Sentences with phrase «other pieces of»

These little gems of the sea have been around for centuries in long strands and other pieces of jewelry.
Adding to traditional sheer shirts, designers used transparent fabrics for skirts, dresses and many other pieces of their collections.
I share my personal style, home decor, beauty routines, career advice and other pieces of my life.
I accessorized with a leather choker with an O - ring in the middle to match with my other pieces of my outfit.
Seeking Sunshine is an outlet for comfortable style, travel, fitness, and other pieces of life in between.
Along with my rings, I wore small boxwood pearl earrings & a tiny bracelet I bought in Italy as my only other pieces of jewelry.
You could just as easily combine these stunning Aquamarine Drop Earrings from Browns Family Jewellers with other pieces of jewellery because of how classic they are and I think they'd be a good match with statement pieces for the evening such as a Swarovski choker or more subtle pieces for the day that are simple and elegant.
You should also consider bringing in other pieces of nature for a finishing touch, such as pine cones, twigs, berries, antlers, and faux furs to bring the outdoors into your home and complete the look.
It is easy to wear and match with other pieces of your clothes.
So, I opted for black as the contrasting accent color, and made sure that I didn't veer away from that when picking all the other pieces of the outfit... i.e. blazer, belt, bag, shoes, which helped in keeping the whole ensemble looking nice and simple.
They're fuss - free and easy to pair with outfits and other pieces of jewellery making it a must for this season's wardrobe.
One way I've transitioned these pants, that you've seen before here and here, was changing some of the other pieces of the outfit so it doesn't look so summery.
The shoes were the main point of this look and I wanted them to shine, literally and figuratively, so I kept all the other pieces of this look muted and complimentary to the shoe situation, because these ones deserve their own stage.
You can also attach other pieces of equipment to it, such as weights or straps.
But as with so many other pieces of mainstream health wisdom, the doctors and scientists got that one wrong, not that there was such great evidence to begin with.
But it can also help to have a few other pieces of equipment on hand.
These ballistic movements are difficult to duplicate using any other pieces of exercise equipment.
Ketogenic diet,» It's like there's so many different variables out there and these other pieces of the puzzle.
It also acts a major advantage for Bowflex Blaze over many other pieces of equipment.
In our review, we discuss exactly what makes this product stand out from the other pieces of gym equipment.
If you want to build up rock - solid shoulders, traps, and arms while adding 30, 50 or even 100 pounds to your deadlift, then simply click the «Add To Cart» button below and you will have INSTANT access to the Off The Floor manual along with the 5 other pieces of the system.
Thoughts are Things When our brains are operating at Peak Performance all the other pieces of the puzzle fall into place.
You want to ensure that they are properly separated, so pick apart pieces where the bread is sticking to other pieces of bread.
And these are the other pieces of the puzzle.
Amongst many other pieces of information, he shows that protein intake raises serum insulin level through its ability to stimulate the production of the incretin hormones in our stomachs.
Occasionally PSPR publishes other pieces of particular interest to members of the Society, such as special topical issues, selected symposia, and invited addresses.
Upper stages of launch vehicles, defunct satellites, flecks of paint and other pieces of fast - moving space junk can all threaten active spacecraft.
«Magnetic fields are one of the keys to understand the sub-surface of the planet, in combination with other pieces of information such as gravity and seismic measurements,» said Dr Rune Floberghagen, Esa's Swarm mission manager.
Eric Kandel has focused on one tiny, little part of the puzzle and there have also been other pieces of research that explain one tiny, little cog in this giant machine that the brain represents.
After pieces of the hose were removed from the intakes of the two pumps after the incident, neither pump was tested to make sure it was working properly and no other pieces of hose were stuck in the piping or pump, the NRC said.
«This implies that IL - 37 may be a basic component of immune system regulation, with IL - 37 levels affecting many other pieces of the overall response,» Fujita says.
But he thinks his approach will help other pieces of the hydrogen infrastructure fall into place.
Readings obtained by 35 monitoring stations indicate that the Indian plate is 100 kilometers thick, only one - third as thick as other pieces of the former supercontinent, the researchers report tomorrow in Nature.
There's nothing more scientifically interesting about the house smashers than any other pieces of meteorite, but their value rises when there's a good story attached.
By comparing differences in the gene that confers antibiotic resistance, as well as other pieces of DNA, the team determined that 70 % of their samples included just five bacterial strains.
Other pieces of amber suggest that a different tick species from the same period, dubbed Deinocroton draculi, hung out in feathered dinosaur nests (SN: 8/23/14, p. 15).
In order to enter their home, we ducked under the rank flesh of a cow udder and other pieces of meat hanging from a clothesline.
All of the other pieces of equipment we looked at came in either steel grey or white, making this really unique!
Kauai's ancient rocks can reveal other pieces of planetary history, as well.
The Buffalo Billion project and other pieces of Cuomo's economic development programs have drawn scrutiny from the U.S. Attorney and Attorney General Eric Schneiderman due to allegations including bid - rigging that favored large Cuomo donors.
But other pieces of legislation in the package were rushed through without proper input from the public or the Campaign Finance Board, they said.
ALBANY — Here's one way to interpret Senator Jeff Klein's loud advocacy this season for the Dream Act, paid sick leave, campaign finance reform and other pieces of the liberal agenda that failed to make it into the budget this year:
There were several other pieces of legislation where they did very well and there's some that they did really dismally from our perspective.
Janice Grieshaber said she remembers Silver as the cold man who left them waiting and hoping in Assembly chambers until midnight on the last day of session, while hundreds of other pieces of legislation came up for a vote.
The plant is a major employer in the North Country, manufacturing buses, subway cars and other pieces of transportation equipment.
The current five - year transit system capital plan, which covers upkeep for the subways, the Long Island Rail Road and Metro - North, plus other pieces of the transit system, is about $ 29 billion.
The plan also created tension among some women's rights groups that didn't want other pieces of legislation to be held hostage because of the abortion plank.
I'm a little bit of a cynic, I want to sign it, I want to get it done and we have some other pieces of business we have to do here also.
There are a number of other pieces of legislation and government guidelines that also apply to the adoption procedure.
In June, the Senate passed three of the act's 10 bills — including an equal pay measure — and have accused their Democratic colleagues of holding these and other pieces of of the WEA hostage in their all - or - nothing effort to force the abortion issue.
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