Sentences with phrase «other side effects»

But the results of recent studies suggest that two other side effects of CBT may actually have a greater impact that thought restructuring on client progress: Distancing and decentering work that helps clients stop identifying with depression and behavior activation, a technique that helps him or her to reengage with naturally pleasurable and rewarding activities.
Reporting the adverse effects, allergies or other side effects occurring in the patient to the registered nurse
If you have used supplements with ephedra and suffered heart attack, stroke, primary pulmonary hypertension (PPH), primary arterial hypertension (PAH) or other side effects, please contact us to learn more about your legal rights.
Lawsuits against Bayer Pharmaceuticals, the manufacturer of Cipro, allege that the company failed to properly warn consumers of the risk of tendon rupture and other side effects of Cipro.
Other side effects associated with NuvaRing include allergic reactions, missed periods, pain in the leg or calf, lumps in the breast, too much urine, confusion, chest pain, coughing up blood, depression, body numbness, darker urine, weakness in one side of the body, serious headaches, pale stool, slurred speech, irregular vaginal bleeding, Toxic Shock Syndrome symptoms, irritation in the vagina, vision problems, and yellow eyes or skin.
In addition to risks of heart attack and stroke, there are other side effects associated with testosterone replacement therapy.
In addition to the thigh breaks, the plaintiff contends that taking Fosamax caused her to suffer other side effects that have necessitated ongoing medical care.
Other side effects include allergic reactions, central nervous system disorders, anxiety, abnormal heart rhythm, photosensitivity (sensitivity to the sun), blood glucose «disturbances,» hepatotoxicity (liver damage), changes in sensation and nerve damage.
Pumping sulphate particles into the atmosphere was identified as the most cost - effective method, but one which would do nothing to curb ocean acidification or other side effects of increasing greenhouse gas emissions — the report acknowledges that this could have other unintended side effects as well.
These medications can make you drowsy or cause other side effects so use with caution.
Since Program works on enzyme systems that are unique to insects, no other side effects have been reported even in animals fed hundreds of times the recommended dose.
If your dog continues to vomit or if any other side effects occur, Trifexis may not be the right product for your pet.
Other side effects that may occur include restlessness, irritability, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure and loss of appetite.
If these or other side effects occur, consult your veterinarian or call 1-800-275-1414.
If other side effects like vomiting, diarrhea and weight gain or loss occur, contact your veterinarian.
If these or any other side effects occur, contact your veterinarian immediately.
A number of drugs, including aspirin and tricyclic antidepressants, can cause side effects on their own or increase the intensity of other side effects if they're used in conjunction with phenylpropanolamine.
Other side effects resulting from long - term use include muscle weakness, thinning of the coat, calcium deposits, demodectic mange and other skin conditions, according to VCA Animal Hospitals.
Other side effects that occur rarely, usually with high doses of Prednisone include thinning of the skin, cataracts, glaucoma, behavior changes.
Other side effects may include loss of appetite, dark stools, depression and changes in drinking and urination.
Other side effects that may occur include KCS or dry eye, anemia, fever, loss of appetite, vomiting or diarrhea, joint inflammation, kidney damage, and skin rash.
She had no other side effects.
It is common to see a change in hair color in the area irradiated, and other side effects depend on the area that is being irradiated.
Other side effects may also occur.
I don't use these 2 drugs in my practice so you need to call the veterinarian that prescribed them - they will be familiar with whether they upset their stomach, other side effects, etc..
Other side effects are rare.
A couple other side effects of a sensitive dog eating a banana are more minor things like constipation and an upset stomach.
If your dog vomits within 1 hour of administration, re-dose with another full dose Other side effects include decreased or increased appetite, lethargy, diarrhea, cough, increased thirst, vocalization, redness of the skin, hyperactivity and drooling.
Excessive thirst, excessive urination, personality changes, drowsiness, vaginal discharge, yellow gums and weight gain Hair color change (dogs) Contact your veterinarian if mammary changes (mammary enlargement, milk production) occur, or if any other side effects are noted Can this drug be given with other drugs?
The medication has other side effects, so periodic blood testing of the pet is a wise choice when they are receiving diazoxide.
Without knowing more about why your Veterinarian wanted to speak with you about the blood results, I can not really comment; Rilexine (cephalexin) may cause a stomach upset which may lead to a loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhoea and other side effects of administration.
If these or other side effects occur, consult your veterinarian or call us at 1-855-844-4375.
Other side effects of fluoroquinolones include damage to the joints of growing dogs when used at high doses, allergic reaction, and rarely, elevated liver enzymes, nervousness, and neurologic symptoms.
Too much can result in liver damage and some other side effects or dangers include:
Other side effects may occur.
Other side effects after deworming can include lethargy and non-alertness.
Other side effects which are common after puppy deworming is loss of appetite for a few days.
Other side effects typically require other pre-existing conditions that could be made worse by giving an NSAID (even a COX - preferential one).
Other side effects that occur rarely, usually with high doses of Prednisolone include thinning of the skin, cataracts, glaucoma, or behavior changes.
If these or other side effects occur, consult your veterinarian or us at 1-855-844-4375.
If these or other side effects (such as lethargy or agitation) occur, consult your veterinarian or call 1-855-844-4375.
Other side effects such as inactivity, vomiting and inappetence have also been reported.
Essentially, in the event of a bite, these antibodies will neutralize the venom, making it easier for your dog to recover with less swelling, pain, and other side effects.
Their dogs did not experience diarrhea or any other side effects from these best dog pill pocket treats.
Other side effects that have been observed include:
, but other side effects from marijuana can be quite severe, including lethargy, dilated pupils, drooling, being off balance, muscle twitching, vomiting, involuntary urination and even unconsciousness.
Results have been very impressive — no allergies, indigestion, or other side effects were observed, only healthy skin and coat and increased level of activity to show.
Aside from loss of appetite you may also notice other side effects of vaccinations such as lethargy and slight fever.
I bought this about 10 days ago I gave my baby 2 pills in the morning and within 12 hours he had 1 loose stool and that was it, he didn't have any other side effects and is doing great
No, this is a happy disclaimer and not something about bonds causing you constipation, diarrhea, and other side effects.
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