Sentences with phrase «other than a straight line»

The main means of harnessing 5,000 pounds of kinetic Lexus when it's time to go somewhere other than a straight line is VDIM, vehicle dynamics integrated management.
The V12 may be silky, but try to drive it hard in anything other than a straight line and things get un-smooth, fast.
Since the best use of space did not allow for applying any kitchen shape other than straight line shape, I had to add some interest to the kitchen design by incorporating some horizontal glass cabinets and some open shelving at the centre of the kitchen.

Not exact matches

The difference between durée réelle and «mathematical» time must therefore be due to some other cause than the alleged artificial establishment of a correlation between temporal intervals and intervals on a straight line, It must come in already in the first attempt to apply angular measurement to temporal lapses, if it comes at all.70
It is designed for no other task than straight - line acceleration.
Yet as he has already shown in his many cameos elsewhere on the pitch in other positions in the years gone by, the England international has far more to his game than just straight - line speed and an ability to make it past the full - back to reach the byline.
The voyage of discovery is rarely a straight line, and despite Wilson's insights, other pieces had to fall into place — some more serendipitous than scientific.
Your progression will not be in a straight line as some days will be better than others.
If you challenge yourself to get the best straight line handstand possible that process will have you improving your flexibility and mobility for more than just hand balancing it will transfer to every other area of your training.
It is essentially a sequence of disparate scenes with no connective tissue other than that they are about the same conspiracy, which unfolds very quickly in a straight line with no consequences felt... Felt... Ohhh.
Consequently this film, more than the other two, feels like a straight line: less improvisation, more inevitability, all of it leading to the moment where our hero, the merciless assassin, decides whether his training to be an instrument overrules his instinct to be a human.
Next, because students are able to see and hear each other better in a U-shaped line than in a straight line formation, identify a location in or near your classroom that will allow for students to form a U-shape.
GM took a chance with the TrailBlazer's engine design, which is an inline six - cylinder instead of a V - 6, meaning all six cylinders are in a straight line, rather than three on one side, three on the other.
By contrast, the benefits of the tried - and - trusted speed - sensitive power steering are retained in other handling situations and are even augmented in certain cases: for instance, the new Mercedes steering can be set up with an even more indirect ratio in the centre position than previous steering systems, providing the driver with a very assured steering feel at high speed, while improving straight - line and directional stability.
Quick in a straight line, the Golf also used less fuel than the other two cars.
No, the 707 - hp Mopars probably won't be able to hang with the CTS - V in anything other than the straightest of straight lines.
All models feature a 7 - speed dual - clutch automatic transmission and rear - wheel drive, a limited - slip differential is also fitted with electronic control on the GT S and C. Gear changes are quick and unobtrusive and other than a slight hesitation in certain driving situations, the AMG GT feels extremely responsive and very quick in a straight line.
Plotted one against the other, the result looks more like a slightly elongated cloud of dots than a straight line.
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