Sentences with phrase «other readability scores»

But a lot of people use other readability scores.

Not exact matches

First, readability scores for federal appellate court opinions and state supreme court opinions were similar.131 Second, readability scores from U.S. Supreme Court opinions were lower than opinions from the other courts.132 Third, briefs from U.S. Supreme Court cases had lower readability scores than briefs from the other courts.133 Finally, at the U.S. Supreme Court level, the opinion readability scores were significantly lower than the brief readability scores.134
We found the same lack of significance for the readability score variable in the state case model here as well.106 The all case and federal case models paralleled each other well.
Other specialties include document sentiment and readability scoring.
98 This intra-case comparison is significant because if one party explained the facts more clearly than the other, the difference could make a favorable outcome more likely regardless of whether the individual brief's readability score was high or low.
There are enormous differences in cost, in time to administer and score, in readability, in whether the system can be used legitimately for uses other than screening, and in how well the system was standardized on children similar to those enrolled in HS and EHS.
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