Sentences with phrase «other subduction»

It's extraordinarily quiet when you compare it to other subduction zones globally,» Toomey said in an interview.
«This might happen in other subduction zones in other parts of the world.»
Researchers hope to use similar imaging techniques on other subduction zones, such as the Cascadia margin along the northern U.S. west coast, where there is a long history of large megathrust earthquakes and related tsunamis.
The researchers also found that the fault zone was less than 5 metres thick, tens of times thinner than at other subduction zones, facilitating the slip (Science,
The findings, published in Nature Geoscience on Nov. 20, are important for understanding factors that influence earthquake and tsunami generation in Cascadia and at other subduction zones around the world.
Scientists have long wondered what accounts for that precipitous dive, and why the massive earthquakes that generate long - ranging tsunamis at other subduction zones have not been recorded in the trench.

Not exact matches

Many of the islands sit above a subduction zone, where two plates meet and one slides haltingly under the other, down into the Earth's mantle.
In fact, lava emerging from hotspot volcanoes is known to differ chemically and isotopically from lava from other volcanoes, such as those erupting at subduction zones where Earth's crust dives into the upper mantle.
As two massive plates collide, one can give way and slide under the other in a process called subduction.
The findings could apply to other faults with similarly thick sediment, such as the Cascadia Subduction Zone in the Pacific Northwest, suggests study coauthor Andre Hüpers, a geophysicist at the University of Bremen in Germany.
It's the first time this tectonic process has been discovered beneath land; all other known subduction zones occur underwater where oceanic crusts meet.
It is proposed that the development of this modelling strategy could enable the estimation of critical failure thresholds for other mapped subduction asperities where subducting and overriding plates are currently locked.
But without high - resolution images from more areas, researchers can not tell whether subduction might also be happening in other locations.
Because the Clipper would carry a range of instruments, it could investigate subduction zones, explore plumes and respond to a variety of other research questions, says Prockter.
It shows that when one continent bears thick or buoyant crust that blocks subduction, the other continent gets squeezed like a tube of toothpaste and folds around the blockage, creating a complex array of geophysical features (see video).
If the subduction zone near Sendai can produce a great quake, then other areas with similarly old ocean crust might too, says Okal, who says that Tonga and the northeastern Caribbean are regions to look at more closely.
For mid-latitude coasts that border subduction zones, sequences of buried soils may provide a long - duration, subsidence stratigraphic paleoseismic record that spans to the present, but in other settings such as the Aceh coastal plain, joint research approaches, for example targeted foraminiferal analyses and palynology, are required to both exploit the changing form of the relative sea - level curve and characterize coastal evolution in the context of the diminishing importance of accommodation space.
On Earth, as new surface material forms at mid-ocean ridges, old material is destroyed at subduction zones, which are regions where two tectonic plates converge and overlap as one is forced under the other.
Kattenhorn and Prockter saw ice volcanoes on the overriding plate, possibly formed through melting and absorption of the slab as it dove below the surface, and a lack of mountains at the subduction zone, implying material was pushed into the interior rather than crumpled up as the two plates mashed against each other.
«That tells us that most of this plume is primordial material and there are other materials hosted inside of this plume with low Helium - 3, -4, and these are likely crustal materials sent into the mantle at ancient subduction zones.»
During subduction, carbonates interact with other minerals, which alter their chemical compositions.
For years, scientists have wondered if certain surface features are the result of plate tectonics, which, if true, would make Europa the only known place in the Solar System other than Earth to experience large, subduction - driven quakes.
Faster sea floor spreading, presumably associated with more volcanic activity at subduction zones, and / or other increases in volcanic activity or geologic outgassing, or faster oxidation of exposed fossil organic C (as in shales)-- greater geologic CO2 emissions (I think another way of looking at the inorganic part is that any given region of sea floor has less time to accumulate carbonate minerals from chemical weathering, so that C reservoir could shrink while others, including the atmosphere, can grow).
That variety implies that almost any scenario is possible in another part of the Pacific Rim where quake risk is thought to be high — along the Cascadia subduction zone offshore of Washington, Oregon, and other parts of the western United States and Canada.
Given Dot Earth's long focus on the risk to schools in Oregon from the Cascadia Subduction Zone and other earthquake faults, I thought you would like to know we are making progress.
To improve seismic hazard assessment along subduction zones as well as other dangerous faults such as continental transforms, we need a set of open software tools to explore alternatives, we need a trans - national dialogue to discuss and vet our different ideas and approaches, and we need to conduct prospective tests of global models that are based on these various national strategies.
Just look at this: BTW it didn't happend in the medieval optimum or in the Maunder Minimum, it's happening now in the «Jose Minimum»: Chilean Earthquake Moved Entire City 10 Feet West, Shifted Other Parts of South America This is against the expected «subduction» direction predicted by «models» of the Nazca plate under SA
Also, please understand that upwelling must equal subduction and the two are coupled, that is, one can not occur without the other also occurring, simultaneously.
Some millions of years from now, that subduction zone (along with others acting to assemble the next supercontinent) will start pushing CO2 levels back up into the range that has prevailed for most of the latter Phanerozoic.
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