Sentences with phrase «other terrorist groups»

It is why I join you in your determination to take on and defeat Daesh and the ideology of Islamist extremism that inspires them and many others terrorist groups in the world today.
In the spirit, then, of the Harvard Business School extension campus in Waziristan, here are five lessons that Zawahiri and other terrorist groups often fail to heed.
The Brotherhood, however, is adamant in distinguishing itself from ISIL and other terrorist groups like Al Qaeda, even though they are often informed by the same literature of Sayyid Qutb, they disagree on how sharia is to be implemented and enforced.
The Trump administration is relying on Special Operations forces to intensify its promised fight against the Islamic State and other terrorist groups as senior officials embrace an Obama - era strategy to minimize the American military's footprint overseas.
Bronk said that MANPADs, ZU -23-2s, and other such systems are widely used by ISIS and other terrorist groups in Syria.
The service gained popularity following the Edward Snowden revelations about U.S. government surveillance and has since been used by ISIS and other terrorist groups to disseminate information.
«ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attack in Minnesota, and this should steel our resolve to protect our country and defeat ISIS and other terrorist groups,» Clinton said in a statement.
It may very well be true that, as many neoconservative intellectuals have argued, al - Qaeda and other terrorist groups were emboldened by American military fecklessness throughout the 1990s.
Archbishop Angaelos of London (pictured above, holding a black staff) said despite becoming accustomed to violent attacks, Christians» commitment to worship has had the «opposite effect» to that intended by Islamic State and other terrorist groups.
«It's a call to action to member states that have the capacity to do so to take all necessary measures against (ISIS) and other terrorist groups,» British UN Ambassador Matthew Rycroft told reporters.
He argued that by cooperating with Russia, US would be able to more effectively fight ISIS and other terrorist groups, which would lead to decreased threat of terrorist attacks on US soil.
We must all try to work together and destruct the real evils of the World (i.e. ISIL and any other terrorist group that kills at whim for false causes and false idols).
But over time, just like any of the other terrorist groups the world knows about, they became radicalized may be through some local and even foreign interests and influence.
Continuing, the Force Commander noted that the mandate of the MNJTF among other responsibilities empowers it to «create a safe and secure environment in the areas affected by the activities of Boko Haram terrorism and other terrorist groups, in order to significantly reduce violence and other abuses, including sexual and gender based violence, in full compliance with international law».
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