Sentences with phrase «other professional schools»

The state fund provides retirement benefits to teachers and other professional school staffers, including principals, guidance counselors, librarians and social workers.
In this regard, schools of education are unlike other professional schools.
Nearly 50 faculty members from other Harvard schools — 28 from FAS and 18 from other professional schools including the Medical School, the School of Public Health, the Kennedy School, and the Law School — have agreed to affiliate with their Education School colleagues on the Ph.D. faculty.
Further, unlike many other professional schools, seminaries do not form a unitary system, and therefore it is not possible to limit strictly the number of schools in the system or the number of places for students in those schools, as medical schools do.
Clergy are often the source of embarrassment rather than of wisdom; theological schools are in danger of lagging behind other professional schools intellectually.
The governor has said repeatedly that his stance should not be construed as anti-teacher, though he has clashed politically with New York State United Teachers, the statewide union representing teachers and other professional school workers.
Support is not available for individuals enrolled in medical or other professional schools unless they are enrolled in a combined - degree (e.g., M.D. - Ph.
Working closely with existing programs at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, such as the Urban Superintendents Program and the Teacher Education Program, the Center will draw on the intellectual resources of other professional schools and faculties at Harvard University.
The first step toward this core curriculum was the creation of a new course, Thinking Like an Educator (TLE), which utilizes the case method, an approach that has been successful in other professional schools, yet has remained largely untried in education.
You'll be ready to apply to top quality medical, dental or other professional schools when you complete a master's degree in Biomedical Sciences (MBS) at the University of Northern Colorado.
Pension costs for teachers and other professional school staffers are expected to rise about 10 percent in the 2018 - 19 school year for districts on Long Island and statewide after three years of reductions, according to estimates by the New York State Teachers» Retirement System.
Given the formalized collaboration with FAS and faculty from other professional schools, the Ph.D. will feature closer connections to academic disciplines and fields (e.g., sociology, psychology, economics, anthropology, public policy, public health, or business) through course work and faculty mentorship.
School superintendents across the state had hoped that lawmakers would provide additional help, by allowing districts to set aside extra cash reserves to meet the costs of pensions covering teachers, guidance counselors and other professional school staffers.
Noting that other professional schools — such as those in medicine and law — teach a set of core competencies that are shared across the profession, Lagemann led an effort to create a similar curriculum at HGSE.
You can be sure the medicine, dentistry, engineering, architecture and other professional schools and governing bodies will not follow this disastrous policy, on the theory that just because people who apply can not gain entry, that more schools should be added and positions created.
Other industries where you can expect to earn above the median annual salary are personal care services, insurance companies, and colleges and other professional schools.
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