Sentences with phrase «other studies»

In this sample, we had found high rates of parental ADHD problems which were consistent to rates found in other studies of children with ADHD [16, 27].
The figures are in sync in with other studies showing women holding relatively few positions of power in finance.
However, the outcome regarding supportive parenting is consistent with other studies showing that sensitive, responsive parents buffer kids from stress - related health problems.
Results from other studies on private school choice, however, do not indicate a relationship.
Also, it cross references to many other studies by various researchers, banks, and universities.
And numerous other studies suggest that touch can have additional positive cognitive effects.
The sequencing and statistical techniques the team developed can also be used by others studying regulation of stem cells in other tissues, organ systems or organisms, he said.
Also, there are several other studies which are relevant to this topic and bring up important problems that I do not deal with here.
There are many other studies on intermittent fasting that have shown benefits in the fields of life extension and fighting cancer.
Similar results can be seen in other studies as well, and I've seen it play out time and time again in the thousands of people I've worked with.
I hope that they did some sort of survey of churches in the nation... if you know of other studies which report different numbers, I would love to include them also.
Many studies show cardiovascular benefits associated with moderate beer or wine drinking, while other studies show improved insulin sensitivity.
The observations are consistent with other studies using different brain imaging tools, like functional magnetic resonance imaging.
Many other studies also show a connection between emotional abuse and depression or anxiety.
But various other studies didn't find significantly increased core muscle activation and no difference in energy expenditure.
This finding is consistent with the numerous other studies indicating that meditation reduces stress and anxiety while improving memory, focus, and the ability to pay attention.
Long suspected by the employees who use them, evidence from this and other studies confirms that in general, «traditional open - plan offices are less good for employee health».
You have access to their study material, books, lecture videos and other study support systems.
Most other studies demonstrate only an association between gun policies and outcomes, which offers less - persuasive evidence that the policies caused changes in the outcomes.
The findings in this study confirm a trend seen in other studies linking vitamin D deficiency to increased risk for breast cancer and depression in the elderly, the researchers noted.
These associations are stronger than those found in many other studies [1; 51].
Some studies indicate benefits, whereas other studies show little effect on achievement or even negative consequences.
Other studies look at vitamin D3 for treating psoriasis.
Unlike other studies, the researchers used an oral food challenge test to confirm the allergy diagnosis.
Many participants listed several other study participants, allowing the researchers to connect social dots.
These findings are consistent with those of other studies conducted elsewhere in the world on different populations (Christian and Jewish, as well as Muslim).
These results are consistent with other studies examining changes expected in a warming climate.
The religious community needs to revise its world of beliefs and stick to elements that are compatible with our objective findings in other studies like sciences.
A few scientific papers have concluded that shock collars negatively affect dogs and particularly raising their cortisol levels (a stress response hormone), with other studies demonstrating no negative effects on dogs.
Other studies say yes — by about 20 %.
Through the publications that will result from these and other studies performed here, the knowledge will improve the care of pets everywhere.
While other studies focus on the effects of teacher - artist partnership programs on teachers and students, this study focused on the effects of such programs on the artist.
Some studies have found an increased risk of heart disease in people taking calcium supplements, although other studies have found no effects (34, 35, 36).
As with other studies about gender diversity, it's hard to know if better financial results proceeded from women being in positions of power or from diversity in general.
Still other studies of cash from around the world specifically point to high bacterial counts on money handled by food workers or on hospital grounds.
From there, they focused on five that stood out either because of their high prevalence in human psoriasis or their prominence in other studies relating to human psoriasis tissue.
As other studies reveal, when fathers become positively involved, the likelihood of better outcomes increases.
There was good reason to look for a link because other studies have implied some relationship.
However, the article also makes it clear that the findings are preliminary at this point, and that the research must first be confirmed by other studies before any impact can be derived.
Other studies point to calcium, zinc and vitamins A, C and D as having a positive impact on the brain, though findings are sometimes inconsistent.
Several studies have shown that breastfeeding may reduce breast cancer risk, though other studies have shown mixed results.

Phrases with «other studies»

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