Sentences with phrase «other sites in the world»

«The concentration of mammal tracks on this site is orders of magnitude higher than any other site in the world,» said Martin Lockley, paleontologist with the University of Colorado, Denver, a co-author on the new paper.
Further surveys are planned to assess whether spring mounds and stromatolites occur at other sites in the World Heritage Area.
You will notice that our dating site is very easy to use as compared to other sites in the world.
Is it because we've inspired twice as many marriages as any other site in the world?
The site claims to be responsible for good dates that often result into relationships and weddings as compared to other sites in the world.
The one example given about is their claim that they are responsible for twice as many marriages as any other site in the world.
Twice as many marriages as any other site in the world.
No other site in the world is like it, from the well preserved and impressive ruins, to the otherworldly location perched on the razor edge of a dramatic mountain.

Not exact matches

The same conditions can be seen in the Caribbean and other sites around the world.
The site, which was founded by Julian Assange, has also been a lightning rod of controversy, with some saying that it exposes important truths about the world, and others saying it puts people in undue danger.
Actually, the site has the largest number of registered users than any other brokerage site in the world.
The authors are also proponents of «what goes around comes around» in the link building world — called «preciprocration» by them — advocating that you freely and willingly look for places to cite work done by others, link to useful sites, etc., when appropriate and relevant.
A client asked me the other day why in the world he should care about getting links from a few K - 12 public school library Web sites, most of which look horrible, have very few visitors, and live way out in the middle of nowhere in the.
What of the dozens of other world wide sites that have been in contention since the beginning of time?
You folks are so quick to stand up for abortion for what you know nothing about, just reading all your propaganda sites of other hate filled non-believers sucking up oxygen in this world..
There are plenty of other places they could build a new Mosque in Manhattan and the site of the former World Trade Center buildings is sacred.
I realize that when I move from ministry site to seminary, I move from a desperate place to a place professing to care, but which has created a world of work — books, papers and presentations — which does not allow it to connect in any meaningful way with that other world.
I also suggest that Christian worship is the other appropriate site for drawing in and celebrating the Dalit and Adivasi religio - cultural worlds, which in turn can be a source for the theological enterprise.
Most of all, those membership fees help this site stay up and running, and enable me to keep writing and teaching so that others around the world can hear about the grace and love of God in Jesus Christ.
We should be in for the likes of Griezmann AND every other world class player that fits our method of playing, Ive said it time and time again our squad is only half world class the rest are mediocre at best (yes I know Ill get thumbed down ect by all the AKB's on site) but the results over the last ten years are proof alone that we are NOT good enough to compete with the other Elite teams.
Swim with friendly nurse sharks by the resort, or venture farther out into the sea to check out one of the most impressive natural features in the area: the Great Blue Hole, a 407 - foot deep sinkhole deemed one of the top scuba diving sites in the world by none other than Jacques Cousteau.
You agree to use this site only for lawful purposes, and in a manner that does not infringe the rights of, or restrict or inhibit the use and enjoyment of this site by World Rugby, other site users and / or any third party.
Nothing stated or implied in this site is designed to grant any licence or right under any copyright or other intellectual property rights of World Rugby or any third party or to use any names, logos, pictures, trade marks or other works or content featured on the site.
If you want to know about the politics in FIFA, UEFA and other world soccer governing body, this site is for you.
World Rugby may publish adverts on the site in the form of buttons, banners, interstitials, pop - ups or other forms of online advertising on behalf of official partners and third party advertisers.
Schulfrei Community — a site that connects home educators around the world, with useful lists of camps and other gatherings in the UK and elsewhere.
Many of the mothers who've met on our site and live near each other have gone on to form groups in the «real world
Other new posts this week over the past few weeks include the kick - off to my Earth Day 2009 series listing all «green» related reviews I've done in the past, my Ultimate Blog Party 2009 post, a heads - up on the new YouCanQuiltThis site, the newest «Only in a Woman's World «episode, the Making Life Better website from Unilever, and the Veggie Adventures game at
On its Web site, Nalgene's manufacturer, Nalge Nunc International, refers to research on Bisphenol A by the FDA, the Environmental Protection Agency, the American Plastics Council and «other reliable sources from around the world» to state «we firmly believe in the safety of our products.»
Another ad channel used in the political world involves specialized advertising on blogs, either through the site or through other blog advertising networks.
Big buys on other political sites, of course (Drudge is always a hit on the Right), but don't forget the physical world, like buying large display ads in the Capitol South and Union Station Metro stations.
I can't really see candidates doing a whole lot of advertising on porn sites (though I'd love to see someone try), but appearances in Second Life and other immersive online worlds are a definite possibility (may I point out that more sites than just Boing Boing noticed that Mark Warner held a virtual event earlier this year?).
In other words, the PM's former spinner could be going head - to - head with Cargiant, the world's largest motor dealership which owns 45 acres of the site, and which has refused to entertain QPR's plans for regeneration.
No other greenfield site in the world boasts the ideal site characteristics, infrastructure, workforce, transportation assets, and lifestyle as the Marcy Nanocenter.
He also believes such a phenomenon could also explain changes at other volcanic sites across the world including the similarly iconic Stromboli, just off the north coast of Sicily, and even the volcano on Montserrat in the Caribbean.
Two partial skeletons, one of a male child aged 9 to 13 years and the other of an adult female, were dug up in the Cradle of Humankind world heritage site near Johannesburg by Lee Berger of the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg and colleagues.
Fires are more prevalent in other parts of the world, but the site's high - quality health, wind, and air pollution data made it attractive for study.
«There is no other centre like the Grenoble international site in the world, with a third - generation synchrotron and a high - powered neutron source and state - of - the - art laboratory facilities,» he says.
In the modern world, these sites are characterized by an unusual abundance of tube worms, bivalves (clams), molluscs, and other animals that survive on the microbial mats that grow there.
Manas Wildlife Sanctuary Although Asian one - horned rhinoceroses, tigers, and other endangered mammals managed to survive 15 years of a rebel occupation in this World Heritage Site in India, they still face the threat of logging and poaching due to the shortage of park police.
Most of it came to Boston via rail and sea during the post — World War I years, when the godfather of Nubian archaeology, Harvard University Egyptologist George Reisner, excavated at Napata and other sites in Sudan.
The observatory offers «a level of sensitivity you simply can not get with any other telescope in the world,» says Karen O'Neil, GBT site director.
In fact, the undeveloped farmland and beauty of the ancient temples along the springs in Perasi's subak are so unusual that in 2012 the United Nations listed it and 20 others as part of Bali's first World Heritage sitIn fact, the undeveloped farmland and beauty of the ancient temples along the springs in Perasi's subak are so unusual that in 2012 the United Nations listed it and 20 others as part of Bali's first World Heritage sitin Perasi's subak are so unusual that in 2012 the United Nations listed it and 20 others as part of Bali's first World Heritage sitin 2012 the United Nations listed it and 20 others as part of Bali's first World Heritage site.
The Geospatial Technologies Project, established ten years ago, had previously assessed satellite images of damaged Syrian World Heritage sites, the destruction of communities in Zimbabwe, industrial gas flaring in Nigeria, and an array of other human rights and environmental threats.
Some people think there is no way that the online world can have an effect on real life; others argue that social media is so influential that the Arab Spring was catalyzed by networking sites, says James Fowler, a political scientist at the University of California, San Diego, who led the study in collaboration with Facebook's data - science team.
The observed damage in vicinity of the Tentative World Heritage site in Raqqa appears to be different from that of the other sites in the analysis, according to the report, with little evidence of direct military conflict.
Since 2006, he has worked with NOAA's air sampling system that uses glass flasks to collect atmospheric samples from 44 different sites around the world to track the annual increase of ethane and other so - called volatile organic compounds in the air.
This approach is currently being tested in Oman and at other sites around the world.
Currently there are two 2 - m telescopes, one in Hawaii and the other in Australia and a number of 1 - m telescopes at sites across the world.
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