Sentences with phrase «other skills involved»

A good pass in an economic or financial discipline, or a degree that demonstrates excellent numeracy skills, is helpful but not essential — there are other skills involved in the job, such as problem solving, persuasion, gaining trust of clients and organisational skills, and it is important that graduates can demonstrate these.
Although Goodbrey allows the reader to collect achievements and hats, there isn't a lot of shooting or other skill involved; A Duck Has an Adventure reminded me of a digital version of Jason Shiga's Meanwhile.

Not exact matches

In other words, it makes sense for many countries to tap into existing international markets, rather than trying to develop all elements of capital markets within their own borders — particularly given the high costs in terms of skilled manpower and other resources involved in establishing some capital markets.
«I like being involved with Ladies Learning Code because it gives me the chance to help others improve their technological skills
Third, rebalance supply - side instruments by de-emphasizing business R&D support relative to other key elements, such as enhancing workplace skills, de-risking growth financing, and reinforcing innovation ecosystems involving sectoral and regional clusters.
This was viewed by the diocese as discriminating against practising families less able and inclined to get involved in group activities, perhaps because of other commitments or lack of appropriate skills.
Second, growth counseling involves a variety of growth - stimulating methods to help people use more of their potentialities by (1) developing better communication with self, others, nature, and God — the four basic relationships within which all growth occurs; (2) developing new skills of relating in mutually - affirming, mutually - fulfilling ways; (3) growing by making constructive decisions and taking responsible action; (4) using the growth possibilities inherent in each life stage; (5) learning to use the pain and problems of unexpected crises as growth opportunities; (6) learning better methods of spiritual growth — the maturing of one's personal faith, working values, sense of purpose, peak experiences, and awareness of really belonging in the universe.
The issues have been a lack of skill and development at the QB position and a lack of creativity over how to involve the athletes on the roster, other than lining them up behind the QB and having them run behind lead blocks by fullbacks and tight ends.
Because these numbers are picked at random, there is no skill or handicapping involved, but certain numbers are more valuable than others.
Beginners can expect to come away with a better understanding of basketball and the skills necessary to become successfully involved with high school, middle school, CYO, AYB, and other quality programs.
Giving your toddler a chance to try out his muscles will improve strength and coordination, which are instrumental to the development of gross motor skills (the skills that involve using arms, legs, and other large muscle groups).
In many cases, games for preschoolers involves being with other children and this can help teach your child important social skills.
To contribute to Young Carers and the Powerhouse Project in other ways (time, providing a skill or service, etc.) please go to our Get Involved page for more information.
Like other skill building DVDs, the parent should be as involved as possible to get the maximum benefit.
Highly skilled immigrants are a significant share of the work force in medicine, in academia, in engineering and in other technology industries, all of which involve jobs disproportionately located in large urban areas.
This has involved new skills being learnt in the industry by looking outwardly at other industries in turn these have helped to create greater organisational efficiencies.
«Even if people don't have an idea of their own but want to get involved, they can request to join another team», says Maxwell, provided that the individual has skills that compliment the other teams» goals.
The results strengthen the hypothesis that the complex intelligence we associate with geniuses like Albert Einstein may actually be driven by very simple processing skills in vision, hearing, and other senses, says John Gabrieli, a neuroscientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge who wasn't involved with the research.
And because AVMs can involve any structure in the body, our AVM specialists also work with orthopedists, gynecologists, urologists, pulmonologists, nephrologists and other skilled physicians.
A second area includes trans - boundary issues, which are important because they sometimes involve the domestic priorities of a country, like air pollution, biodiversity conservation and others, but other times they involve also political issues, as well as issues that require technical skills.
She is very involved in the textile art community in New York and Australia and spends much of her time teaching the skill to others through workshops world - wide.
The other nine received sessions in motivational skills training, a kind of self - talk that involves «reframing» negative feelings — like how hot it is — into positive ones.
This involves creating positive and meaningful relationships, utilizing healthy communication skills, maintaining respect toward yourself and others, and creating a healthy support system.
Not to be outdone, Watson offers other skills to keep the duo from harm, and pistols are involved in some confrontations.
This shares knowledge and skills, allowing others to be involved and take ownership of the solutions.
Of course, getting them «up to speed» sometimes means that they will need to complete some training courses (which TalentLMS is great at), but it also involves a lot of other stuff that's unrelated to any specific workplace skill.
They will join the other student participants so far: Leslie Bank, who had no prior experience with virtual worlds before becoming involved, and Trevena's own fourteen - year - old triplets, Corey, Mark, and Brian, who have been using Second Life for about a year, following their dad's lead and honing their skills at creating alternate realities.
A teacher would receive an «advanced» score on questioning skill if she asked students to explain their thinking, if the questions involved many students in class, and if the students began asking questions of each other.
The skills involved here — inhibiting an automatic impulse, or replacing the impulse with some other action — are called stop and think power.
And for people who really need know the basics about soft skills, the good news is that most of us have access to some fantastic activities and initiatives in our local area which in one way or other can add value to our personal and professional well - being as they will all involve in some way or other, the use of soft skills that participants will use instinctively.
This step will involve codevelopment of courses with our other educational partner, South Seattle Community College; creation of an internship program in which students learn workplace skills in aviation and aerospace industries; and development of a senior project and a portfolio graduation requirement.
Dreading anything having to do with numbers and understanding myself more as a «big picture» guy, Honan's systematic, clear, engaging and fun - loving approach to teaching exactly how to be a strategic school leader, with your mission in one hand and your financial statement in the other, not only dissipated my lifelong fear of «financial books,» but just as importantly gave me a skills set I was very confident using (and even, God help me, enjoyed) when dealing with all issues involved in leading a school.
This sharing of the planning process shares knowledge and skills, allows others to be involved and take ownership of the solutions.
When I took on my new role in the school, which involved using and analysing data and assisting other staff members to do the same, I knew that it would be important to ensure I upgraded my skills and develop a good understanding of the current research to be able to put it into practice.»
«The day was so special for everyone involved, and a really important reminder of the power of sport to help young people develop their social skills, confidence and self - esteem, discipline and many other valuable life skills.
In an article by researcher Kimberly Schonert - Reichl, learn how a social and emotional learning (SEL) program involving mindfulness and caring for others enhanced cognitive control, reduced stress, promoted well - being and social skills, and produced positive school outcomes.
Social Sensitivity: sensitivity to and understanding of other people's moods, feelings and point of view Social Persuasion: ability for influencing other people Interpersonal Work: interest and skill for jobs involving working with people.
Several other characteristics of more effective schools include features that are also linked to the culture of the school and leadership: maintaining focus on learning, producing a positive school climate, setting high expectations for all, developing staff skills and involving parents.
The six promising practices in afterschool for the arts identified in the Afterschool Training Toolkit are as follows: Building Skills in the Arts; Expressing Yourself Through the Arts; Making Connections to History and Culture; Thinking and Talking About Works of Art; Integrating the Arts With Other Subjects; Involving Families and Communities.
Skilled crafts workers are individuals who perform jobs which require special manual skill and a thorough and comprehensive knowledge of the processes involved in the work which is acquired through on - the - job training and experience or through apprenticeship or other formal training programs.
Peer tutoring involves having students work in pairs or small groups to practice new skills and give feedback to each other.
Students with involved parents or other caregivers earn higher grades and test scores, have better social skills, and show improved behavior.»
Amongst other things this will involve introducing a national retraining scheme, changing the rules on what the Apprenticeship Levy money can be used for and introducing a right to lifelong learning in digital skills.
«Social and emotional learning (SEL) involves the processes through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.»
Agile Mind's founding research and development partner, the Charles A. Dana Center at The University of Texas at Austin, has been involved from inception in the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSSM), the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), and other key college readiness standards — and in the deeper learning they represent.
Through her training in statistics and research, as well as being personally involved as a researcher, Dr. Pennings has earned the qualifications and skills to advise others on their various research issues and needs.
Relationship skills involve our capability to form and maintain relationships with others.
This study was funded by the Children's Foundation and involved measuring the relationship between brain processing of speech sounds, nonverbal emotion recognition, and other social - emotional comprehension skills in both typically - developing children and children with a range of clinical diagnoses (e.g., ASD, ADHD, reading disorders, language disorders) who are in grades K - 3.
It is important to note that the surrogate parent may not be an employee of the state educational agency or the local educational agency, or any other agency that is involved in the education or care of the student; must have no personal or professional interest that conflicts with the interest of the student; and must have knowledge and skills that ensure adequate representation of the student.
The intervention involved direct teaching of word meanings; teaching and raising awareness of words with multiple meanings; systemic teaching of word analysis skills including roots and affixes; engaging students in word games, riddles, and other activities designed to promote deeper understanding and use of the words in new and meaningful contexts; and finding the words outside of school.
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