Sentences with phrase «other than genes»

So, when you see the word «environment» used when talking about the causes of schizophrenia - another way to think of it is «everything other than genes».
However, the panel noted, techniques other than gene - splicing, such as mutagenesis from radiation or chemicals, have a higher risk of creating genetic surprises.
«Ultimately, we brought a motion before Justice Hackland for the dismissal of the action as against my clients, other than Gene Simmons, on those formal grounds.

Not exact matches

These new entrants would need to get a licensing agreement from Myriad for anything they discovered related to the BRCA genes, which would effectively shut down future work by anyone other than Myriad in this area.
Also found in the water bear genome were more copies of an anti-oxidant enzyme and a DNA repair gene than in any other animal.
The invented people are the Jews who have been coming back in droves with European features and genes from Europe and many other countries, as far away as even India, China and Ethiopia who claim Israel as their natural country or birthright with no connection other than» Their Religion».
Therefore, the plants with genes for superhot chiles had more offspring than the chiles with other parents.The mutation was discovered in 2016 by Dr. Peter Cooke of the New Mexico State University Core University Research Resources Laboratory.
This standard addresses health and safety requirements, regulating the sale of food produced using gene technology, other than additives and processing aids.
Lots of Taste Buds + Bitter Gene = Supertaster People who maintain more taste buds and have a high - functioning TAS2R38 gene can be much more sensitive to tastes than othGene = Supertaster People who maintain more taste buds and have a high - functioning TAS2R38 gene can be much more sensitive to tastes than othgene can be much more sensitive to tastes than others.
Based on the core principles of behavioral genetics, if genetics explain variations in distrust and trust behaviors, then identical twins should behave more similarly to each other than fraternal twins, since the genes of identical twins are shared, while the genes of fraternal twins are only imperfectly correlated, Reimann said.
In the new research, the UB scientists found they could reverse those social deficits with a very low dose of romidepsin, which, they found, restores gene expression and function using an epigenetic mechanism, where gene changes are caused by influences other than DNA sequences.
Largely because of it, more people have been tested for BRCA1 than for any other human gene.
When a new gene arises on the X chromosome (males have one X chromosome and females two) it is likely to cease functioning much faster than genes that arise on other chromosomes.
The handful of cases that still occur are most likely to affect non-Jews, families carrying mutations other than the distinctly Ashkenazi variants of the Tay - Sachs gene.
Just as the same genes that allow Deinococcus to thrive on the ground may give it the ability to survive at high altitudes, the ice - nucleation gene may originally have given syringae and bacteria like it an advantage other than rainmaking.
Indeed, CHRM2 may not be a gene «for» anything — other than the tendency to follow life's fortunes or misfortunes.
Besides the gene's association with Alzheimer's, Wu found that flies with the Sod1 mutation were more receptive to social cues than flies with other age - accelerating mutations were.
Many scientists in the field, including Ward and Shimomura, still doubted that only one gene was involved or that GFP could be expressed in organisms other than jellyfish.
GENES behind the immune system may explain why some women have more sexual partners than others.
Mutations in the genes that defend the body against cancer - related viruses and other infections may play a larger role in breast cancer than previously thought, according to a study at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
Base oxidation regulates gene activity In cooperation with colleagues at LMU, as well as researchers based in Berlin, Basel and Utrecht, Carell and his group have now shown, for the first time, that a standard base other than cytosine is also modified in embryonic stem cells of mice.
«It also may be possible to modify the test so that it could be used to detect pathogens other than viruses, including bacteria, fungi and other microbes, as well as genes that would indicate the pathogen is resistant to treatment with antibiotics or other drugs,» said co-author Kristine Wylie, PhD, assistant professor of pediatrics.
«Our work shows that not only do people with ASD have fewer children than others,» he said, «but in families where a child has ASD, the fact that the parents choose to have fewer children means the genes that predispose to ASD are less likely to be passed on to future generations.»
We show that Neandertals shared more genetic variants with present - day humans in Eurasia than with present - day humans in sub-Saharan Africa, suggesting that gene flow from Neandertals into the ancestors of non-Africans occurred before the divergence of Eurasian groups from each other.
Studies have shown that more than 50 % of all human cancers carry defects in the p53 gene, and almost all other cancers with a normal p53 function carry other defects which indirectly impair the cancer - fighting function of p53.
«There are certain bacterial genes that are more worrisome than others, that are much harder to treat,» Adalja said.
However, other institutions and companies have continued to file patent applications on ESTs and related genes; at present there are applications covering more than 1 million ESTs on file in the PTO.
Others have found that boys are more vulnerable than girls to the long - term impact of maltreatment in childhood, and the risk of such boys becoming antisocial in later life seems to be related to a gene on the X chromosome, although not one that is imprinted.
On the other hand, gene variants that confer a benefit to males are more likely to accumulate on the X chromosome than on a nonsex chromosome because they will always be expressed on a male's single X chromosome.
The CRISPR / Cas9 system is easier to program and faster to produce than other gene editors in use.
To ensure the introduced protein didn't interact with other parts of the neuron, the team used the mouse version of the gene rather than the nematode's usual invertebrate version.
Significantly, the study also shows that the genes that influence longevity act independently rather than interacting with each other, a phenomenon called epistasis.
The team believes that whichever way BMP - 7 is used, it will be less risky than other treatments for type 1 diabetes that are currently being investigated, such as those that create pancreatic cells from stem cells, or by introducing new genes into the body.
Compared with earlier methods to tweak the genomes of bacteria, plants, laboratory mice and human cells, the Crispr - Cas9 gene - editing method is fast, precise and cheap, an order of magnitude better than the others.
Other researchers had linked the ank mutation to mouse chromosome 15; in this week's Science, Kingsley's team reports that it's a single typo in a previously unknown gene, which they called ank, that led to a protein about 10 % shorter than the normal version.
They also ruled out other possibilities, including the gene spontaneously mutating back to the normal form, the existence of more than two copies of the hothead gene, or closely related DNA sequences providing a template for repairs.
Researchers from the Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO) have discovered more than 40 genes that predict the level of aggressiveness of melanoma and that distinguish it from other cancers with a poor prognosis.
In all, the study included the data of more than 23,000 people to show that approximately 12 percent of a person's variation in delay discounting can be attributed to genetics — not a single gene, but numerous genetic variants that also influence several other psychiatric and behavioral traits.
Initial tests on mice showed the hybrid virus was very efficient: the gene it carried was active in 24 per cent of airway cells after two months, a far better proportion than achieved by other delivery methods (New Scientist, 10 March 2001, p 19).
And 40 genes involved in these nine schizophrenia - related pathways also differed much more between chimps and humans than genes associated with the other 12.
While natural selection favours the accumulation of fit alleles of beneficial genes, the majority of chromosomes in many organisms are composed of «selfish DNA ``, which does not benefit its host and seems to play no other role other than ensuring its own replication.
Small RNA molecules, many less than 30 bases, now share the limelight with other gene regulators.
The benefit of this approach over other gene therapy techniques is that the new method can permanently correct the «defect» in a gene rather than just transiently adding a «functional» one, said Dr. Eric Olson, Director of the Hamon Center for Regenerative Science and Medicine at UT Southwestern and Chairman of Molecular Biology.
Scientists have identified differences in a group of genes they say might help explain why some people need a lot more sleep — and others less — than most.
Tests on monkeys show the hybrid virus delivers genes to the lungs far more efficiently than any other method developed so far.
While the genetic stock of the entire clan of indigobirds is remarkably uniform, certain gene sequences pop up more often in some species than others.
«We have fewer genes in our genome than people originally expected because there's this other layer of complexity in the proteome, the collection of proteins expressed by the genome.
All of this means that even when Hamer or some other researcher finds the gene in question and a prenatal genetic test for the gene becomes possible, such a test will offer little more than a hint about the future sexual orientation of the fetus.
The IL - 15R - alpha gene is expressed in tissues other than muscle, and no one knows the full consequences of turning the gene off.
Dubbed Klosneuviruses, the giant virus contains a more complete set of translation machinery genes than any other virus known to date.
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