultimately stress other organs in their body.
Dog liver disease may arise due to several bacterial, viral, nutritional, and congenital factors or some other factors associated with other organs in the body.
Cats may lose teeth and be prone to infections that may affect other organs in the body.
The system also will allow scientists to test millions of compounds in the environment and new pharmaceuticals to understand how they affect the reproductive system and many other organs in the body.
Proper functioning of this butterfly - shaped gland is vital for our health, but just like other organs in the body thyroid is also prone to damage, diseases, deficiencies, and other negative scenarios.
«The ultimate strategy is to have a device that you can place in the brain — or in other organs in the body — that is entirely implanted, intimately connected with the organ you want to monitor and can transmit signals wirelessly to provide information on the health of that organ, allowing doctors to intervene if necessary to prevent bigger problems,» said co-first author Rory K. J. Murphy, M.D., in a press release.
Findings may also lead to a greater understanding of how other organs in the body age, which could pave the way for drug developments in a number of age - related diseases, including cancer.
A compound called 10β,17β - dihydroxyestra 1,4 dien -3-one (DHED), they found, relies on an enzyme in the brain to be converted from its «prodrug» form into the active form of estrogen; other organs in the body use different starting blocks to generate the hormone.
Severe sepsis, which affects approximately one million Americans each year, occurs when a local infection causes other organs in the body to fail.
Melatonin, or N - acetyl -5-methoxytryptamine, is a hormone mainly produced by the pineal gland, although other organs in your body (but in smaller amounts) including your eyes, gastrointestinal tract, bones, skin, lymphocytes, platelets and thymus gland, can also produce melatonin.3
Some types of arthritis like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus can affect other organs in the body leading to variety of symptoms which include body malaise, fatigue, loss of appetite, poor sleep and stiffness.
Bacteria found in plaque can affect other organs in the body including the liver, kidneys, and heart.
Heartworm infection often leads to severe lung disease and heart failure and can damage other organs in the body as well.
Now we may finally see that, like other organs in the body, brain fluid can drain out through the lymphatic system,» said Dr. Reich.
This paradigm of harnessing cells in nearby areas of damage to replenish lost tissue is not just applicable to the heart; it may be useful in many other organs in the body that have support cells like fibroblasts.
Without adequate care and attention, periodontal disease can result in pain, bad breath, loose teeth, irreversible damage to the gums, premature loss of teeth, and infection that may affect other organs in the body such as the heart, liver and kidneys.
Warren will preach his first sermon following his son's death on just the subject, saying «It's amazing to me that any other organ in your body can break down and there's no shame and stigma to it, but if your brain breaks down, you're supposed to keep it a secret»...
«Brown adipose tissue, or brown fat, produces β3 - adrenergic receptor at levels higher than nearly every other organ in the body.
In order to achieve therapeutic levels at the pathological site, physicians need to deliver large amounts of the drug that may cause adverse effects to other organs in the body.
The primary cause of death from breast cancer is the spread of tumor cells from the breast to other organs in the body.
In women who are only using relievers it's possible that, while their asthma symptoms may improve, inflammation may still be present in the lungs and other organs in the body
That's partly because the brain isn't like the other organs in our body.
More vitamin C is contained in the adrenal glands than any other organ in the body and is required at higher levels during times of stress.11 - 14 Physical stresses on the body such as ingestion of heavy metals,15 - 20 cigarette smoking,21 - 24 and extreme temperatures,25 - 30 also signal the need for increased intake of vitamin C. 31
This is a catabolic state where your body is pulling protein from your muscles and other organs in your body to get the nitrogen it needs.
Like any other organ in your body, your brain needs quite a bit of ATP and creatine, especially in times of intense cognitive demand, focus or stress.
In fact, selenium concentration is higher in the thyroid gland than in any other organ in the body making it an important factor in thyroid hormone production and metabolism.
More vitamin C is contained in the adrenal glands than any other organ in the body and is required at higher levels during times of stress.11 - 14 Physical stresses on the body such as ingestion of heavy metals,15 - 20 cigarette smoking,21 - 24 immune impairment,25 - 31 extreme temperatures,32 - 36 and chronic use of certain medications such as aspirin also signal the need for increased intake of vitamin C. 37
Because the production of intestinal bacteria hasn't begun in newborns, they may have a higher risk of being Vitamin K deficient, which is extremely dangerous because it can lead to bleeding in the brain and other organs in the body.
Intestinal cells consume more L - glutamine than any other organ in the body.
Collectively, the intestinal microflora has metabolic activity on par with the liver; it is really like an organ and affects the function of all the other organs in the body.
It may also affect the lungs, liver, and other organs in the body.
It indirectly and directly affects almost every other organ in our body.
Heartworm disease causes severe lung disease, heart failure, and damage to other organs in the body.
The heartworm can cause severe lung disease, heart failure, and damage to other organs in the body.
The American Heartworm Society states that heartworm disease is caused by foot - long worms (heartworms) that live in the heart, lungs and associated blood vessels of affected pets, causing severe lung disease, heart failure and damage to other organs in the body.
All of these issues can also lead to malfunction of other organs in the body, including the liver and kidneys.
Dental disease causes pain and can affect other organs in the body: bacteria in the mouth can get into the blood stream and may cause serious kidney infections, liver disease, lung disease, and heart valve disease.
Heartworm disease can result in severe lung disease, heart failure, and damage to other organs in the body.
Even if the disease manifests at the level of the skin, this does not mean that other organs in the body are not affected.
No matter the stage of dental disease, it is important to aggressively halt its progression because of its dramatic effect on the other organs in the body.
Dental disease can affect other organs in the body, causing infection or inflammation of the liver, heart or kidneys.
Dental disease can also affect other organs in the body: Bacteria in the mouth can get into the bloodstream and cause serious infections in the kidneys, liver, lungs, and heart.
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