Sentences with phrase «other signal types»

The term usually refers to optical telescopes, but there are telescopes for most of the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation and for other signal types.

Not exact matches

CRAC channels control the entry of calcium into immune and other cell types, and calcium is an important intracellular signaling molecule that modulates cytokine production and the immune response.
Signal also has additional security features including options to block others from taking screenshots, disabling keyboards that learn from what you type, and the option to set a password to open the app.
To build nationwide 5G, they either have to kick current customers off LTE, which would take years, or use a type of spectrum (millimeter wave) that can only carry a signal 2,000 feet from a cell site — versus multiple miles for other spectrum — making it nearly impossible for either of them to create a truly nationwide 5G network quickly.
Using these attacks, under the right set of circumstances, hackers or other criminals could potentially monitor what you are typing purely on WiFi signals.
The EC - 130H version conducts various types of signals surveillance, interdiction and disruption along with additional undisclosed capabilities that may include surveillance and jamming of cellular and other wireless signals.
Very quickly, I personally believe breakouts to the upside, if they occur, could be signaling something other than a new secular bull mostly because for now we just do not have the type earnings growth normally associated with secular bull awakenings.
In our leadership work we show our leaders how to transmit a precise type of leadership impact to meet different business outcomes by using various specific postures and facial expressions that prime your behaviors to achieve the particular business outcome, as well as signal to others how your behaviors will change outcomes.
the true test of the scouting ability of the service, rather than a regurgitation of who the best programs in the country are looking at, is to find a kid who is pretty highly ranked but does not have other obvious signals such as major programs recruiting him or elite camp type invites.
A large number of things can cause interference with wireless monitors, and this includes things like radio signals, wireless signals from other types of wireless devices that might be in your home or in neighbor's homes, etc. even microwave ovens can cause interference on a wireless signal.
The scientists now have not only gravitational - wave detectors but also a wealth of other types of observatories collaborating in this effort to capture a range of multimessenger signals from the sources that produce gravitational waves.
In experiments, so - called fast - twitch muscles and slow - twitch muscles assumed each other's characteristics when stimulated with electrical signals characteristic of the other type.
A new type of laser created by Dartmouth physicists could one day translate the photon - speak of quantum chips into signals that other gadgets — say, a computer screen — can understand.
Some Hedgehog signaling reducing agents are currently on the market to treat specific types of cancers while others are in clinical trials.
Our color vision is superior at spotting «social signaling,» such as blushing or other facial color changes, when compared to other types of color vision, including the type we design for digital cameras and other photographic devices.
Specifically, our color vision is superior at spotting «social signaling,» such as blushing or other facial color changes — even when compared to the type of color vision that we design for digital cameras and other photographic devices.
«But, perhaps more importantly, these results support a rarely tested idea that social signaling itself, such as the need to detect blushing and facial color changes, might have had a role in the evolution or maintenance of the unusual type of color vision shown in primates, especially those with conspicuous patches of bare skin, including humans, macaques, and many others,» concludes co-author Amanda Melin of the University of Calgary.
To extend their initial findings, the researchers seek to understand the signals that coax these cells to develop, and whether they play roles in other autoimmune diseases, such as lupus, multiple sclerosis, and type 1 diabetes.
But as with many other types of treatments, treating tumors with PDT can stimulate molecular signaling pathways that support tumor survival.
«And they do say that they looked at all the different types of stellar activity and other things that could generate a spurious Doppler signal at 11 days, but after looking at all that, they concluded the variability in the data is best explained by the presence of a planet.»
«Although the two types of inhibitory neurons are very similar to each other in terms of morphology, synaptic connectivity, and the kinds of small molecules they use for signaling, they're very different in terms of the methylation pattern.
«Our main challenge was to find the right timing and concentration of the signaling molecules that would yield V2a interneurons instead of other neuronal cell types, such as motor neurons,» said first author Jessica Butts, a graduate student in the McDevitt lab.
Many synapses just relay one type of signal, whereas others can convey both types simultaneously or can switch between the two.
One of the new types boosts brain signaling in mice, and the other dampens brain signaling in people.
Bruce Hoeneisen, a member of the Fermilab team that saw the B meson imbalance in 2010, says other options, including new types of quarks not currently included in the standard model, could explain the Tevatron signal.
The types can be distinguished by the molecules they produce, but scientists haven't had a full picture of how they interact with each other as signals move through the sensory cortex.
Another example being explored by Wong and others is to engineer stem cells so they develop into specific cell types when prompted by different signals.
«Our research revealed how small RNA molecules can work with other cell signals called transcription factors to generate specific types of neurons, in this case motor neurons.
«We think that its partner in this case, mGluR5, may also play a role of previously unrecognized breadth, acting within many different types of cells to intensify signals, such as those transmitted by GABA, glutamate, or other neurotransmitters,» Kim adds.
Fat cells are not simply big blobs of lipid quietly standingby in the body — instead, they send out hormones and other signaling proteins that affect many types of tissues.
As Notch appears to use cell type - specific machinery to regulate Myc, it may be possible to target the Notch - Myc signaling path in a way that does not disrupt this path in other cell types.
Adding a signaling molecule called WNT, while also blocking the activity of another molecule known as BMP, promotes differentiation into one kind of mesoderm; conversely, adding BMP while blocking WNT drives the cells to instead become the other type of mesoderm.
Signals from pathogens, tissue factors, and other immune cells are involved in defining the immune phenotype of these cell types.
Mike Kuhar, a neuroscientist at Yerkes National Primate Research Center, introduced the topic of cognitive enhancers or â $ œsmart drugs.â $ He described one particular class of proposed cognitive enhancers, called ampakines, which appear to improve functioning on certain tasks without stimulating signals throughout the brain. Kuhar questioned whether â $ œsmart drugsâ $ pose unique challenges, compared to other types of drugs.
«One cell type signals to the other,» Gunther said.
We invite original innovative research on the rational engineering of plant systems at all levels, including proteins, protein complexes, sensors, metabolic and signalling pathways, microcompartments such as carboxysomes, subcellular compartments, cell types or tissues, as well as the engineering of novel plant hybrid species and the interactions of plants with viruses, bacteria, and other organisms.
Data from the laboratory shows that signals from these molecules through their receptors control the activities and long - term survival of T cells, as well as affecting the activities of other cell types including dendritic cells, macrophages, and epithelial cells.
Activated ERK1 / 2 modulates the functions of several transcription factors, protein kinases, protein phosphatases, cytoskeletal proteins, signaling molecules, apoptosis - related proteins, as well as other types of proteins [32], while activated AKT modulates the function of numerous substrates involved in the regulation of cell survival, cell cycle progression and cellular growth [33, 34], whereas JNK acts as pro-apoptotic as well as anti-apoptotic depending on the conditions [35].
Based on this initial work, published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry, the researchers are now making related peptides that can block other types of G - protein signaling.
As shown in Fig 6A and 6B, signal intensities in wild - type IPCs were dramatically increased upon CCHa2 administration (S1 Movie), indicating that no other tissues are required for relaying the CCHa2 signal to the CNS.
These signaling molecules may also play a role in tumor development in other organs, and are being evaluated in melanoma and other tumor types.
Eventually the paintings emerge, but the little bubbles, as we call them, are stimulating specific types of retinal ganglion cells in very specific ways, which is necessary, we know from other studies, to encourage their ongoing health by transmitting electrical signals down their axons to the brain.
This suggests that the behaviour of transcriptional networks downstream of Nanog, FGF signalling, and other key ES cell regulators produce an attractor or attractor states occupied by these cell types.
In contrast to other types of glycosylation, O - linked modifications with glucose and fucose affect only a small number of proteins, including the essential signaling receptor Notch.
«What we have found is that the antennae don't just capture signals via receptors out in the antennae, but they are also able to transport specific types of receptors down to the base of the antennae - where they are then activated and might possibly interact with a host of other signalling systems.
The brief gamma - ray burst — lasting less than two seconds and of a type known as a «short» gamma - ray burst — occurred more than 10 times closer to Earth than any other whose distance was known, but was unexpectedly weak; the ultraviolet and optical signals were oddly bright and faded fast.
Professor Denk reasoned that any asymmetry in the signals from starburst amacrine cells must therefore be due to an as yet undetected imbalance, either in the arrangement of the tiny connections, synapses, formed between the two cell types, or in the types of signals that they deliver — some synapses delivering inhibitory signals more strongly than others.
GSK3β, the first neighbour of β - catenin is a central, highly multi-functional protein known as a key protein difficult to inhibit without causing side effects and toxicity.41 In glioblastoma and NSCLC cancer, previous studies found that the decreased level of FRAT1 influences the GSK3β activity to phosphorylate β - catenin and by that, inhibit the WNT pathway.39, 40 The role of FRAT1 in colon cancer is less known but based on its function in other cancer types and its special influencing position in colon cancer signalling, we point out its relevance as a potential target in colon cancer therapy (Fig. 3d).
Finally, the strategy applied here for selective delivery of MK801 can be extended to other small molecules for use in brain tissue (Tian et al., 2012), allowing for an approach that combines chemistry, molecular genetics, and neurobiology to dissect cell signaling pathways in specific cell types in the central nervous system.
Modulated Tissue Response (MTR) is the ability to tell some types of tissue in the body to grow while signalling other tissue to shrink and die.
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