Sentences with phrase «other psychological difficulties»

With regard to the longitudinal associations between aggression and other psychological difficulties, previous research has indicated that both direct (physical) and indirect (or relational) aggression is associated with an increase in social - psychological adjustment problems (Cleverley et al. [2012]; Crick et al. [2006]-RRB-.
TF - CBT can also be used with children and adolescents who experience other psychological difficulties, including obsessive compulsion, separation anxiety, grief, and other mental health conditions.
They may experience depression, anxiety and other psychological difficulties.
The reason I am advocating meditation and mindfulness is because I believe they are perfect, low - cost, natural tools that can be taught to children, including bright, gifted children, who may battle anxiety, perfectionism, depression and other psychological difficulties.

Not exact matches

The American Psychological Association notes that women who experience miscarriage are vulnerable to a whole host of other mental health issues such as postpartum depression, general anxiety / depression, and difficulty caring for existing children.
I have seen what female abuse can do to men first - hand, it is emotionally devastating and can create one of two psychological consequences in men — one is a combination of anger and difficulty connecting to others and the other is a never - ending desire to please a woman for whom he is never good enough.
(Other psychotherapists have explored the role of a person's values in his psychological difficulties.
Stress, depression, and other psychological problems often overlap with sleep difficulties.
The evidence is clear that persons are being exempted from criminal law protections in these jurisdictions based on «psychological suffering» arising from «weariness with living» «refusing to impose one's deterioration on others», [62] feelings of anger and distress which are «normal» for those who «incur or [are] diagnosed with incurable impairment or terminal illness», [63] «negative images of disability and dying» which are pervasive in our society, [64] and the difficulty of distinguishing psychological suffering from depression.
Clients who feel like they might be experiencing moderate to severe depression, emotional trauma, or other emotional / psychological difficulty should first consider an evaluation by a mental health professional.
Psychological Testing - Educational, cognitive, diagnostic and psychological testing are offered to identify and better understand attention difficulties and / or ADHD, learning difficulties, autism spectrum symptoms, anxiety symptoms, and other symptoms Psychological Testing - Educational, cognitive, diagnostic and psychological testing are offered to identify and better understand attention difficulties and / or ADHD, learning difficulties, autism spectrum symptoms, anxiety symptoms, and other symptoms psychological testing are offered to identify and better understand attention difficulties and / or ADHD, learning difficulties, autism spectrum symptoms, anxiety symptoms, and other symptoms or diagnoses.
Educational, cognitive, diagnostic and psychological testing are offered to identify and better understand attention difficulties and / of ADHD, learning difficulties, autism spectrum symptoms, mood or anxiety symptoms, and other symptoms or diagnoses.
Regardless of racial, cultural, linguistic, geographic, and other such variations, parental acceptance has consistently been associated with psychological adjustment, whereas rejection tends to be associated with difficulties in maintaining future relationships, depression, and substance abuse.
Additionally, I complete diagnostic assessment and psychological testing for adolescents and young adults who are having difficulty in school and in the workplace, and with individuals involved in Social Security applications and other legal proceedings.»
Other authors have even explored specific neuro - developmental psychological processes and how they are damaged by early childhood trauma, leading to relational difficulties and ramifications for treatment (Siegel, 1999, 2007).
In assessing for a possible ASD we consider possible alternate explanations for cognitive, language, and social difficulties, such as other medical or psychological disorders.
This list hopes to connect clinicians, researchers, students, policy makers and others who are interested in advancing psychological treatment for psychosis and other severe mental health difficulties from a contextual perspective.
I was referring to providing home - based services to families from low socioeconomic backgrounds who were also characterized by child maltreatment, mental health difficulties, or other psychological risks.
Finally, children whose parents are disengaged tend to have a higher proportion of psychological difficulties than other youngsters.
Other factors that were found to contribute to children's psychological difficulties included multiple family transitions, lack of contact with the non-resident father, poor family communication and ongoing conflict between the mother and non-resident father (Dunn, 2008).
Second, cyberbullying others was associated with poorer quality of life and with psychological difficulties but not with peer / social problems or worse mental wellbeing.
Victims may also experience other psychological impacts such as depression, anxiety, hyper vigilance, insomnia, concentration difficulties, an inability to trust others and self - loathing.
Sara uses Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to help explore thoughts and actions that may be maintaining emotional difficulties, combined with an integrative approach that draws on several other psychological models.
Whether you could benefit from periodic sessions with Laurie Grengs about minor issues that are holding you back from maximizing your happiness, or if you are in more chronic or acute difficulty and need a qualified therapist to help you with depression, social anxiety, low self - esteem, anger management, family counseling issues, or myriad other psychological issues, Laurie Grengs will offer you the many benefits of her professional training.
Whether you could benefit from periodic individual therapy sessions with Laurie Grengs about minor issues that are preventing you from maximizing your daily life and / or potential, or if you are in more chronic or acute difficulty and need a qualified therapist to help you with depression, social anxiety, low self - esteem, family counseling issues, or myriad other psychological issues, Laurie Grengs will offer you the many benefits of her kindness, professionalism, insight, and wisdom.
Showing difficulties in appreciating other people's emotions and being empathic, mothers with high levels of alexithymia might appear less responsive to their children's psychological needs, unconcerned and affectively less involved in the relationship with them.
Although partner support (Ekas et al. 2010) and having several children with disabilities in the family (Orsmond et al. 2007) have been found to be correlates of psychological outcomes in other studies, we did not find presence of another carer or number of other children with developmental difficulties to be predictive.
Widening the longitudinal perspectives even further, a theoretically important topic concerns the possibility of prospective, reciprocal associations between aggression or victimization, on the one hand, and different types of psychological difficulties on the other.
Concerning the other aspects of the prospective associations between aggression and psychological difficulties in the present study, neither direct nor indirect aggression turned out to be risk factors for the development of emotional symptoms.
In a related vein, consistent with theories on emotional contagion according to which intimate partners are highly vulnerable to each other's emotions (Goodman and Shippy 2002), it is conceivable that mothers are biased toward negative emotions due to their partners» psychological difficulties, leading mothers to talk more about these emotions with their children.
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