Sentences with phrase «other perturbations»

This is why a cessation of anthropogenic contributions to atmospheric CO2 would eventually tend to return atmospheric concentrations to the preindustrial level of about 280 ppm in the absence of other perturbations of the balance between the atmosphere and other parts of the system.
Obviously, we, the denizens of the world, will determine the future course of human emissions to the atmosphere as well as other perturbations to the earth.
The concept of OA by anthropogenic CO2 suffices to accommodate the changes observed in the open ocean, where other perturbations such as atmospheric deposition of reactive sulfur and nitrogen play a minor role and where, perhaps with the exception of the Arctic Ocean, watershed perturbations are minimal.
With many thousands of 3 - D fuzzy patches weighed statistically by a so - called sensor model, which is trained offline using calibrated example routes, the system is remarkably tolerant of poor sight, changes in lighting, movement of objects, mechanical inaccuracies and other perturbations.
This increases the amount of sunlight and heat entering the atmosphere and, as a result, increases the sensitivity of our climate to carbon dioxide or any other perturbation.
How do immune system specific cells react and behave in response to infections and other perturbations?
«The UMI highlights the need for new imaging and omics technologies, such as those currently being developed at PNNL, to understand how microbes function and interact in complex environments and how they are impacted by climate change and other perturbations,» said Jansson, who also leads the Microbiomes in Transition initiative at PNNL.
No politics, recessions or any other perturbations will ever halt the people's desire to find a perfect match.
It is easy to confuse calculated TOA imbalance (or radiative forcing), caused by increasing GHGs or other perturbations, with actual TOA flux, which must remain equal to F0 in the long term.
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