Sentences with phrase «other than breed»

(2) any dog that is not described in subdivision (1) of this section unless additional criteria other than breed is used with respect to the dog that is covered by this subdivision.
Dog Characteristics: Other than breed, male dogs, dogs that had not been spayed or neutered and dogs older than 10 years of age were more likely to score higher on owner - directed aggression.
A study done by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) found that factors other than breed can affect aggression in dogs, such as socialization, breeding, gender, training and early experiences.
Meeting the nutritional needs of a companion bird may take a bit of research since factors other than breed can come into play.
Other than breed, how well a dog responds to obedience training will also depend on the level of commitment of the owner.
Pit Bulls, for example, are often seen as violent and brutish, usually for no reason other than their breed.
A reputable breeder has a job other than breeding puppies (unless she happens to be independently wealthy).
Since you're compaining about having little money to fight back, perhaps you should pursue a «career» option other than breeding dogs.

Not exact matches

Entrepreneurs under age 50 without employees (other than a spouse) can contribute as much as $ 51,000 this year in a special breed of these retirement plans called a Solo 401 (k) or Individual 401 (k).
Already you can breed a dog that is more adapt at climbing trees than other dogs.
The fat from these cattle is physically different from other breeds and offers a buttery flavor that is healthier than regular beef fat.
The protein component is worth more than the fat, but the composition of milk — the fat: protein ratio — can vary depending on breed of cow, seasonality and geography, among other things.
Humans are selecting the plants to use in breeding because they have more useful variations than the other possible plants.
Similar announcements made recently by Oscar Mayer, McDonald's, Costco, Safeway, Kroger, and more than 60 other leading food companies signal a reversal in a three - decade - old trend in the pork industry that leaves most breeding pigs confined day and night in gestation crates during their four - month - long pregnancies.
Similar announcements made recently by Tim Hortons, McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's, Oscar Mayer and more than 50 other leading food companies signal a reversal in a three - decade - old trend in the pork industry that leaves most breeding pigs confined day and night in gestation crates during their four - month pregnancy.
The similar announcements made recently by McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's, Oscar Mayer, Costco, Safeway, Kroger and more than 30 other leading food companies signal a reversal in a three - decade - old trend in the pork industry that leaves most breeding pigs confined day and night in gestation crates during their four - month pregnancy.
But purple cauliflower and other funky - colored produce may be even more natural than their well - bred cousins.
You've got to be a serious breed of bellend to think invading the pitch during a game is anything other than absolute bellendery.
Breeds of Concern Certain breeds are believed to be more aggressive than oBreeds of Concern Certain breeds are believed to be more aggressive than obreeds are believed to be more aggressive than others.
He argued that because athletes with lower academic scores are being admitted into better colleges than other students, the best colleges in the nation are not selecting and breeding top academics to compete with the rest of the world.
Storing breast milk other than in sterile containers is counter-intuitive as it makes a conducive breeding ground for bacteria.
But there is that belief, among them, that they are better endowed intellectually than other nationalities and unlike many people who have superiority complexes, they have, by and large, an inability to hide that belief, which breeds resentment against them wherever they go.
The European Academies Science Advisory Council concurred, stating there «is no validated evidence that GM crops have greater adverse impact on health and the environment than any other technology used in plant breeding».
«When those who are to supervise an election take over the process and turn themselves to interested parties rather than rise above board, then we breed nothing other than chaos, pandemonium, mayhem, confusion and disorganisation of the whole process.
Their bones are under a little more stress than other breeds!
Rottweilers, like other larger dog breeds, have a different growth period than medium and small breeds, so they need different nutrition to meet those needs.
Through clinical follow up of dogs genetically at risk, the research team was able to confirm that several disorders cause the same disease signs also in other than previously described breeds.
Dogs vary in size more than any other land animal and come in 155 breeds in the U.S. alone, according to the American Kennel Club.
RIDE ON Mongolian horses (shown) and other present - day horse breeds have less genetic diversity than domesticated horses did around 2,000 years ago.
One group had been bred to be good at navigating mazes, the other had been bred to be bad at it, so much so that the «maze - dull» rats made on average 40 per cent more mistakes when navigating a maze than their «maze - smart» friends.
In a renowned study started back in the 1950s, Russian researchers found that captive silver foxes bred for tameness also exhibited a suite of other traits, such as white patches of fur on their heads, curly tails, «feminized» faces with shorter snouts and floppy ears, and skulls in males that weren't much larger than in females.
Domestic dog breeds are more varied in body size and shape — not to mention coat color and fur length — than any other land - based mammal.
Hard - to - train dogs like beagles and Pomeranians generally die earlier than do other, similarly sized breeds.
The fieldwork revealed that adult animals were more likely to get infected, which makes sense because they are in closer contact with each other — through fighting for mating and breeding, for example — than are juveniles.
A new study shows the DNA of Labs may make them beg, scavenge and pay attention to food more intently than other breeds.
It's not known whether the leashes in the Shuwaymis rock art panels are literal or symbolic, but it certainly suggests these Holocene hunters had a lot of control over their dogs, that some dogs could have been more valuable than others (and therefore kept closer), and that the people likely bred and trained these animals.
Domestic pigeon breeds exhibit more phenotypic diversity than any other domesticated animal.
While some breeds are said to be less allergy - inducing than others, experts say any furry animal can cause symptoms in susceptible individuals.
Some cow breeds produce a larger creamline than others.
Natto (because it is fermented), edamame (because raffinose has been bred out), tofu (because 90 % of the fiber has been removed), unsweetened soymilk (because 90 % of the fiber has been removed), clover sprouts (no starch), rooibos tea (no starch), and honeybush tea (no starch) will cause much less flatulence than whole soybeans or other high - starch beans.
There are lots of other changes this represents too, such as the presence of chemicals in our food supply (pesticides, herbicides, xenoestrogens, etc) that didn't exist in the ancient diet, as well as the dramatic changes caused by hybridization of many of our foods, which creates versions of fruits and vegetables bred more for size, sweetness, and appearance as opposed to natural nutrition... this aspect has decreased micronutrient content in the modern day food supply (just look at wild blueberries vs cultivated blueberries as an example of that with wild berries coming in at more than DOUBLE the antioxidants from ORAC testing).
In other words, the microbes may be able to breed faster than you can kill them.
The list of pesticides that have been shown to be endocrine disrupters, and which are used in the Bitterroot Valley, includes 2, 4 - D, picloram, benzene, benzoic acid, atrazine, nonylphenols and others.11 Many pesticides have either not been tested for endocrine disruption, or they have been tested using the CD - 1 mouse species, which have been bred to be genetically more resistant to endocrine disruption than other mouse strains.
Unlike most other modern sex comedies, this one plays more toward older couples than it does to young men, which makes it a bit of a rare breed in this era of crass and sophomoric gags.
That doesn't mean that these films are any less entertaining than the other superhero films we've seen this year, but they are a different breed of superhero movie, so viewers should remember that before going in.
The emphasis is placed on the characters» feelings towards each other, rather than them being bred as donors.
Considering the combined age of the other four nominees totalled more than 250 years, it was unlikely the Apatow - bred actor was going to break through.
Unsurprisingly, the VW is more refined than either of the other two and much more livable, but lacks a certain emotional driving experience when put up against the rally - bred Mitsu and Subie; at least the VW's interior is a closer to befitting its price tag.
Other than the two or three males permitted to breed with the queen, colony members have one of two roles: they either tend to the queen and her pups in the nursery or they dig for food.
In this alternate England clones are bred for spare parts, but the people we meet don't seem to harbor any real anger for the system, and appear to, broadly speaking, accept their fate, and there is no indication that public opinion is anything other than totally accepting.
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