Sentences with phrase «other scraps»

Her work recorded their testimony in words, documents, images, and other scraps of memory.
I really like this plaid fabric, and since I had a lot leftover I decided to use it along with other scraps from my stash to make pillow covers.
I have like 5 million egg whites in there... in addition to way too many other scraps that need to be used up!
Once Rauschenberg returned to his home on Captiva Island in Florida, his collection of found debris grew to include discarded cars parts, street signs and other scrap materials.
It's times like this, throwing on a bikini top and a few other scraps of fabric and heading out the door... I know I'm going to miss summer when it's gone.
Chair legs and other scraps fill the boxes, and their vertical lines reinforce the grid.
Birdhouse Complex Made From Scrap Wood And Trash Their «Spatzenfavela» («favela» for sparrows), recently featured at the plan12 Architecture Biennale in Cologne, is a colorful complex of birdhouses cobbled together from untreated local wood and other scrap parts, then painted with solvent - free paint.
I've made them with scrap 2x4s and other scrap wood I have laying around, as well as pallet boards.
This Milk Carton Craft turns milk cartons covered in wrapping or other scraps of paper into useful storage containers.
turns milk cartons covered in wrapping or other scraps of paper into useful storage containers.
A cursory examination when we visited showed large, even whole, portions uneaten among the milk cartons and other scraps.
a slim, ten - hour computer that can hold every document, book, movie, CD, email, picture, or other scrap of data they're ever likely to want to have at hand;
According to its definition in the AAFCO Official Publication, blood, hair, hide and other scraps, even manure, stomachs and their contents can go into meat meal.
But letters and other scraps of writing scattered throughout the world can enrich your understanding of your allies and your enemies, lending them a bit of humanity and complexity that the game's story otherwise fails to convey.
In addition to painting and sculpture, Yoshitomo Nara has created many drawings, usually hastily scribbled on the backs of postcards, used envelopes and other scraps of paper and often incorporate text in English, German, or Japanese.
She then displayed their wishes in words, images, and other scraps.
This new treatment of the canvas is directly connected to the artist's early interest in the 1960s Italian art movement Arte Povera that inspired his first manga paintings he produced on store receipts, takeout menus, and other scraps of transactional detritus.
The waste wood, tree branches and other scraps are gathered together from factories and from farms to a biomass power plant.
Beef stock: You know the drill: Boiled water with pieces of muscle, bones, joints, connective tissue and other scraps of the carcass.
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