Sentences with phrase «other scouts»

If one even does GH cents 1,000,000.00 conservative per match, for the total eight (8) matches, that will be an additional GH cents 8,000,000.00 (eight million Ghana Cedis) to the GH cents 24,677,025.00 to bring the total to GH cents 32,677,025.00 and with other scouting trips during the qualifying series, I would put the real cost to us to GH cents 35,000,000.00 (thirty - five million Ghana Cedis) conservative.
If one even does GH cents 1,000,000.00 conservative per match, for the total eight (8) matches, that will be an additional GH cents 8,000,000.00 (eight million Ghana Cedis) to the GH cents 24,677,025.00 to bring the total to GH cents 32,677,025.00 and with other scouting trips during the qualifying series, I would put the real cost to us to
One reason is the program's emphasis on teaching respect for other scouts and for the laws of scouting.
Higher than what I have seen recently from other scouts.
The bees that dance most vigorously will recruit other scouts until one site wins.
Other scouts follow up, choosing sides until a quorum has settled on a particular spot.
Other scouting badges and accolades require lower levels of involvement from scouts, ranging from conducting a one - time effort such as a food drive, to a weekend project, such as helping with landscape improvements.
One of West's biggest skills was old - school scouting: Traveling to games, observing players in different in - game circumstances, taking notes, exchanging opinions with other scouts.
Other people have other scouts.
I read somewhere it was some other scout, some younger lad who scouted aforementioned players.
Other scouts are impressed by righthanded starter Kevin Tapani and middle reliever Tim Drummond, who were also part of the Viola deal.
One of the other scouts had a radio transmitter.
Connors was in high school when she conducted her project; other scouts may be in elementary or middle school.
Girl Scouts perform a variety of activities in a girl scout troop, such as going to camps, learning how to survive outdoors, interacting with other scouts, taking part to self - esteem building activities, setting and meeting goals, and running their own cookie businesses.
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