Sentences with phrase «other possible effects»

The range for linear contrails does not include other possible effects of aviation on cloudiness.
Other possible effects include acne, an enlarged clitoris, increased muscle mass, and deepening of the voice.
But we continue to believe that a broad approach to the possible risks is needed, which goes beyond purely behavioural harm, and which also takes account of other possible effects on the sensibilities and attitudes of individuals.»
But good news — Tribulus terrestris is a complex plant with many other possible effects on acne.
In addition to rising temperatures, the report discussed a variety of «other possible effects of an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide», including melting of the Antarctic ice cap, rise of sea level, warming of sea water, increased acidity of fresh waters (which also applies to the danger of ocean acidification, global warming's evil twin), and an increase in plant photosynthesis.
High blood pressure, delayed growth, and slow weight gain are other possible effects.
• Insert needles in the appropriate acupoints for the patient's primary concerns while paying attention to any potential contraindications and other precautions to reduce any bleeding and other possible effects.
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