Sentences with phrase «other religious symbols»

And, I think most christians would be accepting of other religious symbols hung in classrooms, or other public spaces.
Why not display other religious symbols alongside this as a sign of respect for the people of other faiths who also died in the towers?
Can't tell if this is about removing one cross or being fair by adding other religious symbols.
If other religious symbols could stand equally next to it, that would at least make this not such a blatantly lopsided issue.
Forcing people to stop concealing their faces when receiving government services plays a very minor role in the discussion of separation of church and state (secularism), especially when you allow other religious symbols and observances within the government, law enforcement, education, health and the judiciary.
Sounds like the tyranny of the majority, why not put other religious symbols in the public buildings, all the religions that wish to display them?
i do question why there's no star of david or other religious symbols for al of those killed though.
If anything other religious symbols should be introduced in public places thus haveng a mixture of symbols for every citizen and promoting collaboration between religions / beliefs.
Ms Eweida «found the requirement to conceal (the cross), sat next to colleagues allowed to wear other religious symbols, an insult to her Christianity and to her».
A cross at a memorial site is completely appropriate, as is any other religious symbol that can be placed there.
The cross, or any other religious symbol, is nothing more then the corporate logo for christianity.
Mark Come on, Obama could never just say «we're all Hindu» and presto chango we all are, but he could remove all other religious symbols from government buildings and put up Hindu ones.
But the order also states that faith - based organizations receiving federal dollars may use their facilities to provide government - backed social services, even if those facilities include religious art, icons, scriptures and other religious symbols.
To recapture the Jewish sense of a God who is made known in history, a God who calls us to lay down our fears and step boldly into tomorrow, to reclaim that Jewish sense of God's ultimacy so that we can see all other religious symbols as less than ultimate and therefore subject to change, to rediscover our Jewish roots which time after time unlock the doors of Holy Scripture — all of these can become the fruits of the dialogue between Christian and Jew.
There were a few things that caused me some confusion — the meaning of the lemmings jumping over the cliff and whether that should be interpreted as good or bad, who the lemmings were, the inclusion of the atheist symbol among the other religious symbols, and what exactly was the peacock looking symbol on one of the buildings.
I saw crosses, photos, love notes, personal trinkets, other religious symbols.
If one religious symbol goes up, then why not other religious symbols?
It is a doc.umentary about how a gov» t run memorial site was made religious, and only for christians because they just could not tolerate any other religious symbols.
if it was any other religious symbol, christians would be going nuts - but it's their symbol, so it's okay.
Question, for everyone that are offended when other people do not want to see a cross there, are you okay with instead of a cross being displayed that some other religious symbol is used?
Serdich: Are you aware of any other religious symbol that was found, made it's way into the mainstream news that was excluded from the museum?
Remembering the day and the horrific acts that affected the lives of so many should not come down to a cross or any other religious symbol, it should come down to remembering those who senselessly lost their lives; remembering those who were courageous enough to enter those fallen buildings; to remembering the loved ones left behind.
The separation of church and state has to exist, but look how angry everyone becomes, when prayer and other religious symbols are removed from public displays and functions?
The thing is that the one's who say it isn't pushing a certain religion on people fight tooth and nail if some other religious symbol was displayed.
If a cross must be displayed — why not display all the other religious symbols as well?
There should be a Star of David, a Buddha statue, or any of the world's other religious symbols.
The point here is that religion has to be treated equally by gov» t and if a cross is allowed then all other religious symbols would need to be allowed as well and then the classroom turns into a religious marketplace instead of a gov» t funded place of learning.
In France there are public schools — where the display of crosses (or other religious symbols) is strictly forbidden.
Christian arguments for the cross to be displayed 24/7 in a public classroom as a constant reminder every second of the day that Jesus was murdered by Jews and died for our sins won't hold up to Christian review if all other religious symbols were placed right next to it.
I would also allow the cross if they also put up all other religious symbols and a symbol for atheism.
Agree about the SP episode, they can mock and ridicule any other religious symbol and that one is off limits.
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