Sentences with phrase «other people say»

I «ve heard other people say the same.
I say pop when other people say soda.
The other people say, why would you give your partners half a deal for not bringing anything other than money to the deal?
I've had other people say, «I want to achieve this or that, but I can't commit or I don't have the self - discipline.»
I hardly ever post anything on social media sites, but rather spend my time listening to what other people say.
There is nothing wrong with that, no matter what other people say.
They are kids who want to explore things on their own instead of accommodating what other people say.
The real proof comes from what other people say.
And other people say cat claw caps do none of those things!
Other people say a year.
You can view the AARP / New York Life insurance policy reviews to see what other people say about these policies.
Basically, it involves what other people say about you.
As Jeff Bezos said, it's reflected in what other people say about you.
And what other people say can have a huge impact on your business.
I do think people could learn not always interpret what other people say in the most negative possible way though.
what other people say and declaring them untruthful.
You do not have the right not to be offended by what other people say or do as it pertains to your religious sensitivities.
Right, because what other people say on unrelated issues proves... what?
That's right folks, you don't need other scientists to confirm your research is correct, you can just ignore what other people say and self - critique!!»
I tend to respond to what other people say, assume that if they ask about it then it's on - topic, and that any bits that are off - topic or uninteresting will be ignored.
I am not going to defend what other people say about our paper or about arctic sea ice in an interview.
Some of the things I say might disagree with things that other people say you should do.
An Interview With Lynda Benglis, «Heir To Pollock,» On Process, Travel And Not Listening To What Other People Say
After playing the full release of Battlestations: Midway for the past several days, I have learned not to judge a game by what other people say of it.
He even suggested that some reviewers wait to see what other people say before writing up their views, and that the reviews that go up immediately after a games release are usually spot on.
Oh, and by all means, please base all of your future decisions on what other people say rather than experiencing something for yourself.
Curious what other people say about Villa Nangka?
This was just plain fun to write, because I was able to get in a few deserving zings at food that, I don't care what other people say, isn't fit for civilized consumption.
Salvitti's story, like many people's in Portland, is one that is unique to a city that has an incredible ability to inspire people to pursue their dreams, to think differently and to keep going when other people say something can't be done — common themes you hear time after time from entrepreneurs all over Stumptown who have decided to strike out and start businesses as varied as manufacturing artisanal chocolate to selling vegan dog shampoo.
The bump is hard and does not push in like I have heard other people say about hernias.
Look at their credentials and what other people say about them.
They usually seem happy and content and act like they are going to have a wonderful day — regardless of what other people say or do.
Other people say the web browser is difficult to use.
It doesn't matter what other people say, it's what's on the inside of the writer counts — drive, determination, heart and guts!
«I know those other people say Author Solutions is a scam, and is being sued by their past customers,» says the new writer in search of validation, «but Big Respected Publisher says they're awesome, so it must okay to give them thousands of dollars!»
I've also heard tons of other people say the same thing - I'm not the only crazy fan.
Other people say that Amazon will discount the book if it's cheaper somewhere else.
Other people say that website owners will need to install some backend programming in order to optimize this new way of video streaming.
They don't have the obligation to do anything that would undermine it * in their own minds, * even if other people say «Hey, what right do you have to limit my exposure to vanity press (i.e. xylitol)??»
Other people say, whatever works, works.
Don't take our word for it, please check out the review sites like, Google Reviews,, and and see what other people say about us.
On the surface, the Avalon seems like a car for grandparents, but it may be the ultimate big sedan for buyers who care more about what the car does for them than what other people say about their car.
Other people say you should use overdrive for the highway only because, in normal driving conditions, the overdrive kicks in too often, overworking the transmission.
And other people say it is not directly a conflict of interest, but it suggests one.
Other people say that students who have been suspended from school have a right to appeal their punishment to the local school board.
my son and I enjoyed playing that game in co-op... critics also said ZombiU sucked, but thats easily the best survival horror game ever created... do nt listen to what other people say... play a game and if you enjoy it, thats all that matters
I'm with Aizetsu on this one, and I even say that phrase myself to others time and time again - but I guess other people say it too so I can't claim copyright.
It's like arguing that Xbox LIVE is good: you want to, but you just can't find substance to back that up besides what other people say.
EA's game is superior in every single way imaginable [except there are only 2 game modes for single player - career and exibition] Not for those that pretend to be mma fans but actually know nothing and just mimic what they hear other people say.
Who cares what other people say?!
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