Sentences with phrase «other signs of fraud»

Go over the pedigrees and other paperwork your breeder may provide to you, scanning for inconsistencies or other signs of fraud.

Not exact matches

We find it interesting that as new Organic Trade Association members, we were expected to sign the OTA Code of Ethics which, among other things, obligates us to report organic fraud if we know about it.
ODA members — who must sign up and adhere to a code of practice — commit to «checking profiles, giving advice and guidance to customers, and dealing promptly with reports of fraud or other problems», while also offering inservice mail and chat forums, and talking to police about reducing scams.
Another robo - signing / securitiztaion / foreclosure fiasco update here: As I am sure you are aware, the foreclosure processes of many major lenders and mortgage servicers are under investigation for alleged fraud and other process - related defects (for further background, here is an excellent series of articles by Mike Konczal that describes what is going on).
Chase Slate reviews every purchase made with the card, watching for signs of identity theft or other types of fraud.
I've won one case where this happened (where there was extensive email correspondence between business lawyers regarding the changes that would be made in each draft and there the version signed did not correspond to the last version signed electronically in a very long document on paper and there were other indicia of fraud), but by far the more common outcome is to bind the party signing the document (especially in a commercial context) and to consider failing to carefully read all terms of the final draft to be negligent on the part of the party signing the contract.
Despite section 2 of the Statute of Frauds Act, section 9 of the Conveyancing and Law of Property Act or a provision in any other statute or any rule of law, an electronic document that creates, transfers or otherwise disposes of an estate or interest in land is not required to be in writing or to be signed by the parties and has the same effect for all purposes as a document that is in writing and is signed by the parties.
21 (1) Despite section 2 of the Statute of Frauds Act, section 9 of the Conveyancing and Law of Property Act or any other Act or rule of law, an electronic document is not required to be in writing or to be signed by the parties.
«Unlike other paperwork that can be signed electronically, the signatures on settlement papers have to be «wet signatures» that are notarized because of concern about fraud,» Krause says.
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