Sentences with phrase «other storylines»

But then the film feels the need to add in a whole other storyline, and that's where the problems start.
Add to those at least a half dozen other storylines viewers will have to keep straight.
Tiger Woods» return to Augusta is grabbing all the headlines this week, but there are a number of other storylines to follow should his play disappoint.
More additions for the campaign were also announced including a new opt - in online feature known as «Agent Hunt», allowing players to take the role as the enemy creatures in other storylines.
The mystery introduced in «The Family's» pilot episode — whether or not the teenager who reappears after ten years of being presumed dead is who he says he is — will be wrapped up «pretty early» in the season, but Bans said it will «spiderweb» out into other storylines that will drive the rest of the season.
These three story arcs are a great introduction to Jessica and Luke and won't get you bogged down with other storylines, as the rest of the series crosses over with other Marvel stories.
We'll discuss that and four other storylines NBA scouts will be following in the Sweet 16.
Many other storylines were very great as well during the season including Amber's storyline with her new boyfriend, Max's run for school president, and the adopting of a child.
In the end, it feels contrived, same with all the joke attempts (save one, but it's such a funny visual gag that words can't do it justice) and a few other storylines.
Other storylines include an aging blonde goddess (Lindsay Duncan) teaching Frances a thing or two about loosening up, a young Polish worker (Pawel Szadja) falling for a beautiful young Italian woman (Giulia Steigerwalt) and Frances» best friend Patti (Sandra Oh) turning up pregnant.
Marvel films now deliver on what seems like an absolute obligation to integrate multiple characters from other storylines into one film, and the additions of Ruffalo's Hulk, along with Benedict Cumberbatch's Doctor Strange in the early section, are welcome ones.
Imagine some of the cool looks to come out of «Age of Apocalypse» and other storylines like that.
«With all the other storylines coming out of Albany these days, it's not surprising that fiscal reform doesn't crack the top ten list of priority issues to address, but it should,» said New York State Comptroller Tom DiNapoli at a Wednesday morning event held by Crain's New York Business, striking a serious tone as he outlined proposals for fiscal reform just released by his office.
While some other storylines became stale, one of these was Lauren Graham's relationship problems.
This thread is sweet yet raucous, and often very funny, which is the mix Kaplan and Elfont obviously strived for in their other storylines.
This had the effect of making every other storyline seem a delaying tactic to keep the Sons in Charming until it was time to finish the baby plot.
In fact, if there's any complaint about the film at all, it's that the Susan segment feels a little cold (no doubt a reflection of the characters that inhabit it) and lacks the substance and nerve - wracking tension of the other storyline.
Other storylines that are dropped include Oscorp and the car thief.
The other storyline follows Beth, who is the protagonist of the new book Liza is writing.
As the novels follow multiple storylines, the anime will usually choose to adapt the «perfect» or most popular option, leaving the other storylines as possibilities for second seasons or special episodes.
The bundle includes the first three issues of Brian Wood's much - acclaimed Star Wars, which is set in the original universe of the movie, plus story arcs from the Clone Wars, Knights of the Old Republic, Dawn of the Jedi, and other storylines.
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