Sentences with phrase «other research fields»

This offers new low - power magnetization manipulation for memory or logic applications and a new approach for analyzing dynamic strains in other research fields such as nanoparticles, chemical reactions, and crystallography.
This project is devoted to the development of a flexible and general framework for the derivation of geometric numerical integrators, referred to as discrete Dirac mechanics, which will be applicable to many problems from plasma physics, but also to equations from other research fields such as optimal control, meteorology, oceanography, geo dynamics, fluid dynamics, elasticity, solar physics, astrophysics and cosmology.
The field of quantum control also finds itself blending into other research fields that are forming a new vanguard in quantum physics and chemistry.
As in most other research fields, volcanology jobs are scarce.
We also attach great importance to interdisciplinary fusion - type research with other research fields in MANA.
«Nuclear physics» interdisciplinary progress: Theoretical nuclear physics could yield unique insights by extending methods and observations from other research fields
But today's record federal deficit, along with the demands of homeland security in the era of terrorism, and of food safety in the era of mad cow disease, do not augur well for hopes that Congress will come up with any substantial additional funding in other research fields.
Some, such as WES, offer access to mentors at other institutions and in other research fields.
The technology could also be applied to other research fields, Fernandez said.
He commented, «The application of MSRM can also be beneficial to all other research fields aiming to interpret small terrain differences.
DAM also holds internationally recognized collections of Pre-Columbian Art, American Indian Art, and Western American Art (and houses the related Petrie Institute of Western American Art), all of which can help provide resources and context for Clyfford Still and other research fields.
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