Sentences with phrase «other phone feel»

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If you're not a fan of the way an armband feels, but you want something both extra durable and comfortable to carry your phone and other personal items, you should check out the Kona pouch.
Virtualized phone systems allow you to integrate land lines, mobile phones and other IT infrastructure so clients never feel out of the loop
Among those basic desires is for the phone to just feel good when held, an aspect HTC has mastered perhaps better than any other manufacturer.
Graphics - heavy games like Deus Ex Go feel just a bit sluggish, and benchmark tests consistently put it behind the iPhone SE and other $ 400 phones like the OnePlus 3.
A quick chat with a friend online or a short conversation with a significant other on the phone helps us feel as though we're not so separated from our loved ones.
While we thrive thanks to lightning speed Internet connections, cell phones that are smarter than the average human being and other neat gadgets that make our lives feel and seem easier, we are exhausting a number of non-renewable resources.
Brian and Mike were not in Dallas, we sought them out because we valued their opinion as leaders and the phone conversations had become so alarming that we felt that we needed counsel from others.
And yes, it feels a little odd when everyone else in the room is checking their phones and laughing at things and I'm just standing there, but I think there was a time when groups of people in rooms all functioned perfectly well, phoneless and looking at each other.
And then I guess the poor soul on the other end felt sorry for Joshua's mom left with no cell phone number to bug her son with about football because he / she replied,
This doesn't mean you should feel bad about your car or your phone or the fact that you make more money than others.
Usmanov, on the other hand, I get a feeling he is the type that will perch in his office recliner & shut off phone calls for 2 hours to watch a game.
mummy bloggers just put your camera phones down & stop posting pics of your kids online, however beautiful & enjoyable they may be for others to view (me included — I do feel a hypocrite!).
Some babies can sleep well with noises, light or other places out of home but some others can be easily disturbed by small things like clothing labels, phone ringing, TV volume or some sensations they feel in their body.
When I feel she is ready for the different situations that come from other people having access to her then she can have a cell phone.
It'll alert you automatically about breathing, movement, or any other unusual activity, so while you may still feel the need to do so, you won't have to check your phone every five seconds.
When you can't sleep because you're feeling anxious about an unexpected pregnancy complication, you are comforted knowing all you have to do is pick up the phone and there'll be someone on the other end of the line who never says «Well, at least...».
Certainly, when I spoke to Mr Corbyn late last night a fair few times on the phone he said that he felt that it was an attack on him and that he'd come to the conclusion because of that, and one or two other things, that I shouldn't continue.»
It will not be easy, but Porter is hopeful that one day doctors specializing in other cancers will experience what he did when examining one of his leukemia patients not long after that phone call on the quad: He felt under the man's arm for his lymph nodes, which had been enlarged by the cancer for years.
Social support comes in many forms — phone calls, emails, Facebook comments, even text messages — and can help provide support and counteract feelings of loneliness, isolation, inadequacy, rejection and other states associated with depression.
The stray piece that feels like smiling isn't a chore, that wants to answer the phone and talk, that gets up off the chair and does things out in the world, things with other people, even.
For others, living the Cubicle Life feels like a spiritual death, like each day has boiled down to a menial check list that feels like a series of giant milestones to get through each day: coffee, morning meeting, phone calls, meeting, lunch, water cooler chit chat, meetings, phone calls, crunching numbers, bureaucracy, punch out.
Real - life interactions are dulled when a person feels the urge to check their phone, and the distraction a phone affords one partner doesn't make the other person feel good.
When you're apart for a long time, the other person can start feeling like just a voice or face on the end of the phone.
A survey of students found that those who made use of their phones more than others had higher levels of feeling lonely, isolated, anxious and depressed.
It's also related to our super-dependence on smart phones and the panic of feeling disconnected if technology breaks down and we can't access emails or other communications — a new version of what's clinically known as an «attachment disorder.»
Here's where we get a feel of the future, you can freely connect it to an application on your phone so you can connect with other people with your progress.
Yesterday was the last day of my sister being here in Helsinki and after 2 years of living together and then only few minutes away from each other, it feels surreal that she's now gone... It's for better, but still, my best friend is not a phone call / walk away anymore.
Not that the other bloggers aren't real... I just feel like I could pick up the phone and call Beth to meet me for a day of shopping and drinks on a whim.
I see that those are the only moments out of 365 days a year that people get to relax a little, shut off their phones and laptops and actually forget about the work and chasing materialistic stuff and do concentrate more on each others and feeling life instead of just rushing half thought through it...
And I kind of felt like some other participants were really phoning it in at times.
Tackling the other end feel in a smooth transition from lend phone chat dating san diego.
It can be hard to detect tone, sarcasm, and true meaning over text, so hopping on the phone is a much better option for sensing what the other person feels.
CT: I've seen things where people have gone out and they've gotten a throwaway phone or they've gotten a google voice number or some other alternate form of communication they can control and turn off or on with this particular individual so they feel more secure, and to me, that's always been a good way to go.
Not fidgeting with your phone during a date, giving full attention to the other person, and being nice to your server will leave a lasting impression on your date and will help make you both feel more at ease.
But the take home message here is to arrange the first date fast after you feel that there's nothing really wrong with the other person - and avoid falling into the trap of trying to get too much in information just from emails, instant messages and phone conversations.
CheatChat is one of the most unique phone sex lines in the country, because callers have two choices: they can either talk to a phone sex operator who knows how to make them feel good, or they can record a greeting for other callers to hear, chatline style.
When a women is walking back and forth waiting for you to wrap it up on the phone with your ex (talking about the kids is okay, talking about other stuff of other dating sites really ought to wait) that is also a request.When a woman shrugs and tells you it's fine, that is not permission to go but an invitation to find out how she really feels.
In response to other online dating scams, Tony said, «even if you feel you have become closer to someone via email or phone, this person is still largely a stranger to you, so if you feel ready to meet them in person, whether it is your first or fifth date, keep on high alert and report anything suspicious.
It might feel daunting to make a phone call, but it's a lot easier than being the one on the other end.
Make sure that you have a friend to check up on you during your date, whether by text message, phone call, or other means you feel comfortable with.
The conversation was even better on the phone and it felt like we already knew each other.
In your free minutes, you will be able to start connecting with other members, to get a feel for what kind of people are out there, and to really try your hand at phone dating!
MetroVibe is a phone dating service for black singles tired of living a lonely life who are ready to mingle and express their feelings with other urban singles.
I noticed after having my son, Noah, that I was always the one taking the pictures or diving for my phone and found out other moms felt this way too!
Considering that Smith claims that he made this film for teen girls, not for one moment does Yoga Hosers feel like anything other than a mid-40s writer / director shaking his fist at a younger phone - desperate generation, making inside jokes for the adults in the audience and lambasting the critics that have wronged him in the past.
If nothing else, Elizabethtown built a remarkable sequence around an all - night phone conversation that captured the feeling of new love — the bottomless hunger for information, and the way time disappears as two people get to know each other.
The hook of the film, with its young girl trapped in a car whose only lifeline is at the other end of a cell phone, is certainly a grabber, and does maintain a modicum of interest even if it often feels like we don't learn much more than we had by watching the all - too - revealing trailer.
So, I just sent word that I liked it and within a day or so, we were on the phone with each other and shortly thereafter she came out to L.A. and we sat down and really, at that point, it's more a matter of feel.
Data collected from online curriculum providers, online storage systems, apps and include name, photo, address, phone, email, bus stop as well as feelings, opinions and values collected via hundreds of surveys embedded in online curriculum and other technology storage retainers.
Do you ever feel like your kids spend too much time on their tablets, phones, and other electronic devices?
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