Sentences with phrase «other pagan religions»

Yes Chrisitianity (in its many fractured branches that may or may not seem anything liek one another), has been around for 1400 years, but Judaism has been around for more than twice that, and there are other pagan religions (that while less common are still in practice in some places) that have been around since LONG before Jesus was even a gleam in his Father's eye.
That's why Christianity was a copy of other pagan religions of that time including the story of Jesus.
I think it's about time people actually do some research as to the other religions that predated Christianity that have the same stories... Maybe research why the birth of Jesus is celebrated this time of year... coincidentally on the solstice when all other pagan religions celebrate the «rebirth» of the «Sun of God».
Plus when you factor in all the similarities to other pagan religions of that time period your case goes up in smoke.
And all the other pagan religions.
There is not Christian truth, your religion is cult stolen from other pagan religions it's time for people to recognize it as the myth it is.
Thus, it is a near certainty that Judaism inherited the devil from the Persian Zoroastrians and the Christians in turn, inherited their devil from the Jews and other pagan religions.

Not exact matches

Yes we have Christianity is a dying religion because people are realizing it's based on other pagan myths!
Jesus is the «true myth» (with the emphasis on true) which proves the validity of many of the themes and longings of men's hearts which are found in the pagan myths of other religions.
In addition, the remarkable similarities between Christianity and other Mystery Religions of the time suggest that Christanity was an evolutionary hybrid of Jewish Messianism with pagan Savior God mythology.
The treatment of people outside Christianity was even worse, such as our treatment of «pagans» who refused to convert to Christianity after it became the official religion of the Roman Empire, or the Jews during most of Christian history, or other religious groups in Germany and Great Britain who were slaughtered and enslaved by invading Christian armies, or the enslavement of Native Americans and Africans by imperialistic Christian settlers of the «New World.»
Many of the early Christians came out of Judaism and pagan religions where a class of clerics and priests ruled and dominated other people in all things spiritual.
Are we saying that the Christianity we grew up with is actually a syncretistic religion, containing elements of not only ancient Christianity, but also of Roman pagan worship, complete with temples (buildings) and paid employees (priests and others)?
[In thousands (175,440 represents 175,440,000)--------- Total Christian --------- 173,402 Catholic --------- 57,199 Baptist --------- 36,148 Protestant - no denomination supplied --------- 5,187 Methodist / Wesleyan --------- 11,366 Lutheran --------- 8,674 Christian - no denomination supplied --------- 16,834 Presbyterian --------- 4,723 Pentecostal / Charismatic --------- 5,416 Episcopalian / Anglican --------- 2,405 Mormon / Latter - Day Saints --------- 3,158 Churches of Christ --------- 1,921 Jehovah's Witness --------- 1,914 Seventh - Day Adventist --------- 938 Assemblies of God --------- 810 Holiness / Holy --------- 352 Congregational / United Church of Christ --------- 736 Church of the Nazarene --------- 358 Church of God --------- 663 Orthodox (Eastern)--------- 824 Evangelical / Born Again \ 2 --------- 2,154 Mennonite --------- 438 Christian Science --------- 339 Church of the Brethren --------- 231 Nondenominational \ 2 --------- 8,032 Disciples of Christ --------- 263 Reformed / Dutch Reform --------- 206 Apostolic / New Apostolic --------- 970 Quaker --------- 130 Full Gospel --------- 67 Christian Reform --------- 381 Foursquare Gospel --------- 116 Fundamentalist \ 2 --------- 69 Salvation Army --------- 70 Independent Christian Church --------- 86 --------- Total other religions --------- 8,796 Jewish --------- 2,680 Muslim --------- 1,349 Buddhist --------- 1,189 Unitarian / Universalist --------- 586 Hindu --------- 582 Native American --------- 186 Scientologist --------- 25 Baha'I --------- 49 Taoist --------- 56 New Age --------- 15 Eckankar --------- 30 Rastafarian --------- 56 Sikh --------- 78 Wiccan --------- 342 Deity --------- 32 Druid --------- 29 Santeria --------- 3 Pagan --------- 340 Spiritualist --------- 426 Other unclassified --------- 735 --------- No religion specified, total --------- 34,169 Atheist --------- 1,621 Agnostic --------- 1,985 Humanist --------- 90 Secular --------- 34 Ethical Culture --------- 11 No religion --------- 30,427 --------- Refused to reply to question --------- 1other religions --------- 8,796 Jewish --------- 2,680 Muslim --------- 1,349 Buddhist --------- 1,189 Unitarian / Universalist --------- 586 Hindu --------- 582 Native American --------- 186 Scientologist --------- 25 Baha'I --------- 49 Taoist --------- 56 New Age --------- 15 Eckankar --------- 30 Rastafarian --------- 56 Sikh --------- 78 Wiccan --------- 342 Deity --------- 32 Druid --------- 29 Santeria --------- 3 Pagan --------- 340 Spiritualist --------- 426 Other unclassified --------- 735 --------- No religion specified, total --------- 34,169 Atheist --------- 1,621 Agnostic --------- 1,985 Humanist --------- 90 Secular --------- 34 Ethical Culture --------- 11 No religion --------- 30,427 --------- Refused to reply to question --------- 1Other unclassified --------- 735 --------- No religion specified, total --------- 34,169 Atheist --------- 1,621 Agnostic --------- 1,985 Humanist --------- 90 Secular --------- 34 Ethical Culture --------- 11 No religion --------- 30,427 --------- Refused to reply to question --------- 11,815
They began to plagiarize from other religions to make it more palatable to the pagans they wished to convert.
Just as Paul wrote that the Law was given to lead people to Jesus (Gal 3:24), so also, other religions and pagan traditions and ideas about creation and the afterlife and defeating evil were given to lead people to Jesus.
Are they the one's on Earth controlling our lives or are you about God the creator of universe that is worshipped by mankind in different ways, given different names, given different looks and combinations, partners, sons... others worshiped Satan or made him partner to God... The Message of the «Monotheism» was there from time of existance up to Noah PBUH and the monotheist derived from those saved by Noah named Abraham PBUH who came up then with the message of «Submission» and rebuilt the house of worship in Mecca for religion teachings redirecting pagans worshiping idols, trees, or worshiping many Gods they made and named as in Greek mythology...
Again the act of Baptism comes from other religions and like the Church that decided to build on past pagan ground and to hijack the old pagan festival dates like Christmas and Easter, God draws us to Himself in a gentle way as He turns our old attitudes and ways upside down.
Though the other 97.5 percent are not all confessing Christians — many profess other religions, or are secularists, humanists and outright pagans — Christianity defines the religious climate of America.
Anyway, I have taken this up in prayer with Him, and He is showing me more and more that He looks like Jesus, not like the pagan war deities of other religions.
Rome carried out the death of Christ, Paul, Peter and some others wanting to establish their Pagan» Idol worship» religion.
@Robert Brown I'm not so much talking about other Abrahamics, but pagan religions that pre-date the Abrahamics (and still exist today).
Britannica and Catholic's Encyclopedias clearly indicate that Christmas is a pagan celebration created to attract other religions to Catholicism.
actually many pagans survived and went underground and also in places where the reaches of the catholic church did not get For example a whole other half Europe two whole continents on the other side of the ocean etc Paganism was driven into near extinction by it's brother religion that came from the same roots but it was not at all eradicated The irony find is Christians were persecuted by the Roman empire before the rule of Constantine and then during the burning times persecuted witches and pagans (aswell as non-pagans for corrupted reasons) An oximoron and hypocritical religion
42.2 % no religious affiliation, including agnostic, atheist, Humanist, Darwinism, and «no religion» 19.0 % Catholic 17.4 % Protestant 6.9 % Buddhist 4.4 % other Christian, not identified elsewhere 2.8 % Sikh 1.8 % Jewish 1.7 % Muslim 1.7 % Christian Orthodox 1.4 % Hindu 0.5 % other religions, including Aboriginal spirituality, Pagan, Wicca, Unity, New Thought, Pantheist, Scientology, Rastafarian, New Age, Gnostic, Satanist 0.3 % Bahá «í, Eckankar, Jains, Shinto, Taoist, Zoroastrian and Eastern religions not identified elsewhere
Not the government's job to defend one religion over others, especially in other parts of the world and he would do well to remember what Christians did to «pagans» and even each other once they got power in the Roman Empire and what Christians did to Moslems in, say, all four Crusades.
Of course, it is purely coincidental that the story was the same as the pagans and other religions that preceded it.
It has its roots in other, older pagan religions that were common in the Mediterranean region before the supposed life of Jesus.
It is not only that Christians had a different religion than other Romans, but that they have a set of values and acceptable ideas and behaviors, that were completely anathema to the pagans, and conversely.
For example, for a pagan of the empire, it was important, whatever the gods and mixtures of religion you adopted, to be respectful and tolerant of the gods of others — for instance, when you were traveling through the empire, to pay a respectuous visit to all the temples on your ways, and even to offer a sacrifice if you were well - off.
Whether they were part of a formal Pagan, Buddhist, or Christian religion (or any other organized faith with certain tenets and «rules»), these souls had dedicated a past life to this particular spiritual path, and usually made great sacrifices for it.
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