Sentences with phrase «other studies confirms»

[1] Other studies confirm that evidence - based maternity practices, including «Baby - Friendly» hospital standards, improve mothers» chances of achieving their breastfeeding goals.
Hamer also says that, if read correctly, the two other studies confirm his findings.
Data from other studies confirm these results.
Other studies confirm that phytic acid does indeed impair the functioning of some digestive enzymes.
However, other studies confirm that just being skinny fat puts you at the same high risk as being obese.
Several other studies confirm the finds listed by the two studies mentioned, but recommend higher doses of 4.5 - 8 grams of spirulina per day (36, 37).
Several other studies confirm these findings.
Other studies confirm that curcumin can play a positive preventive role, keeping random prostate cancer cells from massing together to form a tumor.
Other studies confirm those findings.
Several other studies confirm the usefulness of nosodes in controlling diseases in animals including kennel cough and canine distemper.

Not exact matches

Twitter did not say when the study will conclude, but the researchers said they would publish their findings and post their methodology on a public research website so that others can try to replicate it to confirm their results.
Beyond confirming for our team (and clients) that editors are looking for unique, research - driven content, our study revealed other insights that we've shared with our audience through projects that drive our content marketing.
Follow - up studies that tracked employee performance over time as people shifted between lower - and higher - scoring managers confirmed that great leadership scores do indeed lead to high team performance scores and not the other way around.
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This study, alongside a multitude of other studies that have been conducted on the benefits of commercial cleaning, only confirms what many of us already knew were true: a clean office improves employee morale, reduces sick days, and improves overall productivity.
While there is plenty of room to explore this topic in future studies, the data confirms the intuitive claim, backed up by countless anecdotes, that potential drunk drivers will choose other options, like rides with Uber, when they are convenient, affordable, and readily available.
The study published by Deloitte confirms that retail brands that catered to the former middle class are evaporating, but they are being replaced by high end retailer on one side, and ultra affordable discount stores on the other.
It is logic, not process philosophy, which insists that one can not both describe Jesus as a man and also say that God's indwelling in him differs in kind from his indwelling in other men: since a study of the raw material confirms the first statement, logic demands a modification of the second.
It heralds a study of sixty - three women confirming «dozens of others concluding that the most common post-abortion reactions are positive ones — relief, happiness, a sense of renewed control.»
Two other studies have recently confirmed the heart - healthy benefits offered by whole almonds:
And scientific procedure requires not only that tests be replicated, but that other studies must confirm the conclusions.»
This is an abstract of an observational study that can establish only association but does not prove causality; this is confirmed by the authors themselves in the press release when they state ``... so we can not say that low kilojoule beverage cause these problems... there may be other factors about people who drink more diet drinks that could explain the connection.»
This study confirms what many other studies also show, that the USDA dietary guidelines» advice on fats and oils has been completely wrong for many years now.
Subsequent studies have confirmed that after the recommended period of six months» exclusive breastfeeding, continued partial breastfeeding with the addition of other foods and liquids, as recommended for babies outside the context of HIV, resulted in an extremely low risk of transmission in the 6 — 12 month period.
There isn't data confirming the safety or lack of safety of bed - sharing multiples, but other studies have shown that bed - sharing with other children places an infant at higher risk of SIDS.
This set by Playtex participated in a clinical study and is confirmed to deliver less gas and spit up that results in colic discomfort in some babies than other leading bottles with the same criteria.
Now another group of studies, led by Notre Dame psychology professor Darcia Narvaez, confirms earlier work suggesting that children who get more positive touch and affection during infancy turn out to be kinder, more intelligent and to care more about others.
«It will be important to see whether these results can be confirmed in future, larger studies and in other populations,» said senior author Thomas Newman, MD, MPH, a professor of pediatrics and epidemiology and biostatistics at UCSF and a pediatrician at UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital.
Other studies have confirmed that the home birth and hospital safety rates are not statistically different.
A randomised trial in Brazil that compared a hospital based protocol (similar to the baby friendly hospital initiative) with another incorporating intensive home visits, however, found that while the protocol achieved high rates of exclusive breast feeding in hospital, the rates fell rapidly thereafter.27 These findings were confirmed in the UK by the millennium cohort study, 5 and the authors recommended that the baby friendly hospital initiative as a strategy for promotion of breast feeding should be reassessed and that other strategies are required to support mothers in the UK to breast feed for the recommended duration.5 27 Although combined antenatal education and postnatal support is ideal, this may be limited by economic or time resources.
Diagnosis was always confirmed by a physician, and breastfeeding information was always confirmed by patients» mothers or other older close relative (as previously mentioned, this was not a requirement in pediatric studies).
The county comptroller released a study a few days after the vote which confirmed some suspicions and assuaged others.
In addition, some confirmed TESS planets should be close enough to Earth to be studied in detail by other instruments, including NASA's $ 8.8 billion James Webb Space Telescope, which is scheduled to launch in 2020.
Commenting on the study, ESMO spokesperson Dirk Arnold, MD, PhD, from Instituto CUF de Oncologia in Lisbon, Portugal, said «this large population - based cohort - control study impressively confirms the hypothesis of an association of colorectal polyps with diets and other life - style factors.
However, other recent studies do confirm that all present - day non-African populations branched off from a single ancestral population in Africa approximately 60,000 years ago.
Says Zeitlin, «This is the first study using observations from space to confirm what has been thought for some time — that plastics and other lightweight materials are pound - for - pound more effective for shielding against cosmic radiation than aluminum.
Willett: Our findings regarding full - fat dairy is [as] being related to better fertility and low - fat dairy being related to less fertility might seem a little surprising; and this is really the first study to look at this, so they need to be confirmed in other studies before we are completely confident that this is real.
«Use of steps one to three triage criteria is not sufficient for identifying intracranial hemorrhage and death or neurosurgery for older patients who suffer head trauma,» said the lead author of the study, Daniel K. Nishijima, MD, MAS, of the University of California Davis School of Medicine in Sacramento, Calif. «While we wait for other studies to confirm our research, we strongly urge patients to make their medication history available and known to their families and EMS providers, especially for situations that may arise where they can not speak for themselves.
«While these findings need to be confirmed by other studies, they suggest that higher testosterone levels in men may offer protection from sudden cardiac arrest and lower levels of estrogen may protect both men and women.»
If confirmed in other studies, there could be reason to consider more widespread use of UV - blocking eyewear in the prevention of XFS.»
Its presence has been confirmed in Florida, and the critters could spread to other southern states, says Brittany Campbell, a graduate student at the University of Florida in Gainesville, who led a new study that tracked down the pests.
After a series of studies confirmed the activity and lack of toxicity, Lee sent double - blinded samples of the compound and control to a colleague at the BSL - 4 lab at the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston who tested it against Nipah, Ebola and other viruses.
Unlike other studies, the researchers used an oral food challenge test to confirm the allergy diagnosis.
The new findings, reported in JAMA by a team from the University of Michigan Institute for Healthcare Policy and Innovation, confirm directly what other studies have predicted or implied: That Medicaid expansion can help relieve hospitals» burden of caring for patients who have little or no means to pay.
The research team confirmed in other studies that eating strawberries also protects against ultraviolet radiation, reduces the damage that alcohol can have on the gastric mucosa, strengthens erythrocytes, or red blood cells, and improves the antioxidant capacity of the blood.
The new multisite study analyzed 84,010 hospitalizations reported for heart attacks from 2003 through 2006 (88 percent of which were confirmed with an electrocardiogram or other lab test).
«With our results of a negative relationship between predation pressure and longevity that is largely independent of other key life history traits we were able to confirm the universality of the 50 year old evolutionary theory of aging on a broad geographical scale» concludes Mihai Valcu, first author of the study.
The study found no clear change in blood eosinophils with dupilumab therapy; however, other biomarkers decreased, including fractional exhaled nitric oxide, thymus and activation regulated chemokine, immunoglobulin E and eotaxin - 3, confirming the biologic activity of dupilumab.
In the near future, however, the observed association between the brain and closeness to forests would need to be confirmed in further studies and other cities, stated Ulman Lindenberger.
«Our prospective study confirms that some beverages are associated with a lower risk of kidney stone formation, whereas others are associated with a higher risk,» explained Pietro Manuel Ferraro, MD, a physician at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Rome and corresponding author of this study.
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