Sentences with phrase «other safe places»

Some groups in a population may suffer the effects more than others, such as children, older people, those with pre-existing medical conditions, Indigenous Australians, and those least able to get to services or other safe places.
You'll also want to get into the habit of taking your pup with you to as many other safe places as possible, where he'll have more opportunities to enhance his socialization.
Mix well in a large bowl (needs to hold at least 1 gallon), cover with a thin tea towel or cheesecloth and place on your back porch, balcony or some other safe place outdoors.
A safe stranger is someone that they can go to for help — like a law enforcement officer, firefighter, or someone who works at a school, library or other safe place.
Gently, set baby in crib or other safe place.
And if you ever have a moment when you're afraid you've run out of patience with a child, the best thing you can do is put her in her crib or other safe place, and walk away for a few minutes until you can calm down.
Lockable compartments: A lot of times a Jeep Wrangler ends up being used on camping trips where there's no other safe place for valuables and, depending on what you've got along in terms of cash, credit cards, and other goods, a little extra level of protection might give you more peace of mind while you sleep or go off exploring away from the vehicle.
Hopefully the original life insurance policy had been placed in a safe deposit box or other safe place.
finding safe ways to release anger, such as screaming into a pillow, running round the garden or some other safe place, squeezing a ball or a cushion.

Not exact matches

Canada provides a safe place for American retailers to expand because the consumers and laws are so similar to those south of the border, and other retailers such as Target are also planning a big push into Canada in the coming months.
Other cloud storage options are basically akin to warehouses: places to keep stuff safe when you're not using it.
While your recent social networks are only connecting you with «safe» places and people you already have a connection with, it's important to know there are others out there who can use your point of view and expertise.
And it has been a safe place for people to invest and an important source of financial capital for other countries.
Our clients have made our studios a home base, a safe place where they will always find a friendly face, where they know each others name, and where they can focus on their physical and emotional health.
They believe that it is in fact a threat to the security of the Russian nation as it would allow for widespread money laundering and other illicit activities a safe haven to take place.
It was the unanimous opinion of this hearing panel that forcing a regional bank engaging in safe and sound banking and lending practices with $ 50 billion in assets to undergo stress tests and other regulatory rigors as a systemically important financial institution placed in the same league as a $ 2.5 trillion bank like JPMorgan, is nonsense.
As I understand the arguments, if I save a portion of my wage or other income and keep it in my mattress or other «safe» place, I am accumulating «savings».
The relationship between the war in Afghanistan and diffuse but real security interests once referred to as the «War on Terror» is unstated, but the tacit belief seems to be that success in Afghanistan will ameliorate problems in other places, mostly by denying terrorists a safe haven like Amsterdam or Fort Hood.
«David has given me a safe place to embrace the continuing transformation of my faith life without worrying about upsetting the many who follow my other writings on the faith life.
On the one hand it looks like the silenced are finally finding a safe place to protect their dignity, while on the other hand it appears there are some who are still trying to find a place to protect their reputations.
There may be some places that Americans shouldn't go or that others may deem dangerous, but the body of Christ isn't just one «safe» nation, it isn't a cultural overlay.
If you need a safe place to do this along with others who understand and listen well, check out The Lasting Supper!
For we shall be inclined, if not certainly driven, to put temporary and proximate «goods» in the place belonging only to the absolute Good which is God; and as a result we shall attempt to live without regard for that last and ultimate environment which is the only «safe» context for all other values and goals that we may set ourselves.
But now I feel like I've achieved a kind of balance by starting this other site... a safe place for people to process their spirituality independently along with others in a non-confrontational environment.
Perhaps we do this because we are frightened by the complexity of sexuality, a complexity that does not lend itself to the comfortable categories that assure us that we're right, that we're «in,» that we're safe, that we're talking about «other» people from «other» places in «other» communities.
Consider this... a person goes to college, gets a four year degree in archaeology (or some antiquities preservation analog); spends summers sifting through sand and rock and gravel, all the while taking graduate level classes... person eventually obtains the vaunted PhD in archaeology... then works his / her tail off seeking funding for an archeological excavation, with the payoff being more funding, and more opportunities to dig in the dirt... do you think professional archaeologists are looking hard for evidence of the Exodus on a speculative basis... not a chance... they know their PhD buys them nothing more than a job at Tel Aviv Walmart if they don't discover and publish... so they write grants for digs near established sites / communities, and stay employed sifting rock in culturally safe areas... not unless some shepard stumbles upon a rare find in an unexpected place do you get archeological interest and action in remote places... not at all surprising that the pottery and other evidence of the Exodus and other biblical events lie waiting to be discovered... doesn't mean not there... just not found yet...
(*** I personally want to invite you to The Lasting Supper, an online community dedicated to providing a safe place to exercise your spirituality on equal footing with others.
But I have seen the benefits of men and women having «safe» places to express themselves spiritually, without feeling judgment from the other sex.
In other words, even if we passed any of the current gun control regulations that are currently being proposed, none of these regulations would have kept guns out of the crazy maniacs who shouldn't have them in the first place, nor would they have kept the sane (and seemingly safe) maniacs from doing what they did with the guns they had legally obtained.
Where the common love of other polities coincides with ours, America has a strategic opportunity to foster friendships that will make the world a stabler and safer place and a moral obligation to help other countries who to some extent emulate our founding principles.
place an oven - safe * medium (10 - inch) skillet on it and add the other tablespoon of olive oil to the pan.
You know how when your job is safe, you tend to put less effort into it, because you start to feel like doing what you do is easy, and you slide into a slippery slope while others are working hard for their place.
«All of our other teams are set to be safe in their leagues, with some pushing for second place too.
We focus on creating a safe and nurturing environment which offers opportunities to explore and discover; a place where children learn to care about and cooperate with others, as well as play independently.
Make sure you organize and put away all the important stuff, like financial files, personal belongings, and other things in a safe place.
While I can only do so much, the children still get bombarded with those things at home, I'm glad that in my class, they have a safe place to express themselves in a way that's true to them, and can learn to respect each other's differences, and even stand up for each other to defend the other person's choices and opinions.
The science that gives evidence that infants removed for their own safety from the arms of their parents and placed into the arms of others, willing to love forever yet holding them temporarily hoping for reunification of this child's family — this family dynamic and this baby still require access to safe and suitable nutrition for their baby.
Some of the questions parents have about school safety may include how school lockdown drills are implemented, what other plans are in place to help kids stay safe, and how to handle kids» questions or anxiety about school safety.
In all other aspects, whether your baby is premature or term, the care will be fairly much the same - ensuring that your baby has a safe place to sleep; that your baby is placed on its back during sleep, or on its side; and to continue the medications, if your baby has received medications at the time of discharge, at a regular time day and night.
Is sharing the process and seeing how others are putting safe practices into place in their home helpful for you?
We wanted to create a safe place where breastfeeding moms could swap stories, share tips and support each other.
We want to create a safe place where natural moms and mothers - to - be can swap stories, share tips and support each other.
We can be honest about our feelings with ourselves and with others and need to have safe places to do so.
Placing the DockATot in a crib, bassinet or other sleep surface is against the manufacturer's warnings and is not safe.
Among the safety measures of Fisher Price Newborn Rock»n Play, the most significant one is the three point restraint to keep the baby in place and safe while you are busy cooking, cleaning or doing other things.
My personal list goes something like this: diapers, clothes, a safe place to occasionally put the baby down (pack - n - play, swing, co-sleeper), a few slings or other carriers, and the number of a breastfeeding helper.
Homebirth is recognised as safe for low risk women, particularly if it is not the first time they are giving birth (i.e. slightly higher risk for primiparous women than multiparous) as per «Birth Place Study» — British Medical Journal 2011 — amongst other studies.
Coach of the Year nominations are reviewed for how well the nominee exemplifies the NYSCA Coaches Code of Ethics, founded on values like placing the well - being of their players ahead of personal intentions and goals, being a role model of good sportsmanship and providing a safe playing situation for their players, among many other key areas.
If your preschooler is still anxious, explain to her exactly what's done to keep her safe at her preschool, at home, and at other places you frequently go.
The Master Lock Vault provides a safe & convenient place to store all of your confidential data for quick & easy access from your PC, iPhone, or any other mobile devices!
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