Sentences with phrase «other public sector unions»

The union's conference also called for a 24 - hour «general strike» in the autumn over pensions, to be organised with other public sector unions.
The NUT says it will work with other public sector unions in a concerted campaign against the cuts.
Mr Cable's comments come as teachers» unions ballot for a strike over their pensions to take place on June 30th - the same day as a group of other public sector unions have set aside for industrial action.
It is anticipated that Unite members will join other public sector unions on 10 May as part of the on - going campaign against government attacks on public sector pensions.
Why did teacher unions and other public sector unions do so well when private - sector unions - which had long benefited from union - promoting legal frameworks - fared so poorly?
The EIS agm is often the forum for teachers to threaten industrial action, but strikes are usually avoided although the union has walked out with other public sector unions over changes to pensions.
In 1970 was the birth of Union Local 2007, which was also responsible in paving the way for all other public sector unions in Albany, New York.
Harry Fletcher, assistant general secretary of Napo, said: «Industrial action is inevitable and will involve joint initiatives with other public sector unions.
The number represents almost a third of the union's membership in civil and public services and comes ahead of a possible national ballot over pensions and job cuts, which PCS hopes to co-ordinate with other public sector unions.
The PCS executive also agreed that it would reconvene for a special meeting next Thursday (19) to consider the positions of the other public sector unions, which will be reported at tomorrow's (12) meeting of the TUC's public sector group, and the possibility of further industrial action.
«We are already drawing up plans with other public sector unions to ensure that if the government attacks our pensions, our jobs and public services, they will face resistance the like of which we haven't seen in this country for decades,» he said.
For instance, the $ 80 million savings CSEA's acceptance of a contract would bring suggests the deal would fall short of $ 450 million in savings even if all other public sector unions agreed to it.
The strike was alongside action by five other public sector unions, but other teachers» unions did not take part.
NYT was about to provide good and just reasons for taxpayer wrath, leavened, of course, by responses from those representing teacher and other public sector unions.
His expertise is labor, education, and employment law with 40 years of experience representing, «over 100 school administrator associations, in addition to individual employees, school superintendents, and other public sector unions, including teacher, police, fire, secretarial, paraprofessional, nurse, and town hall employee units in collective bargaining, grievance arbitration, termination matters, and unfair labor practice complaints.
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