Sentences with phrase «other religious groups»

But normally they were not distinguished from other religious groups in terms of language, dress, food, or most of their customs, except for worship.
It may be even more important that when other religious groups approach us we respond positively.
If the issue is about other religious groups not being represented the fix is very easy.
The official also noted support from other religious groups for the policy.
But the percentage — 24 percent agree in 2015, up from 17 percent in 2013 — still trails most other religious groups.
Though divided in different sectors, its Christian population dominates other religious groups who has social say on dating.
if similar vile comments were made against other religious groups such as muslims, they would be immediately taken down.
Identification of opposition to the measure with Catholicism might have been avoided if other religious groups had been perceived in the public's mind as early and strong opponents.
It is unfair, we are told, to pick on the Catholic Church when many other religious groups do the same thing.
One last example: The church partners with other ministries to feed the hungry in local parks, provide coats to people who don't have them, works with prostitutes and drug addicts, and lets other community groups (even other religious groups) use the church building.
The report assessed the group's perceptions and attitudes and those of other religious groups toward Muslim Americans a decade after the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States.
I bet when other religious groups start standing up for their beliefs, you are going to wet your pants,
«If you're going to pass a marriage bill, real religious exemptions and carveouts to protect the Catholic Church and other religious groups need to be included,» Ball told the Daily News.
religious groups call other religious groups not accepted by society a «cult».
This is the only possible way for us to exist as a religious group among other religious groups, whether Muslim, Buddhist, Jewish, or whatever, and for them to exist among us.
Rational choice is a presupposition of another sociological model embraced by Stark: the «theory of religious economies,» which posits that churches and other religious groups operate in a market in which they must compete for adherents.
If we celebrate all religions equally fine, but we are not going to celebrate holidays of a group of people who hate american life and ignore other religious groups who we coexist with peacefully!
Interwoven with familial, civic, devotional, and secular configurations that are structurally different from the local church, other religious groupings offer alternative patterns of collective reverence and incidentally suggest other ways by which Christianity might conceivably have spread among peoples.
New analysis suggests that evangelicals remained unmoved in their support for Republicans, while a few other religious groups shifted.
By a 48 to 34 percent margin, white evangelical Protestants questioned say they oppose allowing gays from serving openly, while majorities or pluralities of other religious groups surveyed favor allowing gays to serve.
But the churches and other religious groups lag behind, rarely responding to the changes in their membership.
Ninety - three percent of U.S. Muslims said they believe other Muslim Americans are loyal to the country, while significant minorities in other religious groups doubted that loyalty, the report said.
But what is even sadder is that WMATA — like many another government agency — has allowed Islamic terrorism to define what is permissible in the public square by Christians and members of other religious groups whose longstanding charitable impulses involve quite the opposite of bombs and bullets.
Because of changes in Swiss immigration and labor laws, the Mormon church and other religious groups soon will be unable to send any non-European missionaries to Switzerland.
Oh, and let's see you write a title like «How Muslims Spoil Sex» — because you are liberal, fearful, and will do anything to appease other religious groups except Christianity.
In the meantime, the white Christian population is aging while other religious groups in America are retaining their youth.
Reform and Orthodox Jewish groups and other religious groups differ deeply over the legitimacy of homosexuality.
Thus the BJP (often seen as being a party that promotes Hindus over other religious groups) has a policy of «Hindutva», which they explain to be cultural nationalism, favouring Indian culture over westernisation, (and not favouring Hindus over Christians or Muslims).
From 1937 to 1944, the pro-Congress Majlis - e-Ahrar-ul-Islam and other religious groups constantly pressurised Jinnah to declare Ahmedis as non-Muslims and throw them...
As Church school numbers increase, other religious groups demand their own publicly funded schools on grounds of equity.
These Blaine Amendments discriminate against the Catholic Church and against other relatively orthodox churches, whose attachment to their own distinctive authority and doctrine limits their ability to form institutions in concert with other religious groups.
Even the Bible was corrupted by such people and wars started against other religious groups.
(CNN)- Presidents George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush all met with American Muslims, as they did with most other religious groups.
Boehner should also address why he and other Republicans enthusiastically supported the unnecessary trillion tax dollar War in Iraq while the Vatican (and many other religious groups) opposed it because it violated Just War Criteria.
With the game's focus on a fictional doomsday cult in Montana, Ubisoft sent actor and comedian Danny Wallace to trapse around the Sussex town — the logic being that East Grinstead is home to the UK centre for Scientology, as well as hosting a number of other religious groups such as the Rosicrucian Order and Opus Dei.
Even into the New Testament, the Apostle Paul commanded the Christian community to remain separate from other religious groups:
Christians and other religious groups in India have been attacked more than 600 times since Hindu nationalist leader Narendra Modi came to power, according to a Catholic order.
I do get frustrated when other religious groups, mainly Christians, really pound us with phrases saying we're the anti-Christ and that we have no moral values, but putting something up like that is just giving them more reasons to lash out hatefully.
Whereas European Protestantism was largely shaped by state support of particular churches and adjustment to the needs of other religious groups, American Protestantism was largely shaped by autonomous churches.
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