Sentences with phrase «other psychopathologies»

Women are twice as likely to experience depression, with 12 percent of women being affected versus 6 percent of men; this can take the form of bipolar disorder or postpartum depression, among other psychopathologies.
These children feel isolated and angry, and face an increased risk of experiencing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder symptoms and other psychopathology (Cerel, Fristad, Weller, & Weller, 2000; Emerson, 2003).
In high - risk adolescents, this normative shift may tip the balance toward stress response dysregulation associated with depression and other psychopathology.
Behavioral - Cognitive Inhibition Theory: Conceptualization of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Other Psychopathology Disorders
Longitudinal studies have consistently reported higher rates of major depression and other psychopathology (anxiety disorders, conduct disorders and substance abuse disorders) in adolescents with an affectively ill parent than in control families with similar demographic characteristics (age, ethnicity, socioeconomic status and educational level).
Moreover, in families with a history of depression, one should keep in mind that offspring may become depressed or display other psychopathology, mostly at adolescence.
A family environment that promotes the development of poor ER across emotions is likely to place the child at greater risk for the development of anxiety and other psychopathology.
Co-occurrence of attention - deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms with other psychopathology in young adults: parenting style as a moderator.

Not exact matches

• For these and other reasons, although children in mother - stepfather families tend to experience better financial support than children in lone mother households, and their stepfathers tend to be of higher «quality» than their biological fathers in terms of education, employment, psychopathology etc. (McLanahan et al, 2006) their outcomes and adjustment are not superior to children in lone mother households, although there may be cultural variations.
The nature of their work and everyday exposure to death and other mortality cues put them at greater risk of developing this debilitating psychopathology, the authors claim.
Exposure to early and chronic maternal depression markedly increases a child's susceptibility to psychopathology and social - emotional problems, including social withdrawal, poor emotion regulation, and reduced empathy to others.
According to neurologist and educator Judy Willis (and suggested by a research - rich chapter in the second edition of Developmental Psychopathology, among many other publications), neuroplasticity is defined as the selective organizing of connections between neurons in our brains.
If anyone wants me to do Q&A sets for the others and a quick revision booklet for Psychopathology I am happy to do so if it is asked for I just find that my students receive Psychopathology very well compared to the other topics.
These and other bizarre acts of cruelty and psychopathology are linked only by the killer's use of luxury vehicles and a baffling lack of motive.
We can joke about that, and even find it funny, but there does seem to a genuine psychopathology which is the bent mandrel around which the environmental movement [among others] has become wrapped, namely that Humanity is somehow the enemy of Nature, and that Nature is better off without Humanity — or at least the vast majority of us.
Malpractice, Disability, Sexual Harassment and Other Civil Claims Arising from Plaintiffs» Psychopathology
In cases where there is negative parenting, parental alienation, and / or domestic violence or psychopathology, I also believe in rooting out these pathologies and restricting parents that harm kids and the other parent.
This greater risk of psychopathology is also likely to extend to other phenotypes associated with the opioid and serotonin systems for which there is less available data, such as antisocial behavior and substance abuse.
This increase in psychopathology following relocating to an individualistic culture among members of ethnic groups with a high proportion of social sensitivity alleles extends to other phenotypes such as social anxiety (Okazaki, 1997) and subclinical depression (Tafarodi and Smith, 2001).
The Journal is already the leading international outlet devoted to reporting interdisciplinary research on behavioural development, and is now, in response to the rapidly developing fields of behavioural genetics, neuroscience and developmental psychopathology, seeking to expand its scope to these and other related new domains of scholarship.
Transcultural Psychiatry provides a channel of communication for psychiatrists, other mental health professionals, and social scientists concerned with the social and cultural determinants of psychopathology and psychosocial treatments of mental and behavioural problems in individuals, families and communities.
The Children's Interview for Psychiatric Syndromes32 and the Children's Interview for Psychiatric Syndromes — Parent Version33 are structured psychiatric interviews designed to assess psychopathology according to DSM - IV criteria in clinical and epidemiological research with youth aged 6 to 18 years.34 - 38 The Children's Interview for Psychiatric Syndromes and the Children's Interview for Psychiatric Syndromes — Parent Version assess 20 behavioral, anxiety, mood, and other syndromes as well as psychosocial stressors.
We will describe the sociodemographic variables in our sample and will compare them with those of other studies on psychopathology with Moroccan - Dutch participants.
Psychopathology, childhood sexual abuse and other childhood adversities: Relative links to subsequent suicidal behaviour in the US.
Penny B. Jameson and others, 8220; Mother - Toddler Interaction Patterns Associated with Maternal Depression, 8221; Development and Psychopathology, 9, no. 3 (1997): 537, 8211; 50.
Other research has shown that nonspecialists can effectively deliver CBTgsh for binge eating, though specific competencies of therapists in particular service settings remain unclear.19, 41 Our findings suggest that comorbid general psychopathology in BED does not contraindicate CBTgsh.
Behavior therapy is considered probably efficacious for childhood depression, and a number of other experimental interventions show promise but require further evaluation.12 Currently, only 2 research groups have focused on psychosocial interventions for childhood bipolar disorder.13 - 15 Hence, increased attention to creation and testing of treatments specifically targeting depression and bipolar disorder in children is needed.16 In particular, studies should focus on children's developmental needs, address comorbidity, involve family members in treatment, demonstrate treatment gains as rated by parents and clinicians rather than children themselves, and compare experimental interventions with standard care or treatment as usual (TAU) rather than no - treatment or attention control groups.12, 17,18 In addition, parental psychopathology may affect treatment adherence and response.
Adolescent psychopathology: I. Prevalence and incidence of depression and other DSM — III — R disorders in high school students
A large sample (n = 374) of Iranian students completed the PDS - R and other symptom measures of psychopathology including
On the other hand, there was less psychometric data available for the six «self - related» scales than for the psychopathology scales, although internal consistencies for these scales were uniformly high (with the exception of some subscales for the Pictorial Scale of Perceived Competence and Social Acceptance for Young Children; PSPCSAYC).
Although the majority of literature lies in the investigation of trauma sequelae and family psychopathology as a mediating and moderating factor of trauma, there have been investigations of other psychological outcomes among child and adolescent refugee / asylum seekers.
Fewer mothers who took the Bringing Baby Home program shoed symptoms of postpartum depression, the baby blues, and other indicators of psychopathology, such as anxiety.
Fewer mothers who took the BBH program showed symptoms of postpartum depression, the baby blues, and other indicators of psychopathology such as anxiety.
Adolescents» behaviour may vary from one context to another, or from one interaction partner to another, and informants» reports may be affected by their own perspectives.13 Because there is no gold standard for psychiatric disorders, and reports from different informants tend to correlate only moderately, using information from multiple informants seems the best strategy to chart mental health.14 Among other things, adherence to this first principle is expressed in the use of child (Youth Self - report; YSR), and parent (Child Behavior Checklist; CBCL) questionnaires on child / adolescent mental health, which are part of the Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment (ASEBA), 15,16 and the use of a teacher - report (Teacher Checklist of Psychopathology), which was developed for TRAILS on the basis of the Achenbach Teachers Report Form.17 It is also expressed in the use of peer nominations to assess adolescents» social status at school.
The CNA is much cheaper and quicker than a full - blown custody evaluation which takes many weeks to complete and which involves many clinical interviews of the parties by the evaluator and psychological testing to look for psychopathology in the parties which might affect the ability to parent properly or as well as the other parent.
Why do some children of depressed mothers develop symptoms of psychopathology or impaired functioning, whereas others do not?
On the other hand, insecure and disorganized attachment put children at increasing risk of problem behaviours and psychopathologies.
Some careers in child psychology might focus on abnormal child psychology, which is a similar profession, but may focus more on the study and treatment of long term mood disorders, schizophrenia, psychopathology, sociopathy, or other personality disorders.
RRFT is novel in its integration of these components, given that standard care for trauma - exposed youth often entails treatment of substance use problems separate from treatment of other trauma - related psychopathology.
Rather fewer meet the diagnostic criteria for research, which for the oppositional defiant type of conduct disorder seen in younger children require at least four specific behaviours to be present.7 The early onset pattern — typically beginning at the age of 2 or 3 years — is associated with comorbid psychopathology such as hyperactivity and emotional problems, language disorders, neuropsychological deficits such as poor attention and lower IQ, high heritability, 8 and lifelong antisocial behaviour.9 In contrast, teenage onset antisocial behaviour is not associated with other disorders or neuropsychological deficits, is more environmentally determined than inherited, and tends not to persist into adulthood.9
Adler was a pioneer in the area of holistic theory on personality, psychotherapy, and psychopathology, and Adlerian psychology places its emphasis on a person's ability to adapt to feelings of inadequacy and inferiority relative to others.
Interpersonal conflicts, marital conflicts / discord, relationship conflicts, substance abuse / addiction issues, dual diagnosis issues, psychopathology (mood problems, anxiety, fears), and others.
The presence in the child's symptom display of the three characteristic diagnostic indicators (i.e., the «psychological fingerprints») of the child's psychological influence and control by a narcissistic / (borderline) parent represents sufficient and definitive clinical evidence that the symptomatic child - initiated cut - off of the child's relationship with the other parent is the direct result of the pathogenic parenting practices of a narcissistic / (borderline) parent (i.e., the allied and supposedly «favored» parent), who is using the child in a role - reversal relationship as a «regulatory other» (see my blog essay: Parental Alienation as Child Abuse: The Regulating Other) for the psychopathology of the narcissistic / (borderline) paother parent is the direct result of the pathogenic parenting practices of a narcissistic / (borderline) parent (i.e., the allied and supposedly «favored» parent), who is using the child in a role - reversal relationship as a «regulatory other» (see my blog essay: Parental Alienation as Child Abuse: The Regulating Other) for the psychopathology of the narcissistic / (borderline) paother» (see my blog essay: Parental Alienation as Child Abuse: The Regulating Other) for the psychopathology of the narcissistic / (borderline) paOther) for the psychopathology of the narcissistic / (borderline) parent.
In the child's relationship with a narcissistic / (borderline) parent, the child becomes a «regulating other» for the psychopathology of the parent.
In future research we recommend to also add other covariates to the latent transition models to see whether transitions in time are influenced by factors such as parental psychopathology and parenting styles.
Criteria for the mental health problems in this research did not match clinical criteria, and this was especially true for the daughters who in middle childhood did not tend to display clinical depression and other forms of psychopathology.
Children with ADHD with comorbid mania at either baseline or follow - up assessment had other correlates expected in mania, including additional psychopathology, psychiatric hospitalization, severely impaired psychosocial functioning, and a greater family history of mood disorders.
As others see us: Clinical and research implications of cross-informant correlations for psychopathology
In cases where there is negative parenting, parental alienation, and / or domestic violence or psychopathology, I also believe in rooting out these pathologies and restricting parents that harm kids and the other parent.
Continuities in family socialization and contextual risks across generations, as well as genetic factors, are associated with the development of psychopathology — including both externalizing and internalizing problems in children — and to intergenerational associations in the use of alcohol, tobacco, and other.
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