Sentences with phrase «other potential applications»

In statements, the startup indicated that the new name reflects an expansion of its company goals, one that finds it shifting from purely financial applications to other potential applications of the technology.
Other potential applications include better flat - panel displays and solar cells.
The modules have other potential applications from education to the internet of things.
Other potential applications range from e-books to flexible cell phones.
The researchers anticipate that their smart material will have other potential applications in enhanced oil recovery and biomedical science.
Many other potential applications of this dataset are explored in the series of papers, and they include studying the role of faint galaxies during cosmic reionisation (starting just 380,000 years after the Big Bang), galaxy merger rates when the Universe was young, galactic winds, star formation as well as mapping the motions of stars in the early Universe.
The researchers envision many other potential applications for their inverse design algorithm, including high bandwidth optical communications, compact microscopy systems and ultra-secure quantum communications.
At the two - day First International Conference on Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures, researchers will discuss other potential applications of such artificial intelligence.
The GRL paper notes other potential applications of using the dark fiber, including urban seismic hazard analysis, global seismic imaging, offshore submarine volcano detection, nuclear explosion monitoring, and microearthquake characterization.
Wei Li, an MSU engineering researcher and lead author of the paper in Nature Communications, said other potential applications of the FENG include noise - cancelling sheeting and a health - monitoring wristband that is voice - protected.
LIG can be written into target materials in patterns and used as a supercapacitor, an electrocatalyst for fuel cells, radio - frequency identification (RFID) antennas and biological sensors, among other potential applications.
The Vanderbilt scientists are pursuing other potential applications of activating endocannabinoids by substrate - selective COX - 2 inhibition, including relieving pain, treating movement disorders, and possibly preventing colon cancer.
Other potential applications include diagnostic devices and scaffolds for tissue engineering.
Other potential applications for sasers include detecting defects in microscopic structures and improving signal processing in semiconductor chips, the scientists say.
Other potential applications of magnetic charge ice might include enhancement of the current - carrying capability of superconductors.
Once that has been done, there are other potential applications, says the surgeon: for example in orthopaedics for meniscus or ligament injuries or as a potential skin substitute for deep skin burns.
They belong to a family of versatile porous materials called metal organic frameworks, which have a wide variety of other potential applications.
Other potential applications include the modelling of buildings, the 3D mapping of archaeological excavations, and virtual - reality computer games.
With the motto of «Successfully use Copernicus» this year's user forum focused on the use of Copernicus data and services in different areas, such as science, business, government and other potential applications.
But there are other potential applications.
From smartphones, car dashboards, and even business cards that speak your name to the recipient — although that last one is a little more space age than the other potential applications.
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