Sentences with phrase «other sculptors»

Bill Woodrow is a British sculptor who usually doesn't get as much as attention as other sculptors of the same era, such as Tony Cragg or the late Anthony Caro.
As he suggests at the end of the letter where he enlists his nephew in a little deception --»... as to what I've just written, don't say anything to the priest because I wish him to think that I never received your letter» — there are other sculptors in Rome with similar names and any imprecision in the form of the address is likely to cause his mail to go astray.
This has influenced many other sculptors such as Alexander Archipenko, Henry Moore and Barbara Hepworth who started to pay much more attention to empty space.
What lured me to the material was looking at old black and white photographs of Hepworth, Giacometti, Moore and other sculptors working in their studios with plaster...»
Di Suvero was working on welded metal sculpture at the time, and, along with other sculptors, he founded the Socrates Sculpture Park in Long Island City, Queens, for artists to install outdoor work.
Smith, of course, is famed as a sculptor but like Henry Moore and a few other sculptors he also was a good painter.
During the 1950's, as Modernism exploded into prominence with New York City as the emergent international center of the Artworld, other Sculptors Guild members who propelled this great American sculpture movement forward along with David Smith were such renowned figures as Jacques Lipchitz, Louise Bourgeois, Seymour Lipton, lbram Lassaw and Herbert Ferber.
For other sculptors associated with kineticism, see: Naum Gabo (1890 - 1977) and Jean Tinguely (1925 - 1991).
Its sculpture collection features works by Auguste Rodin, Henry Moore, Jean Dubuffet, Lucio Fontana, Mark di Suvero, Claes Oldenburg and many other sculptors.
«What lured me to the material was looking at old black and white photographs of Hepworth, Giacometti, Moore and other sculptors working in their studios with plaster,» he said.
Other sculptors in New York were experimenting with totemlike sculptures, among them Louise Bourgeois and David Smith, but the inclusion of sculptural walls in Nevelson's environments of this period was both unique and influential.
Other sculptors they represent include Georgia Gerber and acclaimed Native American artists Lillian Pitt and Marvin Oliver.
The HMI exhibition itself includes two sculptures out of the original 14, William Turnbull's Angle and Nicholas Monro's King Kong, as well as other works made in or around 1972 by some of the other sculptors, alongside maquettes and models, some original and some specially remade, and photographic and other forms of documentation.
Like no other sculptor today, Donald Judd has informed our understanding of art and its relationship to space.
Now she's kicking off 2015 in yet another group show, this time at Jack Hanley, where she'll be in the excellent company of other sculptors and photographers, including Ryan Foerster and Sarah Braman.
Segre's sculptures also suggest hybrids of other sculptors» works.
But Judd's development of colour is entirely personal and more dramatic than that of almost any other sculptor of the late 20th century.
Perhaps more than any other sculptor of his generation, he made manifest in his sculpture of the early 50's the whole, abstract and essentially non-Cubist space that was being developed by the Abstract Expressionist painters.
Other sculptors are in awe of him, but his public is undeservedly small.
There were many other sculptors, and there's still one great living sculptor, Mark di Suvero.
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