Sentences with phrase «other studies using»

Good rates of interrater reliability for EE status or subscales (coefficients >.8) were also reported in 4 other studies using the FMSS.27 — 30
Good rates of reliability have been also reported by 5 other studies using the CFI, 12,22 — 25 although consistent with familial research interrater reliability for warmth and positive remarks have been found to be lower than for other dimensions with ICCs <.80.24, 25
THey did not collect the data for their study, instead they analysed data from other studies using a method called meta analysis.
Van Ijzendoorn & Kroonenberg (1988) did not collect the data for this study, instead they analyzed data from other studies using a method called meta analysis.
The research extends on other studies using a fast friends procedure, a technique that leads people to disclose a lot of personal (but appropriate) information in a short period of time.
There have been other studies using line - by - line radiative transfer models (see e.g., Myhre et al 1998) that come to the answer you give, which gives a simple approximation as ~ 5.35 ln (C / Co), where the units are now in W / m2 and C and Co are the final and initial CO2 concentrations.
Other studies using only single - domain basalt glass from the ocean floor have found a similar time - averaged intensity, but they did not have samples to test the polar - to - equator ratio.
[Response: This is demonstrated in the 20th century experiments by Knutson et al (as well as other studies using validated statistical models) so it is not being contested by the current study.
[12 - 19] Other studies using 100 mg or 200 mg also report benefits, but to a much lesser degree.
Since other studies using different brands have had similarly disappointing results, it's unlikely that one brand is more effective than another, he says.
Although this limitation is present in other studies using similar artificial grammar - like nested sequences64, 104, the effects of length were typically not observed, possibly because the differences in duration in those studies were around 1 s compared to 3 s in the current experiment.
Of note, the sham responses obtained in these experiments were essentially identical to those obtained in other studies using the RCS rat [43].
This outcome is consistent with other studies using adult learning principles and gender - specific group facilitators to increase the positive parenting experience for both mothers and fathers (Diemer, 1997).
Several studies into green tea's benefits actually use green tea extract, not the actual tea, while other studies use large quantities of tea that aren't practical for most people.
The other study used a similar protocol, but the researchers did actually take muscle biopsies to get an accurate measure of fiber type breakdown.
What other studies use it or don't use it?
Other studies used the term «beat» to describe what the parent did to the child, which would seem to clearly indicate the study was focused on abuse.
A lot of other studies use less rigorous methods.
Some studies on parenting and delinquency used information about parenting reported by the child, whereas other studies used the parent as an informant.

Not exact matches

Case studies and testimonials allow your website visitors to connect with others who use your product.
And in regards to the role that color plays in branding, results from studies such as The Interactive Effects of Colors show that the relationship between brands and color hinges on the perceived appropriateness of the color being used for the particular brand (in other words, does the color «fit» what is being sold).
Other studies by Kross suggest that, when people use their first names, they're more likely to see stressful situations (like public speaking) as challenging, rather than threatening.
Weiss used the money to invest in technology and data analytics that would study Instagram and other social platforms, measuring not just how well certain Glossier posts performed but how well each product performed: Were people sharing them as product shots, or selfies, or not at all?
In recent years, a few fascinating studies at Harvard, Princeton and other top universities shed new light on body language and how to use it at work.
Others studies find that while using the devices may be helpful for certain people, they don't necessarily drive behavior change on their own.
In recent years, Levine and others have used clinical studies to prove that even in healthy people, a chair - based lifestyle sets up the physiological conditions for the onset of Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity — and ultimately, shorter lifespans.
The attacks, which took place this year and have not been previously reported, jeopardized the communications of activists, journalists and other people in sensitive positions in Iran, where Telegram is used by some 20 million people, said independent cyber researcher Collin Anderson and Amnesty International technologist Claudio Guarnieri, who have been studying Iranian hacking groups for three years.
As other boards use HP as a case study and learn from its trials, perhaps it's time for HP to also re-examine the board's level of involvement with the company's strategy — before the company presents their ideas to the public.
Besides identifying the most effective opening phrase, it turns out the study also examined the closing phrases people often use, and came up with a best practice there, too: a simple three - word phrase that prompted a much higher response rate than other, more common closings.
In 2007, when others his age were studying for midterms and living on dorm food, David Karp was busy launching Tumblr, an easy - to - use blogging platform that now hosts 17.5 million blogs and receives about 1.5 billion page views per week.
A joint study by the University of Notre Dame, University of Kentucky and Penn State University tested two sets of people on their golf performance; Half were told they were using a Nike putter; the other half were told no brand.
Most large studies documenting cancer rates haven't found significant evidence that cell phone use raises cancer rates or causes other negative health effects.
Other charities that have benefited from the organization include healthcare outsourcing platform Watsi; The Water Project; the Electronic Frontier Foundation digital - rights activism group; MAPS, an organization that studies therapeutic uses of psychedelic drugs and marijuana; the medical nonprofit SENS Research Foundation; and charity: water.
Indeed, according to a recent study conducted by my company, Xero, about 11.4 million workers - or nearly one - third of the full - time labor force in the U.S. - are using platforms like Uber, Upwork,, and others.
The study of 400 students concluded that «those who have used Facebook longer agreed more that others were happier, and agreed less that life is fair, and those spending more time on Facebook each week agreed more that others were happier and had better lives.»
Using Statistics Canada data and other metrics, the study found that millennials today have more money than the generation preceding them at the same age.
Other companies are studying the economics of using automated driving systems to replace human drivers in taxi or ride - hailing services, including Uber Technologies (uber) and Lyft (lyft), which is collaborating with General Motors (gm).
It's worth noting too that across all participants, cortisol levels at baseline were not associated with any of the study's other measures, such as intensity of Facebook use.
«People can use solitude, or other variations on being alone, to regulate their affective states,» the study authors write, «becoming quiet after excitement, calm after an angry episode, or centered and peaceful when desired.»
Valued for its resistance to heat and corrosion, asbestos was widely used for decades in such products as building materials, pipe insulation and floor tiles before studies linked it to lung cancer and other diseases.
For example, a few years ago, a compelling study in the MIT Sloan Management Review used ROA data (among other metrics) to compare the performances of external and internal candidates in CEO successions.
Other studies found that when entrepreneurs performed explorative tasks, they used both the left and right sides of their pre-frontal cortex as opposed to managers who tend to use primarily the left side.
Some were quick and impulsive, while others studied the situation and took forever to come to a decision... The one and only personality trait the effective ones I have encountered did have in common was something they did not have: they had little or no «charisma» and little use either for the term or what it signifies.»
Women who used sprays or other cleaning products at least once per week had a more accelerated decline than women who didn't, the study authors wrote.
Through problems like the one posed by Clippy, Nass's study of what makes computers and other technologies «easier, more effective, and more pleasant for people to use» led him to explore how to do the same with human relationships.
They spread up to 190 times more of a noninfectious test virus used in the study than the other methods.
With the introduction and widespread use of social media and other technologies, a study from 2012 shows that these days, it's more like four degrees.
This eventually allows them to develop case studies and testimonials — valuable sales collateral — which they can use in pursuing other enterprise accounts.
In 2016, Backblaze released a study stating that they use mostly Seagate drives in their data center because of difficulties acquiring drives from other manufacturers.
Moreover, other studies have found that social media use has a positive impact on well - being through increased social support and reinforcement of real world relationships.
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