Sentences with phrase «other real things»

Friends, family, co-workers, and other real things that are wonderful and awe - inspiring.

Not exact matches

While some of these imitations could be mistaken for the real thing, others are abandoned ghost towns or remain half - finished construction projects.
Today, two of his daughters hold the reins: Naomi Azrieli is chair of CanPro Investments, the family's Montreal real estate development company, as well as CEO of the non-profit Azrieli Foundation; Danna Azrieli is chair of Tel Aviv — based Azrieli Group, which owns, among other things, 15 shopping malls across Israel.
We need, to understand that they are fictional people, who are able to do things that real people can not, but I'm talking more about identifying with their moral code, their values in helping others and doing right from wrong.
(Among other things, it's used for real - time control systems in nuclear power plants.)
It's definitely not the most comfortable thing to do, especially when talking about your own business, but it lets others know that you're being real with them.
Investing money in the ideas of others is one thing, but investing my time and mental real estate is something completely different.
For one thing, companies today have «human resources, we have IT, and we have a real estate division — all acting separately and, often, unwittingly working against each other,» Martin says.
Among other things, the Global Portfolio invests in assets such as listed equities, debt securities, money market instruments, real estate, commodities, cash and financial derivative instruments.
Trying to minimize costs, instead of maximize income, quality, loyalty, happiness, connection, and all those other wonderful things that come from real human attention.
While other investors are busy chasing unicorns, Mike Lazaridis is funding the real next big thing.
But in 2008, in the midst of the financial crisis, we started noticing that young people were doing some awfully significant things, whether in the financial world (Meredith Whitney had just made her bold call against Citigroup), in the tech world (Facebook was beginning to crank into high gear), or in other industries (Kevin Plank's apparel upstart Under Armour was giving Nike a real run for its money).
After reading my new book, Real Leaders Don't Follow, an old friend and business associate who's had a long and successful career, Ziv Azmanov, sent me an email that, among other things, does a pretty effective job of explaining what distinguishes real entrepreneurs from the pReal Leaders Don't Follow, an old friend and business associate who's had a long and successful career, Ziv Azmanov, sent me an email that, among other things, does a pretty effective job of explaining what distinguishes real entrepreneurs from the preal entrepreneurs from the pack:
There are plenty of other digital footprints we leave such as websites we visit, the frequency with which we visit them, things we google, what apps we download, people and things we search on Facebook, how many internet friends we have, who we interact with often, where we go in real life (phones have a GPS system and motion sensors), etc., etc., etc..
How It Works Typically, geolocation apps do two things: They report your location to other users, and they associate real - world locations (such as restaurants and events) to your location.
«It's very real, and you can't create the same thing in any other medium.»
Meanwhile, with a series of supportive economic factors at play «we expect the country's real estate market to continue the strong showing it posted in the second half of 2013,» Soper said, noting among other things favourable interest rates and an improving U.S. economy fuelling demand for Canadian exports.
An even more important goal, one that Trapani and Shindler aim to achieve within the next five years or so, is to hire a chief financial officer who will be capable of, among other things, maximizing the income potential from the company's various financial accounts and perhaps restructuring its real - estate holdings.
She predicts that within the next five years, «the user experience will continue to get better and better with the build - out of livestreaming, virtual reality and other things that give a real - time experience to the end user.»
Real work, on the other hand, involves doing things that line up with your business goals.
Essentially IoT, fuelled by machine - to - machine communication refers to microprocessor and sensor fitted gadgets or «things» within a network talking to each other, swapping real - time data to perform specific actions, with computer - connected individuals engaged in remote monitoring.
In other words, Bitcoin offers privacy through pseudonymity, which some argue is almost as good as the real thing.
A lot of young people that I know in Beijing — high school and college students, young professionals, musicians, etc. — were horrified by the violence that occurred in Paris and very eager to express a real sympathy for Parisians, which they did in the ways that young people express themselves today, via smart phones, social media, and all the other things that wouldn't have occurred to me.
Matt asks:»... What I'd like to see from you and the other prophets of social media publish are the top 10 things I can do immediately that will help me spread the gospel of home ownership and drive brand preference to CENTURY 21...» Interestingly, my response quickly reached the first page of the Google results for the phrase «Century 21 Real Estate» a company with 8,000 offices worldwide, proof that new marketing works.
Other than Post, only a handful of scientists are working on lab - grown meat; others believe the future lies in plant - based substitutes, ones so good they could fool even the most discerning palate, although Post maintains that we humans will always have an appetite for the real thing.
One other thing worth mentioning — one of the hallmarks of every real investment mania is the degree to which it makes its participants feel like geniuses.
«'' The Tribunal reached that conclusion after finding, among other things, that the VOW Restrictions have substantially reduced the degree of non-price competition in the supply of MLS - based residential real estate brokerage services in the GTA, relative to the degree that would likely exist in the absence of those restrictions.
Let me run through the list real quick, Ray: Passion, courage, honesty, integrity, respect for others, humility, strong work ethic, willing to do whatever it takes, ability to do the tough things first.
Yet most borrowers borrow, not to add to their money holdings, but to acquire other things, like cars and real estate, or (if they are business borrowers) to pay for labor, raw materials, or other inputs.
For one thing, it suggests that productive capacity in these countries will wane; real estate, stocks, and other financial assets will increasingly be sold or exchanged for safer alternatives; and social costs will rise, whether they are affordable or not.
Among other things, the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act prohibits «steering incentives,» wherein a consumer is steered toward a certain lender or loan product that may or may not be in their best interest.
The cool thing about the platform is you can see the songs other people have chosen in real - time and skip them if you don't favor the particular track.
The other thing is that I have a real problem with faith in the trinity.
But in the real world, I think atheists and people of varying faiths probably work together on various things for the good of mankind — often not really knowing fully about each others» beliefs, yet still accomplishing good things together.
If it is something not real (that is, it actually is an untrue thing, therefore meaningless), those in whose behalf it is done do nt know anything, and their living reletives shouldnt care one way or the other.
I think a lot of things could be glossed over in this story... what was the real relationship like between John and James, did Lucas» other church reject him or did Lucas do the rejecting, and how much shame from the parents had to do with that decision, the issue of race, the issue of disability... I'm a pessimist so I think of these things.
At Mass on Palm Sunday morning, I looked out from the altar at hundreds of fervent worshipers and, knowing that the same thing was happening in hundreds of other places around the city, had no doubt that this, and not what the Times reported, is the real world.
You are, in fact, comparing them both with some Real Morality, admitting that there is such a thing as a real Right, independent of what people think, and that some people's ideas get nearer to that real Right than othReal Morality, admitting that there is such a thing as a real Right, independent of what people think, and that some people's ideas get nearer to that real Right than othreal Right, independent of what people think, and that some people's ideas get nearer to that real Right than othreal Right than others.
Again, there are millions who simply KNOW that Vishnu is real, or reincarnation, alien abduction, astrology, witchcraft, or a host of other things are real.
(This view is abbreviated DP3) J. L. Mackie has described a crucial aspect of this position: «If men's wills are really free, this must mean that even God can not control them... «5 If one takes seriously that idea of a universe composed of actual things in real relations with other actualities, then the idea that all power is concentrated in one actuality is nonsensical.
Because science has kind of proven or talked about all those things you were just asking... maybe pick up a book other than a work of fiction and learn something that's real and tangible.
(8) Evolutionary discussion often betrays a positivistic bias which sees scientific truth as the «real» truth about things, with other forms of truth, including religious truth, relegated to providing only an emotive, valuational and relativistic set of preferences about things.
Though it's still somewhat unclear about what the pope thinks about hell, one thing is for certain: he believes that the devil is very real, and thinks other Christians would be wise to remember that as well.
the other curious thing is when theists go after the atheists over our knowledge of scripture, most atheists were once theists so we would have some idea of scripture like you all however with the onslaught of attacks from religious folks in the real world when they discover we're not «one of them» has the same effect as the villian in the comics unwittingly creating the superhero.
In other words, if we have the real thing, Jesus Christ, why would we want to go back to the shadow?
The most rebellious thing a person can do is NOT go along with prevailing culture, and by getting tattoos for no real purpose other than consanguinity with that culture is really to miss the entire point of the gospel.
These last two terms mean basically the same thing: that to marry creates a real legal relationship, with specific rights and obligations between a woman and a man: in relation to each other, to society, and to God.
But if you can start and maintain relationships with Christians who see things differently than you do, you'll discover they are real human beings who care about other people.
-- other than real ketchup is one really good thing that comes out of the USA.
@sean — you are right, having the only choices of carry to keep, carry to give away, or abort are very real consequences of having the naughty... but being giving the option of abortion is to many a «get - outta - jail - free» card and so in my mind falls into the catagory of lack of consequences — sure you pay to have it done, but compare that to the bill of 18 years of food, housing, clothing, and many many other unforseen things....
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