Sentences with phrase «other painful losses»

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Individuals need to locate themselves on a spectrum of ambition and become fully aware that moving in one direction or the other involves real and sometimes painful losses.
On the other hand, buying and selling during the day has generally been a money - losing strategy — one that would have been far more painful if you had traded frequently, incurring steep costs, which would have compounded your losses.
The actual end of most human lives is sad, painful, sometimes grueling, profoundly embarrassing, and pathetic, often leaving emptiness, loss, regret, relief, and other contradictory and disturbing emotions in its wake.
It can be painful to interact with others in the immediate aftermath of a loss when one's body has not yet returned to its pre-pregnant state.
At a time when painful measures in October's Strategic Defence and Security Reviewv - such as scrapping the Harrier fleet, along with service personnel and civilian job losses and other efficiency gains - are reported to fall # 1 billion short of the MOD's # 8 billion budget reduction target, a public row over savings already assumed would be bad news for the department.
However, a significant portion of people also reported painful experiences associated with listening to sad music, which invariably related to personal loss such as the death of a loved one, divorce, breakup, or other significant adversity in life.
Grief and loss can be more painful during the holiday season than any other time of year.
Other signs that your thyroid is not working as it should include: fatigue, brain fog, depression, hair loss, achy muscles, painful joints, sensitivity to cold, dry skin and constipation.
Popular for its bone building properties, vitamin D helps prevent brittle bones, bone loss due to osteoporosis, bone pain, and other bone disorders with adequate vitamin D. Avoid the painful consequences of weak bones, such as fractures, falls, and muscle aches.
There is a very real reason why you and thousands of others can not even lose 1 painful pound a week with these plans which we will uncover here and arrive at a solution with How Is Fat Burned Facts for Rapid Weight Loss Results!
This Is What Happens When You Suffer From Hormonal Imbalances One of the leading causes of weight problems, hormonal imbalances trigger a range of other symptoms such as PMS, acne, painful breasts, migraine, cellulite, loss of libido, infertility, a disrupted monthly cycle, menopausal issues, and burn - outs.
Hormonal imbalances not only trigger fat storage and weight gain (and WHERE you store it...), they also cause many other nasty symptoms like PMS, acne, painful breasts, migraines, cellulite, loss of libido, a disrupted monthly cycle, menopausal issues, and burn - outs.
One of the leading causes of weight problems, hormonal imbalances trigger a range of other symptoms such as PMS, acne, painful breasts, migraine, cellulite, loss of libido, infertility, a disrupted monthly cycle, menopausal issues, and burn - outs.
The emotional pain resulted from a sudden loss of your spouse can be more painful as compared to any other physical trauma.
One was a painful loss on a mortgage REIT, Deerfield Triarc, and the other was Scottish Re.
Others may develop fever, loss of appetite, painful joints, lethargy, and vomiting.
Other signs include loss of appetite, painful joints and lethargy.
Not only does dental disease lead to painful mouths and tooth loss, but left untreated, periodontal disease increases the risk for chronic infections in the mouth, potentially spreading to other areas of the body, including the liver, lungs, kidneys and heart.
Since aging cats may experience physical changes such as hearing or vision loss, painful joints or other diseases, it can be difficult to determine if a behavioral change is due to a cognitive decline or is a symptom of an underlying physical condition.
Symptoms of skin disease can be as harmless as hair loss, while others, like ear infections, can be extremely painful.
However, other signs and symptoms include discharge from a mammary gland, ulceration of the skin over a gland, painful, swollen breasts (Figure 2), loss of appetite, weight loss, and generalized weakness.
As this illness progresses, other possible signs are, a disinterest in food and weight loss, vomiting, diarrhea, painful joints, depression, smelly breath, an unkempt coat, increased blood pressure and sometimes mouth ulcers.
Other signs of constipation include irritability, painful abdomen, lethargy, and poor appetite or even loss of appetite.
Poor oral hygeine doesn't just cause bad breath, it can lead to tooth loss, painful abscesses, difficulty eating, and other serious health problems.
But when a driver chooses to flee the scene of an accident, you're left wondering who will compensate you for painful injuries, property damage, and other possible losses.
Top that loss off with piles of unpaid medical expenses, insurance claims, rent or mortgage payments, and other essential living costs, and your painful loss increases tenfold.
Illness or other challenges besetting a child, job loss or any other blow to people's financial security, falling victim to a crime, deployment to and return from active military service, illness or disability of a parent — these and other thunderstorms that inundate people with worry and woe can not help but set off the cycle of anxiety and painful interactions described here as a cycle.
Loss of trust on the one hand, and guilt on the other, are the primary painful feelings in this situation.
You may be suffering from anxiety, depression, dealing with grief or loss, have painful unresolved issues from the past, struggling in a relationship with a significant other, dealing with life - changing issues, or feeling you are settling for less than you deserve; please consider allowing me to help you take that first step.»
Loss and Transition Whether adjusting to a new life phase, recovering from the pain of divorce or trauma, or other forms of loss or grief, Angie walks with you through this difficult experience with the belief that we can not fully live until we fully grieve our losses and painful experiences, so that we can find healing to move forwLoss and Transition Whether adjusting to a new life phase, recovering from the pain of divorce or trauma, or other forms of loss or grief, Angie walks with you through this difficult experience with the belief that we can not fully live until we fully grieve our losses and painful experiences, so that we can find healing to move forwloss or grief, Angie walks with you through this difficult experience with the belief that we can not fully live until we fully grieve our losses and painful experiences, so that we can find healing to move forward.
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