Sentences with phrase «other parts of the body»

The scientists found that the genes for each toxin family were also used in other parts of the body in the snake's evolutionary past and even today.
What's exciting is that the researchers observed this increase in other parts of the body as well, including the nervous system, according to Cell Reports.
She may also need more time to attend to wound care on other parts of her body other than her breasts or nipples.
When you consume such a thick liquid, the body will start to get water from other parts of the body so it can be able to process it.
We'll focus on teaching your puppy to target with his nose, but you can teach your puppy to target with other parts of his body just as easily.
Your skin is technically the largest organ in your body, and stress often manifests itself here before affecting other parts of your body.
We know that gum disease can be a precursor to infections in other parts of the body such as the heart valves, kidneys, and liver.
It's the cause of 90 % of all lung cancer deaths, and can even cause cancer in many other parts of the body.
As the circulation turns better, it offers a better support to the human brain and in turn, improves the performance of other parts of the body.
Not only workouts for chest but for other parts of the body as well.
This prevents information and operating instructions sent by other parts of the body from getting to this area.
It can spread to other parts of the body through the lymph system and bloodstream.
As a result of gum inflammation, bacteria can enter the bloodstream and harm other parts of the body including the heart, liver, and kidneys.
The most common disease in pets is periodontal disease, which can lead to infections that introduce bacteria into other parts of the body.
These cancers are difficult to treat because they often spread to other parts of the body before symptoms arise.
This gives your body an opportunity to have a break from digestion and heal other parts of the body that might need attention!
There are many blood vessels and nerves that run from the mouth to other parts of the body so infection in the mouth can contribute to problems other places in the body.
Thyroid hormones affect your metabolism rate, which means how fast or slow your brain, heart, muscles, liver, and other parts of your body work.
Side effects of the treatment included skin rashes, thyroid problems and diarrhea as the therapy caused the immune system to attack other parts of the body.
The brain maintains vitamin C levels even with other parts of the body show signs of deficiency.
As if menstrual bleeding weren't enough, some women have conditions which cause bleeding in other parts of their bodies at the same time as their periods.
This forces your body into compensation and makes other parts of your body take on loads they're not supposed to, which can lead to injury.
When a woman finds out she is pregnant, she knows that her belly is going to get bigger, and maybe even other parts of her body, too.
At the same time, other parts of the body need a balanced set of nutrients to support your dog's overall health.
For example, it could help explain why people often link their heart to other parts of the body during moments of extreme stress.
Further studies are needed to determine whether other parts of the body are affected as well.
B is delivered through the bloodstream, it reaches other parts of the body.
The person might experience uncomfortable sensations in their arms, as well as in certain other parts of their body as well.
RA can also affect larger joints, the skin, lungs, kidneys and the heart and blood vessels, among other parts of the body.
The bacteria that live in your mouth can cause heart disease and other cardiovascular problems if they are allowed to spread to other parts of your body due to poor dental hygiene.
This failure results in blood which should be returning from other parts of the body backing up in those body organs rather than returning normally to the heart.
Some kitties like being touched in particular areas but are sensitive about other parts of their body.
It can store vast amounts of information, carry out the most complex of tasks, and bounce back from experiences that would render other parts of the body virtually useless.
This is to say nothing of injuries to other parts of the body which have left many relatively young former players with ailments common among people two to three decades older.
A weakness in one area can cause other parts of the body to compensate for what is lacking, putting unnecessary stress on different parts of the body.
Ice can help with that as well as well as elevating their legs and resting other parts of their bodies to make sure that everything will be ok.
Like a few other parts of the body, some components of the eye, like the lens, don't have direct access to vessels that deliver immune cells.
If levels get too low, the body will «borrow» calcium from your bones to replenish other parts of your body.
If only your waist gets bigger but other parts of your body remain the same, then that's an indicator that you're gaining way too much fat.
As you focus on folding at the hip joints and stabilizing other parts of your body, you may begin to experience the stress - free feeling of being fully immersed in your practice.
Most of the top back exercises are heavy compound lifts that not only work back but hit other parts of the body as well.
These minerals help with the transportation of oxygen to the red blood cells, and also to several other parts of the body.
This means that they can become any type of blood cell but can not be used to repair other parts of the body.
You also want your pet to feel comfortable having other parts of his body handled like paws, ears and eyes.
In some cases, the bacteria can spread to other parts of the body harming different organs such as the kidney, liver, and the heart.
Much of the research shows that crash bars can help to reduce injury to a rider's leg, but may not be helpful in protecting other parts of the body.
It has all the features you need to relieve pain in your neck and shoulders while being flexible enough to use on other parts of your body.
However, the bacteria not only cause disease in the mouth; they can also affect other parts of the body, like the heart and kidneys.

Phrases with «other parts of the body»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z