Sentences with phrase «other teachers employ»

Many other teachers employ variations of this technique.
My parents helped develop the business plan, and I designed and delivered the curriculum along with other teachers I employed.
«School District shall provide to every Teacher employed by School District pursuant to this Agreement the same salary and benefits (including, as applicable, health, dental, vision and retirement) as are provided to other teachers employed by School District...»

Not exact matches

These criteria were employed in choosing the well adjusted children: Plays well with other children, appears to be a happy child, has reasonable control over his emotions, can be depended on, is achieving somewhere near his capacity, is able to think for himself, is kind and helpful to teachers and classmates, is liked and respected by his peers.)
Instead, most girls employ relationally aggressive tactics like excluding other girls, spreading rumors, name - calling and backstabbing — the very things parents and teachers often miss.
This excludes supply teacher members, members in other independent schools, and members not employed as teachers and not eligible for the TPS eg.
State education law requires that the board of trustees of a charter school, with minimal exceptions, employ teachers who «shall be certified in accordance with the requirements applicable to other public schools.»
Still other institutions employed a variety of assessment measures, such as the Rorschach test, James Cattell's 16 Factor Personality test, the Guilford - Zimmerman Temperament Survey, the Thurstone Temperament Schedule, and a host of other batteries designed to explore the teacher's behavior, personality, and attitude.
Some schools will have an enthusiastic ICT teacher who will pick up the subject and run with it, whereas others will employ a single teacher or support assistant to teach the subject.
I invite others to look empirically at teacher preparation program effectiveness in other states in ways similar to the methodology we employed in Florida.
On the other hand, if I were commissioned to find a teacher for a group of adolescent boys and if, by some miracle, I could secure either Socrates or the latest Ph.D. from Teachers College, with his equipment of the latest technologies and techniques of teaching, with all due respect to the college that employs me and to my students, I am fairly certain that I would jump at the chance to get Socrates.
• Charter schools employ many inexperienced teachers at pay that is competitive with other public schools.
Greece and Iceland exhibit class - size effects and poor performance because they employ a population of relatively less capable teachers, while other countries exhibit no class - size effects but high overall performance because they employ good teachers.
Faced with this situation, schools will respond by lowering the quality of teachers relative to workers in other professional occupations and raising the quantity of teachers employed.
YOU HAVE A TEACHING JOB We can be grateful that despite all the cutbacks to the arts, gifted education, and other areas over the years, many schools still employ at least one teacher of the gifted to provide services.
The other factors of course relate to initial teacher education, to ensure that new teachers that are employed are at the forefront of knowledge and skills, that's an important factor.
At the other end of the scholarly spectrum, teachers can employ Turning the Pages to bring historical texts into the science curriculum.
Other projects created during the class include an organization that will provide free public libraries in India; an online platform to help students make more informed decisions when applying to college; an app that gives students fun, game - based content that shows what real scientists are like; a cellphone - hosted service for rural teachers in the Philippines that provides direct training and tips; and a nonprofit that will train and employ parent liaisons to develop stronger bonds between families and middle schools in an effort to improve dropout rates.
For teachers, it allows them to employ more creative methods of teaching and provides a more level playing field for all students in the class, with those that might struggle with conventional teaching methods suddenly able to express themselves in other ways.
A successful undergraduate teacher in, say, introductory biology, not only induces his or her students to take additional biology courses, but leads those students to do unexpectedly well in those additional classes (based on what we would have predicted based on their standardized test scores, other grades, grading standards in that field, etc.) In our earlier paper, we lay out the statistical techniques [xi] employed in controlling for course and student impacts other than those linked directly to the teaching effectiveness of the original professor.
We employ over 100 teachers, so we recognise how important it is to acknowledge the hard work, determination and commitment not just of our learners but those who raise aspirations and inspire others to learn.»
According to the Common Core of Data, DCPS employed nearly 3,800 teachers in 2010 - 11, so even though the retirement system also includes other classes of workers employed by DCPS (certain public charter school employees are also eligible to be participants), the vast majority of DCRB's members appear to be DCPS teachers.
RV: So John are there any other strategies that teachers could employ to minimise the impact of bias?
It employed more teachers and staff than any other district, a ready resource for phone calls and letters directed at state officials.
Notwithstanding the requirements of clause (b) of this subparagraph, members of the professional development team employed in or representing a school under registration review, pursuant to subdivision (p) of this section, including but not limited to teachers, administrators, curriculum specialists and parents, shall not be designated for appointment as prescribed in clause (b) of this subparagraph but shall instead be recommended by the chancellor for appointment by the board of education of the community school district in the case of community school districts, and appointed by the chancellor without being designated by any other party in the case of high school divisions, special education divisions and the chancellor's district.
how the school districts or BOCES provide all teachers they employ substantial professional development opportunities directly related to student learning needs as identified in the school district or BOCES report card and other sources as determined by the school district or BOCES.
How are we to view teachers who employ the latter kind — and who encourage others to employ them, too?
Some teachers will need to get better at taking more risks in employing new teaching practices, whereas others will need to improve their ability to collaborate with teachers outside their area.
Layoffs almost always involve the least experienced or most recently employed teachers and other staff.
Glazer et al. (2006) reported that teacher leaders employed demonstration lessons to introduce pedagogical techniques and then transitioned to other forms of instructional support (such as classroom observations) as teachers implemented these techniques in their classrooms.
Working collaboratively with leaders from other teacher educator content associations as well as educational technology associations afforded AMTE participants an opportunity to learn about ways in which technology was employed in other disciplines, leading to further cross-disciplinary synergies.
Indiana currently employs fewer instructional personnel, including teachers and instructional aides, as a proportion of employment, while employing more cafeteria workers, bus drivers and «other» personnel than the national average for states.
In other words, there is no single quick answer to the question of how best to reshape a school's reading program and the repertoire of instructional practices teachers employ in of the quest of helping all children read well by the time they leave the primary grades.
Membership is open to any parent, guardian, or other adult regularly serving in a parent / guardian role for a student at the school and any teachers or staff employed at the school.
If for a moment we put aside other controversies and questions as alluded to by Mr. Polikoff and focus of the three components, summative being the last and arguably the most important, if school / districts are opting to implement only the last of the three, won't their students be at a disadvantage when compared to those whose teachers have employed the full range of SBAC assessment and guidance to tweak instruction throughout the year leading up to the summative assessments?
Comparatively, 80 percent of the cohort of 2004 - 05 teachers from other Louisiana parishes were still employed in 2007 - 08, 30 percentage - points higher than the New Orleans dismissed teacher cohort.
If schools were to action a small increase in their staffing budgets beyond the amount specified, they could employ more staff, deploy other staff to share the workload and release many teachers from the constraints that we are all so accustomed to.
To accomplish this goal, schools, teachers, guidance counselors, and other educational specialists may employ a wide variety of educational methods, from modifying assignments and instructional strategies in the classroom to entirely redesigning the ways in which students are grouped and taught in a school.
In other state - funded schools, people employed as teachers have to have passed the relevant qualification - known as Qualified Teacher Status (QTS).
After completing the first methods class, before teacher candidates entered any classrooms other than through the cyber-conferencing experience, 90 % of the respondents said they employed the following technology - enhanced methods in their lessons: word processing; rhetorical, digital text analysis; digital commentary; Internet research; found and concrete poem creation generated through digital sources; image collage to analyze text; online chat; discussion boards; PowerPoint presentation; word processing and graphic organizers to facilitate multistage writing workshop; email; and multimedia projects using digital camera and video for some type of analysis.
This meant that a teacher actually had to perform a decent job while they were employed with the schools, other than having no motivation to get the job done.
This case study highlights three practices that were central to Creston Academy's success in consistently meeting the city's stated expectations and includes a six - step guide based off those essential practices to help leaders at other schools relate their own experiences of employing teacher leadership to those of Principal Pamela Edwards.
Taken together, these recommendations — which have been successfully employed by some teacher preparation programs — provide several options for other such programs to more intentionally recruit diverse, high - achieving students into the teaching profession and provide them with support.
When the staff of each school district is reviewed, «A» rated districts, on average, employ more teachers as a percentage of their staff than all other districts, while «D» rated districts (the lowest ranking any district is currently rated) employed the smallest number of teachers as a percentage of their staff, according to most recent data available.
«Subject to its obligations under pre-existing labor agreements... School Districts shall use reasonable efforts not to terminate any employed Teacher from his / her teaching position in the event of a reduction in force (RIF), layoffs, «leveling» or other elimination or consolidation of teaching positions within School District.
International membership is $ 115 and open to all principals, assistant principals, teacher leaders, and other school administrators employed outside the United States.
School District shall treat any Teacher employed in connection with this Agreement whose teaching position is eliminated at least as favorably as other teachers...»
The complaint goes on to state that the school, which currently enrolls 70 students in grades K - 8, fails to educate students in any subjects other than basic reading, writing and math; it lacks a system to provide special education; it's understaffed and the teachers it does employ are underqualified; it doesn't have a functioning library; and teachers and administrators use excessive and exclusionary discipline on the children.
Based on our experiences at Meadow Park Middle School and our knowledge of the literature, we formed a few strategies other schools can employ when looking to increase teacher collaboration to better serve students learning English.
Miraculously remains employed??!! Teachers unions are notorious for doing their damndest to keep pedophiles and other miscreants in the classroom and yet she seems shocked that the bad teacher «remains employed at the school.»
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