Sentences with phrase «other predisposed breeds»

Other predisposed breeds include Bulldogs and, less commonly, Cocker Spaniels.
Commonly affected breeds are those with pigmented mouth tissues such as the Chow Chow, however other predisposed breeds are poodles, dachshunds, Scottish terriers and golden retrievers.

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Other studies show that fat cells multiply to a significantly greater extent in rats who aren't allowed to run on their wheels, while others show that such voluntary exercise in parents can stem positive transgenerational effects in offspring that are bred to be genetically predisposed to obesity (for instance, reduced body fat).
Whether you have a Rat Terrier or a Doberman Pinscher, certain breeds are just more predisposed to certain conditions than others.
Socializing your dog or puppy from a young age may help him get along better with other dogs but some breeds may be predisposed to developing inter-dog aggression once they reach maturity.
Some dog breeds are more predisposed to dog on dog aggression than others.
Although Dalmatians tend to have few health problems compared to many other dog breeds, they are genetically predisposed to hearing loss.
As any other dog breed, the Pocket Beagle is genetically predisposed to developing certain health conditions.
Other breeds that are predisposed to HCM include Norwegian forest cats, Persians, Devon and Cornish rexes, and sphynxes, but it affects random - bred cats, too.
Hyperpigmentation is seen in breeds predisposed to enhanced pigmentation secondary to inflammation; in other breeds, hypopigmentation can occur.
They're particularly interested in any common links between dogs with cancer, which golden retrievers are slightly more predisposed to than other dog breeds.
It is important to understand that any dog of any breed can have these health issues but certain breeds are more predisposed than others.
Hepatic encephalopathy is somewhat more common in the breeds of dogs and cats that are the most prone to liver problems (portosystemic shunts are a predisposing factor in toy and small breeds of dogs and in Persian cats; English cockers, Labs, Westies and dobies because of their increased susceptibility to liver disease of other sorts).
To date, other purebreds and mixed breed dogs predisposed to MVD have not been studied and screened to the level of Cavaliers.
The Boxer breed and other brachycephalic or short - nosed breeds may be predisposed to it.
It can be seen in any breed, but some breeds are predisposed including Basset Hounds, Bloodhounds, Bull Mastiffs, St. Bernards, Newfoundlands, and several breeds of Spaniels, among others.
Dachshunds seem predisposed to this problem, as their disk seem to age or degenerate more quickly than those of other breeds.
Breeds predisposed to detachment include Bichon Frise, Shih Tzu, Miniature Poodle, and Labrador Retriever, among others.
Cataracts are generally milky white in appearance; some breeds are more predisposed to cataracts than others, and cataracts can also come secondary to another condition.
Certain breeds are also more predisposed to arthritis than others.
Mateasers (and many other small breeds) are indeed predisposed to dental problems.
Impaction is the most common anal gland disorder and small breed dogs like Miniature Poodles, Toy Poodles and Chihuahuas are more predisposed to anal gland disorders than other breeds.
Purebred cats such as the Persian and other Asian breeds, Ragdolls, Maine Coones and American shorthairs are predisposed to develop the condition.
American Pit Bull Terrier / American Staffordshire Terrier - These dogs were originally bred for bull baiting and dog fighting, and as a result are predisposed to be aggressive to other animals.
Some breeds seem to be genetically predisposed such as standard Poodles, Schnauzers, and Retrievers, but it's also common in mixed breeds and other breeds of dogs as well.
Other than selective breeding, it is possible to manage other factors in hip dysplasia development when raising a predisposed pOther than selective breeding, it is possible to manage other factors in hip dysplasia development when raising a predisposed pother factors in hip dysplasia development when raising a predisposed puppy.
«In this study only Labradors were examined, but as other breeds are predisposed to developing elbow dysplasia, particularly German Shepherds, it would be interesting to investigate how hydrotherapy affects the movement of different types of dogs.»
Dog breeds that are predisposed to mitral valve disease include Cavaliers, Chihuahuas, Toy Poodles, and Dachshunds, among others.
Some akitas, shibas, and perhaps other oriental breeds seem predisposed to having slightly smaller RBCs (ie a low MCV).
For example, if your pet is a breed genetically predisposed to a certain health problem, through nutrition we can suppress certain genes so they don't express themselves, or encourage other genes to do the opposite.
I find it is easy for me to think that about other breeds, or even other lines within my breed... but when it comes to my beloved saluki, of course nothing in their conformation predisposes them to problems!
While patella luxation can be seen in any breed of cat (or non-pedigree cats), it appears to be seen more commonly in Abyssinian and Devon Rex cats, but other breeds may also be predisposed.
Any breed of cat or dog can develop breast cancer; however, some are more predisposed to the condition than others.
There are no known predisposing factors other than size and breed that I am aware of for hemangiosarcoma.
500 milligrams taurine for breeds (Newfoundlands and certain spaniels and retrievers; possibly other giant breeds) predisposed to taurine deficiency - related cardiomyopathy (heart disease)
Many airlines outright ban other breeds that are not predisposed to brachycephalic syndrome, such as Doberman Pinschers.
Irish Water Spaniels, Red, Blue and Black Doberman Pinschers, Chesapeake Bay Retrievers, Portuguese Water Dogs and other breeds are predisposed to developing follicular dysplasia.
Some breeds are more predisposed to this than others.
Other breeds that may be predisposed to megaesophagus are:
If you own a breed that's predisposed to this disorder, you may want to go with one of our other top picks to avoid possibly paying for surgery out - of - pocket.
Other breeds predisposed to develop demodex include: Afghan Hound, Beagle, Chihuahua, Chow Chow, Collie, Dachshund, Dalmatian, Doberman Pinscher, German Shepherd, Great Dane, Old English Sheep Dog, Pointer, Pug, Shar Pei, and Shih - Tzu.
Routine blood work to rule out a systemic problem and assess the anesthetic risk better able to identify fluid build up, swelling, cysts, bleeding ad other subtle soft tissue changes inside the brain and therefore an MRI is a better able to identify fluid build up, swelling, cysts, bleeding ad other subtle soft tissue changes inside the brain and therefore an MRI is a better tool, especially if the dog has signs of brainstem or cerebellar disease, or if it is a breed of dog that is predisposed to gliomas, such as the Boston terrier.
If other health problems which are predisposed to this breed should occur within the first year of ownership, we will require a copy of the veterinarian's clinical findings and services.
In cats, Persians and other flat - faced breeds are predisposed.
Beyond the typical animal who may have Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy, Dilated Cardiomyopathy, heart murmurs, arrhythmias, valve defects, abnormal blood pressure, Heartworm Disease, and other conditions that affect the Cardiovascular system - «normal» animals who may be of a breed predisposed to cardiac problems (Bengal cats and Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy, or Dobermans Dilated Cardiomyopathy), a dog who has recovered from Heartworm infection, a cat with Hyperthyroidism who would be prone to developing a heart condition, or any animal that you desire to support Cardiovascular health for - CardioBoost is a wonderful consideration.
Then, certain breeds are more predisposed to arthritis than others.
«Cherry eye» is commonly seen in predisposed breeds (often as an inherited weakness) including the Cocker Spaniel, Bulldog, Beagle, Lhasa and Shih Tzu, but can occur in other breeds and in cats as well.
It's true, German Shepherds and a few other breeds are predisposed to having Hip Dysplasia and hip joint problems when they get older, however it doesn't mean they will, if the dog is provided with proper amounts of exercise and a healthy dog diet.
According to their latest findings, certain breeds are more predisposed to periodontal disease than others.
In addition to conformation - related skin disorders, the French Bulldog has also been reported as both predisposed to canine atopic dermatitis [40] and also reported as developing clinical signs of atopic dermatitis earlier than other breeds, which may suggest a higher genetic predisposition [41].
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