Sentences with phrase «other teachers in»

SEEDS Quality Coaches and Teachers update this page with lesson plans and daily schedules to assist other teachers in creating language rich classrooms and family child care settings.
and «Will my discussion with the teacher lead to tensions between our family and that teacher and possibly other teachers in the future?»
She is not only a great teacher, but a great mentor for other teachers in the school as well.
There may be other teachers in the school such as a language support teacher to help learn English or a learning support teacher to help children who are having difficulty with the curriculum.
Recommended and assisted in implementing new programs including Saxon Math, Math Their Way, and Restitution into the School and trained other teachers in the use of these programs (Impressive breadth and knowledge of programs!)
Cooperated with other teachers in English department to develop plan to cooperate both department so that students could learn the most out of the program with the highest teaching
Chen also works as a technology coach for other teachers in her district who have varying skill levels and experiences with using technology in classrooms.
In summer school and evening classes with other teachers in London, he'd also learned the basics of the Bauhaus principles of design, as formulated originally by Klee & Kandinsky.
With so many gifted artists, writers, chefs, body workers and other teachers in town, Santa Fe has become an appealing destination for inspired learning.
To have other teachers in my county read it and then decide to use it in their classroom is exactly what I wanted.
These have been very insightful and far ranging discussions regarding the collaboration of school media specialists with other teachers in this area.
Now in her seventh school, she plans to pull the wool over the eyes of her sixth - grade teacher, as she has done with many other teachers in the past.
English and math teachers in grades 4 - 8 in New York are much less effective in promoting student growth on state assessments (or comparable measures) than other teachers in the Empire...
In most states, it can take a lot of documentation and tireless work on the part of administration to remove ineffective teachers, but the other teachers in the building will notice your tenacity in holding people accountable.
In turn, Fellows share what they've learned with other teachers in their professional networks, contributing to a larger understanding of federal initiatives and encouraging broader input into policy and programs designed to improve education at all levels of government.
«Even among the highest - poverty schools,» Koedel explains, «the model is still going to identify some high - performing teachers — teachers that are doing better than other teachers in similar circumstances.»
Also troublesome for Hobbs and other teachers in Kingsport is that, beginning this year, they will be compensated based in part on those state test scores.
This group has gone out and talked to their administrators and found other teachers in buildings and within the district that seem to be willing to take risks, wanted to learn... And so this thing is growing and mushrooming, and it's an exciting time.
Jason Romanowski, a second - year English teacher, said he has left sessions still not knowing who many of the other teachers in the room are.
But we should also link teachers to a sounding board of other teachers in a professional learning network (PLN).
Furthermore, by sharing with the other teachers in her department the lessons she developed through this inquiry, nearly all the students in the eighth grade at her school are now able to master this difficult skill, in stark contrast with students from past years.
Professionals interviewed for new positions are introduced to RtI principles and are told in advance that they will be working collaboratively with other teachers in ways that allow for reflection on classroom practices.
Experienced and relatively effective math teachers who transfer from one school to another create a «spillover» effect — meaning math scores go up for the students taught by the other teachers in that grade level.
When some of the top instructors in our district expressed interest in sharing best practices with all other teachers in our schools, we were fairly certain it would be successful.
The similarity among other teachers in grades 1 - 3 suggests that they use a variety of internal assessments for similar purposes.
The most impactful support provided to new teachers is: ``... having a mentor teacher from one's subject area and having common planning or collaboration time with other teachers in one's subject area.»
They also rated each technology in terms of recommending it to other teachers in their grade and licensure area as follows:
SAISD Superintendent Pedro Martinez says Servin has set a great example for other teachers in SAISD.
Some districts, such as Sunnyvale, Oakland, Elk Grove and Fresno, are also providing ongoing support through lead teachers who receive additional training and then help other teachers in their schools.
The two most common choices are to compare teachers across all schools in a district, or to compare teachers only to other teachers in the same school.
This is a semi-structured, teacher - led learning activity in which teachers organize themselves to share the results of their performance assessments - student work samples - with other teachers in their school; to gain confidence in their ability to score accurately using common scoring rubrics...
It's a unique case where teachers can find practical lesson plans, classroom management tools, and pedagogical tips from other teachers in a professional and easy to navigate way.
Jenny works with an at - risk population within a juvenile correctional facility and like other teachers in the program, she immediately began implementing ideas she was gaining through this professional development program.
Customize this email template to share your publishing project with other teachers in your school.
To make matter worse, like all other teachers in Illinois, Chicago teachers do not participate in Social Security.
Leading Educators Fellows have remained in high - poverty schools at rates that were higher than or comparable to that of other teachers in the district.
It sounds like that's exactly what the other teachers in your district have decided to do.
In particular, teachers highlighted the importance of sharing their ideas with other teachers in the district and how this facilitated a culture of technology integration.
To find out more about how other teachers in the field are getting creative when teaching times tables, take a look at our Creative Ways of Teaching Times Tables whitepaper.
The more other teachers in the province, you know, download your own lessons, improve your lessons, comment on your lessons, criticize your lessons, the more status you gain in the profession.
In 2016, CIR represented Rebecca Friedrichs and other teachers in Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association — a case raising the same issue.
I was a Learning Target specialist at my school and trained other teachers in breaking down standards and building assessments and learning targets.
CAP's report notes that the discussion of publishing teachers» names along with their value - added score (a measure of a teacher's efficacy, relative to other teachers in the group, in promoting student achievement) began when the Los Angeles Times published a report featuring the performance ratings for Los Angeles Unified School District teachers.
The other teachers in the room didn't respond.
A 2015 study by Mathematica Policy Research found that Teach For America corps members who had an average of 1.7 years of teaching experience in elementary grades were as effective as other teachers in the same schools, who averaged nearly 14 years of experience.
The SIOP Model is most successfully implemented by teachers who have the support of their administration and other teachers in the building.
The role is a paid position in which Fellows, in turn, share what they've learned with other teachers in their professional networks, contributing to a larger understanding of federal initiatives and gaining broader input into policy and programs designed to improve education at all levels.
FARMINGTON — Two Davis School District teachers recently joined eight other teachers in the state receiving the Utah Education Association Excellence in Teaching Award.
The concept spread after other teachers in the school saw what was possible, she said, and more staff then started to approach the principal to propose their own ideas.
That might have less to do with Teach for America and more to do with the other teachers in the schools, said Melissa Clark, one of the authors of the new report from Mathematica Policy Research.
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