Sentences with phrase «other preemptive»

Suppression and other preemptive acts guarantee opposition where the definition should have been all inclusive.
Pershing Square has no right of first refusal or other preemptive right with respect to the sale of these businesses by the Company to other parties.
Regulators can implement policies to monitor mini flash crashes proactively and, among other preemptive actions, limit mass liquidity flights from one market to the U.S. Treasury bond market during instances of heightened instability.

Not exact matches

Putin says he has no plans to start a preemptive nuclear war, but was very clear that sanctions would not deter him — and that the West should be very careful about how it proceeds in other parts of the world.
It would violate standards of international law and create a dangerous precedent for other nations (China, India, Pakistan, Russia) that will decide to engage in preemptive wars that they believe are justified.
Characters in zombie films are willing to do terrible things to each other because of the fear of zombies and the urge for self preservation, while, in the real world, things like the use of torture (or «advanced interrogation»), preemptive war and drone strikes were being debated as options to fight a threat even scarier than zombies: terrorism.
Preemptive wars, abridgments of civil liberty, cuts in social service, subsidies to churches, and other like initiatives are not just wrapped in the flag; together with the flag, they are swathed in the holy.
Boris Koytchou's three - club bid on the West hand was a preemptive weak jump overcall that succeeded in stealing sufficient bidding space to land South in the wrong suit; at the other table, Harold Ogust and I played the hand in diamonds.
It's not so easy to find a country that has exported more death and destruction into others than the US or Russia / USSR during that time frame, and yet you're basically saying all of that should be forgotten and the preemptive strike doctrine should be rehabilitated.»
In addition we should avoid any form of preemptive blogging, by which we mean a comment which is put up with the intention of invalidating an anticipated comment from other bloggers with whom they disagree.
And a lot of the times that also can be a sign of a postpartum mood disorder as feeling disconnected, so for any partners listening, it would be important for you to note that and just really provide the proper support and maybe find some other avenues for support if it's non preemptive overtime.
In a statement due to be sent later this morning, state Republican spokesman David Laska fired a preemptive shot over the mayor's bow, knocking his recent travels to midwestern states to push progressive measures (The New York Post has reported de Blasio is considering a bid for the White House; de Blasio allies and other political observers aren't buying it).
Governor Cuomo, and one of the Co-Leaders of the State Senate have already taken some preemptive action before the legislature's scheduled return to the Capitol, following federal bribery charges against a State Senator and an Assemblyman, as well as other officials.
But the judge didn't buy this, Holman says: She ruled that other methods are not commercially viable, and for that reason, Sequenom's claims were preemptive.
The decision by Craigslist to stop hosting personal ads came as a preemptive move after Congress passed the Fight Online Sex Trafficking... of other [dating sites.]»
In many ways Fuller's book is a preemptive strike, as he knows that when histories of school reform are written, others might overlook his background and distort his motives.
Teacher unions and other education advocates who favor the bill have been stressing that the Protect Our Schools Act serves as a preemptive measure against school privatization, particularly since Drumpf and Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, both advocates of charters and vouchers, now guide federal policy.
While disruptive IE Tesla other clean sheet designers have the benefit of predictive exclusive and preemptive advantage.
Others, however, speculate that the move is a preemptive strike meant to head off potential criticism that could come from selling a controversial product.
A probability or threat of damage, injury, liability, loss, or any other negative occurrence that is caused by external or internal vulnerabilities, and that may be avoided through preemptive action.
Mann's articles were based on our Nature submission which had been sent to him on a confidential basis by Nature for the exclusive purpose of submitting a reply to Nature and not for any other purpose, such as writing preemptive blog articles.
With our growing litigious society: showing any court (or jury) that you took preemptive measures to prevent accidents and injuries to employees can possibly save your company from damages, negative media reputation, and other costs.
In a December 8 letter, Representative Jim McGovern and eight other House Democrats expressed support for a preemptive ban on fully autonomous weapons.
During the legal session, the Campaign and others will make the case that fully autonomous weapons are unlikely to be able to comply with international humanitarian law and that a preemptive ban is needed.
This round - up of recent parliamentary initiatives and other activities focuses on efforts aimed at supporting the call for a preemptive ban on fully autonomous weapons.
May 12: Jody Williams (1997) and 20 other Nobel Peace laureates issue a joint call for a preemptive ban on fully autonomous weapons.
Based on the belief that others will not be there in times of need, counterdependent individuals pursue both «preemptive» and «postemptive» strategies in which they avoid experiences of vulnerability and threat, and minimize the impact of threats and feelings of vulnerability that have occurred in the past (Fraley et al. 2000).
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