Sentences with phrase «other peoples belief»

You should at least know how to be respectable of other peoples belief.
I am an atheist who feels that I should respect other peoples beliefs as long as they respect mine not to believe in the myth that they fell for.
They just discard other peoples beliefs.
We respect other people beliefs and in a lot of cases people who honor faith and try and be true to it.
It is just polite to accept other peoples beliefs and acknowledge them.
Here's hoping all that wickedness, ignorance, bigotry, and misinformation you have vanishes and you become wise, caring, understanding and accepting other peoples beliefs and choices.
arguing about which religion is «true» is a further disservice to this long suffering woman, as is not allowing other people their beliefs, that is why she was imprisoned in the first place.
You're statement is a prime example of why I don't want a Mormon president: you believe other peoples beliefs don't matter and have no regard for Freedom OF Religion.
You know, your ignorant preacher is the worst person to listen to when it comes to other peoples beliefs.
REspect other peoples beliefs... but to be fair being «spiritual but not religous» is not a belief at all it is a cop out to avoid a decision, but everyone will eventually make one, it just takes time.
I respect other peoples beliefs, and the problem in this world is people who are religious that try to press their religion on other people any way possible.
Then why are you showing them correct by coming to these threads and acting like jerks trying to crap on other peoples beliefs?
You have turned it into a fight for no other reason than to attack other peoples beliefs.
Truth is Judeo - Christianity EVOLVED to incorporate other peoples beliefs as it saw fit.

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«Social norms, which are people's beliefs about what institutions and other people consider acceptable behavior, powerfully influence what people do and don't do,» the pair wrote.
Too many people succumb to the mistaken belief that the ability to connect with others is a natural, unteachable trait that belongs to only a lucky few.
Kim Peters, an executive vice president at the Great Place to Work Institute, which produces the rankings, says that Whole Foods consistently stands out for several reasons: its willingness to let people's individuality shine through, the sense of teamwork it fosters, employees» belief in the company's mission and purpose, and its propensity for developing workers through cross-training and other means.
But the persuader's ultimate goal should be to have the other person accept (or at least understand) her belief and deal with any concerns.
Finding out how people behave in other places can support or negate your beliefs and change your marketing techniques in the best way possible.
Same thing if you attempt to debunk the facts that the other person has marshaled to support that belief.
Rather than pushing against the other person's beliefs, and thus creating resistance, you show the other person how their beliefs actually support your viewpoint, rather than the viewpoint that they currently espouse.
Other people reading your content will have a wide range of beliefs and opinions.
The underlying beliefs that people in the United States and China hold toward each other in the security realm are likely to influence, directly or indirectly, each side's foreign policy with regard to the bilateral relationship.
The underlying beliefs that people in the United States and China hold toward each other in the security realm are likely to influence foreign policy.
But most people buying Bitcoin are doing so in the belief that others will want it even more in the future.
We will never include home addresses or any other information about any person in our database that is not related to a business purpose, for example, information regarding: race or ethnic origin; political opinions; religious or other similar beliefs; trade union membership; physical or mental health; sexual life; or criminal record.
Others are asking whether they contributed to a «filter bubble» among users who largely interact with people who share the same beliefs.
Anyway, I stand by my belief that if you are a happy person with a healthy dose of self - esteem, it's hard to tell others to f off once you have f you money.
«But, that belief in other people is starting to make its way to Kansas City.»
I may have my own beliefs as to which types of news and opinion are most reliable, but if lots of other people who trade decide the news is important, it will be an important day.»
Atheists who attack other people's religious beliefs are really expressing their own inner conflict.
The only restriction I believe is appropriate on religious belief is to stop them from hurting other people or ritualistic abuse of animals.
I'm an atheist, and one of the things I hated about religion is that the Christians are always trying to force their absurd beliefs off on other people now there is an organized group of atheists trying to do the same thing with a non-religion.
But in the real world, I think atheists and people of varying faiths probably work together on various things for the good of mankind — often not really knowing fully about each others» beliefs, yet still accomplishing good things together.
In other words, if they're exposed to people from outside their community, they may realize how ridiculous their beliefs are.
But maybe those people should've kept their beliefs to themselves...» Are you seriously implying that it was necessary to push religion on others in order to bring them hospitals & schools?
If there was any evidence that anything supernatural was real, real scientists would be testing that evidence to find out more and people like you and your indoctrinators would not need to manipulate (and threaten) others into belief!
Both sides should stop being aggressive and trying to shove their beliefs down other people's throats.
So why are you trying to push your beliefs on other people?
I personally hear the atheists I know complain more than the religious people about others talking about their beliefs, could just be the people I know though.
Here is a far better set of test: Which community has beliefs tat lead its members to treat persons in other communities with love and respect - to serve them and meet their needs?
But alas, people still prejudicially ascribe certain moral qualities to others based on their belief system, so this is not going away any time soon.
What's more, people who deny evolutionary theory are more prone to reject other scientific theories that they feel threaten their belief systems.
Both people of faith and atheists should stop worrying about what the other side believes and just follow your own beliefs.
I am sorry there are people that have no faith in God, but I am more saddened by the efforts of ALL in this discussion to cast words of hate on others in some personal attempt at achieving self - worth at the expense of someone else's belief (or non-belief).
When atheists begin a debate with a religious person, it's because the atheists are bullies who have no respect for the beliefs of others.
But when you start shoving your beliefs down other people's throats... then we have problems.
Why are you projecting your beliefs onto other people?
Here is a far better set of test: Which community has beliefs tat lead its members to treat persons in other communities with love and respect — to serve them and meet their needs?
Meanwhile, they scoff at other people's belief in other gods.
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