Sentences with phrase «other policy elements»

We suggest that changes to ratios and group size must be considered within the context of other policy elements — early childhood training, pedagogy, facility considerations, safety and financing — that is, within a full policy process with a goal of real transformation.
We suggest that changes to ratios and group size must be considered within the context of other policy elements — early childhood professional education, pedagogy, facility considerations, safety and financing — that is, within a full policy process with a goal of real transformation.

Not exact matches

Citing the paper «Why Some Futures Contracts Succeed and Others Fail», Kemp argues that the third key element to a successful futures contract — public policy should not be too adverse to futures trading — could be the stumbling block to the Chinese crude futures, while the new contract could easily meet the other two criteria for success.
the view that public education and other matters of civil policy should be conducted without the introduction of a religious element.
Others favour the model set out most credibly by American foreign policy expert John Hulsman, who advocates an ambitious global free trade area with a security element — effectively tying the world's liberal democracies together, with Britain playing a significant new role within this new structure.
Of course, there are other necessary elements including an innovation strategy, policies to boost human capital giving employees a stake and voice in the firm as well as upgrading skills, more investment in science and R&D, and more risk capital for firms in export - led sectors.
The solution adopted by the Congress does not, however, solve the problem, but only touches some of its elements (tax policies) and postpones dealing with the others (cuts in governmental spending) for a few weeks.
That kind of polarization would inevitably decrease the policy options of other states in the Asia - Pacific and would underline the competitive rather than cooperative elements in the US - China relationship (Shambaugh, 2013).
Therefore the second element of the re-organisation of British politics is to attempt to transform the Labour Party itself into a social democratic party on the model of other west European social democratic parties — which means qualitatively reducing the influence of the rank and file and the trade unions over policy and the parliamentary party.
Bart M. Schwartz, a former federal prosecutor, is to conduct the review; it involves the Buffalo Billion, a signature Cuomo administration program meant to revitalize that long - suffering city, and other elements of the governor's nanotech initiative, on which he has hinged much of his upstate economic policy.
Effective policies for education, research, antitrust and a variety of other elements of the entrepreneurship environment ought to complement a skills - oriented immigration policy,» Hart and Acs write.
The practice of science, which includes the packaging of findings from science for use in the public - policy arena, is governed by an unwritten code of conduct that includes such elements as mastering the relevant fundamental concepts before venturing into print in the professional or public arena, learning and observing proper practices for presenting ranges of respectable opinion and uncertainty, avoiding the selection of data to fit pre-conceived conclusions, reading the references one cites and representing their content accurately and fairly, and acknowledging and correcting the errors that have crept into ones work (some of which are, of course, inevitable) after they are discovered by oneself or by others.
The improved scores were impressive enough to lead several states and other major school districts, including New York, to adopt elements of the Chicago Public Schools (CPS) policy — making student progress toward the next grade dependent on demonstrated achievement on standardized tests.
The framing of policy in the NRC report is simple: «The small or nonexistent benefits that have been demonstrated to date suggest that incentives need to be carefully designed and combined with other elements of the educational system to be effective.»
Numbers have become an essential element in policy rhetoric, a form of evidence needed to persuade others.
In other cases, it has involved turning elements of civil society and the private economy into arms of government policy — by requiring compliance with policy goals that are foreign to many civil - society institutions or consolidating key sectors of the economy and offering protection to large corporations willing to act as public utilities or to advance policymakers» priorities.
However, we do have a responsibility to find sites that meet the specific needs of schools and all technical matters, including key areas such as how the buildings will be able to work properly on the site, transport and highways issues, flood matters, other elements of planning policy form part of the criteria when deciding if a site is suitable or not.
The system includes the following features: • contact lists for staff, stakeholders, suppliers and emergency services • contact list for staff and the senior management team that would deal with a major incident (these includes notification elements) • pre-loaded documents, such as media and security advice • the option to upload other documents, such as specific policies and procedures.
In your context, have you seen change in the alignment between stakeholders, district policies, resource allocation or other key elements that support increased student outcomes?
As presidential candidates trade views on immigration, foreign policy, health care, and a multitude of other issues, one essential element of American life seems to be missing from the conversation: K - 12 education.
But although the fifth priority has been welcomed in principle by NASUWT general secretary Chris Keates, she warned that other elements of education policy could stand in the way.
Through implementation research, the influence of elements of the STEM schools» design and other contextual factors, such as state policies, are being examined.
Agents of Their Own Success: Self - Advocacy Skills and Self - Determination for Students with Disabilities in the Era of Personalized Learning: This report highlights steps students, families, educators, policy makers, and other key stakeholders in our education system can take to ensure all students are equipped with self - advocacy skills and the capacity for self - determination: elements we know are critical to their success in personalized learning settings.
A key element of bargaining for the common good is challenging the corporate and financial actors who are driving an austerity agenda and profiting off privatization and other policies that threaten our communities.
The presentation discusses young children's brain development, dimensions of readiness, elements and measurements of quality, the P - 20 approach, and other areas policy can impact.
Provide parents and guardians with copies of all discipline policies, including the discipline code, student code of conduct, appeals process, process for re-enrollment, where appropriate, and other related notices; and ensure that these written materials accurately reflect the key elements of the disciplinary approach, including appeals, alternative dispositions, time lines, and provisions for informal hearings.
These include the laws, policies, and regulations; funding, resource allocations, and procedures for determining funding levels; district, state and federal administrative offices, as well as school facilities, and transportation vehicles; human resources, staffing, contracts, compensation and employee benefits; books, computers, teaching resources and other learning materials; and many other elements.
Unlike with many other policies, you can fully tailor a policy to your needs and exclude all the extra elements that do not pertain to your situation, for example, earthquake protection in Ontario.
While some elements of homeownership, such as mortgage interest, may be partially tax deductible, the premiums you pay for a home insurance policy are treated similarly to any other personal expense related to your home, such as a utility bill.
An individual policy provides coverage for your personal possessions and for any structural elements not covered by the master policy if you are the victim of fire, theft or other disaster listed in your policy.
Obviously, paying less tax on a settlement will make it more attractive under the new tax reform, but we expect the other elements mentioned to also encourage policy owners and their advisors to actively consider life settlement options.
Perhaps the most important one comes where Mr. Romm — echoing others, including Paul Hawken here — says that meaningful climate policy, even with leadership and effective communication, still requires another element: «Bad things must be happening to regular people right now....»
The intensity target, if dominating other elements of the INDC, national policies and actions, would lead to much higher 2030 emission levels of 15 - 16.9 GtCO2e.
By not talking about the elements of a «comprehensive» climate policy, he did nothing to buttress support for anything other than an energy - only bill.
We remind the reader that we considered other candidate tipping elements, which are not listed here because they did not meet conditions 2 — 4 for policy relevance.
RFF researchers provide context and commentary on over 40 regulatory elements and other policies related to oil and gas extraction, transport, and use in the United States.
These policy elements, and other relevant details of California's cap - and - trade program, are summarized in Table 1 below.
While the other six elements have important local or regional impacts, adopting policies based on global limits could be misguided.
[68] The substantive elements of the termination that the Board found unreasonable included: the principal ordering Mr. Dorval to use codes given the evidence that policy (of RSCHS and Edmonton Public School Board) supported involvement of teachers» professional judgment and consultation; the order being simply announced with little or no consultation; questions or concerns being ignored; little or no communication to students and parents about the codes or their enactment; the failure of the principal and the appellant to respect the professional rights and duties of the teacher regarding assessment of his students; and the discriminatory singling out of Mr. Dorval for discipline when other teachers who also challenged and refused to follow the principal's order were not disciplined.
In this series, we review how to achieve effective, consistent holds for your organization, including: the duty of preservation and its triggers, required elements of an effective hold, relevant processes and policies, tools for hold issuance and tracking, and other issues.
A variable universal policy brings many of the benefits of other universal life types, including flexible premiums, and includes an annually renewable term life element to provide permanent life insurance.
Here, all the elements of the policy are treated separately and you're allowed to change or skip the premium payments as well as change the death benefit effortlessly compared to other policies.
Customer service representatives can help you out understanding the policy and other elements of your coverage.
Due to a continuously evolving and creative criminal element, there are other forms of Fidelity / Crime insurance coverage which may be added to your policy as extensions or endorsements.
An individual policy provides coverage for your personal possessions and for any structural elements not covered by the master policy if you are the victim of fire, theft or other disaster listed in your policy.
If you feel that underinsured motorist coverage or any other element of your policy is pushing your premiums too high, think about increasing a deductible to offset the cost.
While some elements of homeownership, such as mortgage interest, may be partially tax deductible, the premiums you pay for a home insurance policy are treated similarly to any other personal expense related to your home, such as a utility bill.
Generally applicable to current assumption policies such as equity indexed, variable and universal life, cost of insurance charges are monthly charges for mortality and other elements of insurer expense that are assessed against the policy based on the insured's current age, the original rate class, and the current net amount at risk.
Since this element is not there in the insured amount, the premium for term insurance is less than that of other insurance policies.
But there are plenty of other ways you could beef up your policy by adding in some optional elements to it as well.
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