Sentences with phrase «other side of the boat»

There is no one on the other side of this boat.
They catch nothing, but Jesus tells them throw the nets out of the other side of the boat and they catch many fish.
When Christ told them to cast the net on the other side of the boat, they recovered several boat loads of fish which they were undoubtedly able to sell for a good profit.
I mean, when Jesus had first called us to follow him, we had been doing just as poorly at fishing, and Jesus had told us to cast our nets on the other side of the boat.
Then he tells us to try casting our net on the other side of the boat.
And this time, just for old times sake, rather than argue, we decided to humor this guy, and we threw our nets on the other side of the boat — and wouldn't you know it — we caught so many fish, we couldn't draw the net into the boat!
Without the Sea of Tiberius (the Sea of Galilee), where Jesus after his Resurrection had Peter and the others cast their net on the other side of their boat?
He began with a story of a one - armed fisherman who miraculously got his second arm back so he could cast his nets on the other side of the boat.
They haul in their nets, and toss them off the other side of the boat.
«Try throwing your nets on the other side of the boat» the man hollers back.
On the Sea of Galilee he calls out to the fisherman to «try the other side of the boat
He trusts, he throws his net on the other side of the boat as Jesus says... and he ends up with so much fish, his nets break and he needs help to bring it all back to shore!
Then, everything happened at once, a Humpback Whale lunge fed, meanwhile Orcas could be seen on the other side of the boat and there was Steller Sea Lions swimming around as well.
After 15 minutes hanging above the divers, I went to shallower reef on the other side of the boat to get the most out of my snorkeling on Yap tour.
Everyone got to pet the calf while the mom watched from on the other side of the boat.
You are seeing everybody rushing to the other side of the boat right now.
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