Sentences with phrase «other special days»

When holidays or other special days approach, many times it comes up on us lightening fast.
For example, the issue could be to develop a co-parenting plan for the holidays and other special days of the year.
If there are any other special days during the month, be sure to mention those, too.
It is not uncommon for families to struggle to find ways to honor their little ones memory on their anniversary or other special days.
To keep gift items inexpensive, there are many places you can go to get low - cost but quality toys for Christmas, Easter, and other special days.
On weddings and other special days, I'm typically less worried about waterproof mascara, but a lip color with staying power during all day events such as weddings.
Never, never forget her birthday, your wedding anniversary or other special days.
Other special days might be Salad Bar or Pasta Bar Day.
On birthdays or other special days — maybe we earned a great grade on a chemistry exam or got a personal best at the track meet — we were served dinner on the special plate.
We would like to offer another option for those who are looking to change up their old routines — for Valentine's or any other special day.
We understand that our Bodhi Sessions may not be right for you for Valentine's or your other special days.
Parenting plans are unique to your situation but could include agreements about living arrangements, keeping in touch with wider family and friends, school, holidays and other special days, health issues, money matters and communication.
The judge will typically approve your plan if it covers all the necessary details, up to and including where your children will spend summer vacations and which parent they'll be with on holidays and other special days.
What about birthdays and other special days?
When families develop a comprehensive parenting plan, parents can discuss special days such as birthdays, legal holidays, and other special days.
I will help you create a schedule of the times that each of you will spend with your children, how you will share the holidays and other special days, as well as vacation and travel time that each of you will have with your children.
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