Sentences with phrase «other progressives»

Her group joined other progressive elements in opposing a constitutional convention the last time the vote was held, twenty years ago.
A host of unions and other progressive groups expressed enthusiasm for the promised coalition.
He sees a parallel in the successful fight for other progressive causes.
This makes our institution different from other progressive education schools.
To the de Blasio administration, these and other progressive initiatives are resounding successes.
The committee took smaller steps on other progressive priorities.
Drivers will feel several other progressive differences in each driving mode.
With these and other progressive approaches, my fellow teacher candidates and I were pushing students toward deeper and individualized learning, though we didn't use those terms.
The governor promised to help deliver a higher minimum wage, support campaign finance reform and a handful of other progressive wish list items.
Other progressive candidates can also be supported where they are genuinely fighting on these issues.
He seems to also recognise the importance of other progressive elements in the country.
This should include income tax, company tax and other progressive forms of taxation, thus sharing the load according to capacity to pay.
Instead of raising income taxes on high - income earners, the federal government could explore other progressive, but less economically damaging, ways of raising revenues, it said.
In addition, they invited a few other progressive painters to attend the inaugural exhibition.
A review of the real estate practices in other progressive legal jurisdictions may be a good starting point from which to compare best practices.
He also has experience of liability claims arising out of a variety of other progressive losses including historical pollution by utilities companies, chemical companies, and oil companies.
They work in partnership with human and animal rights organisations and other progressive groups.
The SNP will join with other progressive voices to challenge the UK government and oppose their damaging welfare cuts.»
We are excited to join other progressive vendors of online services in helping our customers break their dependency on both big banks and fiat currency by adding payment by Bitcoin Cash — the only currency guaranteed by an international series of tubes — to the payment methods we accept.
«Governor Cuomo's proposals on rent sound nice, but as with many other progressive issues that he has claimed to support, he has failed to deliver on them,» said Jonathan Westin, executive director of New York Communities for Change, who says the tax credit will favor the wealthy.
«This was not an easy decision given magnitude of issues faced by our community, but I believe we are best served supporting other progressive leaders in this election both at home and across New York,» Miner wrote on Twitter.
In an open letter, signed by Clive Lewis and Jon Cruddas, they argued that cooperation with other progressive parties at last Thursday's local elections could have tipped the balance in close - fought councils, just as it could have delivered a Labour - led government in 2017.
New Queens Democrats, which in several months has modestly grown to nearly two dozen members, is now focused on supporting other progressives who want to run for county committee, a massive body of representatives from each election district that meets biennially, but has few concrete powers aside from helping to select candidates for special elections and nominating judicial candidates.
Jane started her career in Sydney in an investment bank as a highly respected personal assistant and as her skills, strengths and interests developed, she worked with other progressive companies in sales, marketing and corporate affairs.
Like other progressives who helped get him elected, Obama has done nothing of any consequence to help the LGBT community.
As a Green Party member I agree with the comments about and feel strongly that a central issue for a new Labour leader is to be able to work with other progressive forces across political boundaries.
The importance of a patient - perspective approach is supported by other progressive initiatives such as the social determinants of health (SDoH).
«But politicians and campaigners on the progressive left risk failing future generations of children if we are not prepared to learn from other progressive countries, and assume instead that a childhood spent on benefits is good for children and their parents.
The campaign said he began to shift fundraising efforts in May to help other progressive candidates for Congress and state - level offices, with more than $ 2.5 million raised for 21 candidates as of Monday.
De Blasio and other progressive voices took issue with stop - and - frisk tactics and Muslim surveillance under Kelly.
«To further our unity solution for the New York State Senate and define each other's position, there is no doubt all Democrats agree that a united Democratic delegation will take up a progressive agenda including such items as the Dream Act, GENDA, single payer healthcare, the Reproductive Health Act, campaign finance reform, the Contraceptive Care Act among other progressive initiatives that have been, or may be advanced.
If there's one thing that sets Waldorf apart from other progressive education schools, it is the fact that our students get to enjoy holistic learning experiences.
We work with people and organizations fighting for other progressive causes because it is the right thing to do and necessary in order to address many of the causes of the climate crisis and make the world a better place.
In fact, this month, San Diego reaches an amazing milestone, joining other progressive communities across the nation in «getting to zero» — eliminating euthanasia of adoptable animals.
Social media strategist Beth Becker said that after the FitzGibbon revelations, she started seeing other progressive friends and associates speak out on social media about similar things that had happened to them.
We look forward to exporting our knowledge and expertise to the rest of the world as other progressive oil and gas producers follow in PDO's footsteps.»
She noted, though, that the chamber and Silver have been instrumental in raising New York's minimum wage, legalizing same - sex marriage, funding prekindergarten and other progressive measures.
The mayor, who has traveled to the capital before to push his national political agenda, is heading there again Friday to address a conference of business and labor leaders and other progressive politicians aimed at promoting national changes in economic policy, according to an invite sent out Monday by the conference's organizer.
He also named several other progressive goals, including a call for raising the minimum wage, public financing of campaigns and a Women's Equality Act that included an abortion rights provision.
In Huntington's and several other progressive brain diseases, certain proteins aggregate to form plaques or deposits in the brain, said senior investigator Patrick C.A. van der Wel, Ph.D., assistant professor of structural biology, Pitt School of Medicine.
It's great to be able to share our knowledge with other progressive digital schools, and to pick up so many innovative ideas to use in the classroom.»
There were other progressive neurodegenerative conditions which had been reported in a number of different dog breeds, but these conditions were too dissimilar to CDRM to warrant discussion in this thesis.
However, as noted in other Progressive life insurance reviews, the company itself does not actually offer the insurance policy itself.
Marxists, libertarians, and other progressives often mistake conservatives for reactionaries.
In Canada and in many other progressive places, they do not provide this «choice.»
Four years later, he was Senator George McGovern's New York State primary campaign manager, and periodically throughout his career Geto stepped up to major roles in other progressive Democrats» campaigns.
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