Sentences with phrase «other than greed»

It's not a knee - jerk reaction, I tend to try and work backwards from the misery & death to understand the motives behind conflict & war and rarely see anything other than greed at the root.
As a result I told her to order a copy of H&R Block from Amazon for $ 26 as I don't support any company that triples their prices year on year for no reason other than greed.

Not exact matches

Motivation: Use the market for something other than perpetuating the current cycle of greed and excess.
In fact, Jesus had more to say about the the dangers of greed, love of possessions, and the lack of compassion for the the «poor» and the «least of these» than he did about any other single subject in christian scripture.
It's much easier to talk about sex than money,» said Meyers, who wrote about greed and the other seven deadly sins in his book, «The Virtue in the Vice.»
The teachings of those who exhibit the most love, care, grace, mercy, and forgiveness for others should carry more weight than those who exhibit anger, malice, judgment, hatred, and greed.
The greed in amassing a fortune and hurting and cheating and lying to others is no less sinful than two men lying together.
yeahright, no you're the stupid one, if you think that prejudice, lying, hate, stealing, violence, greed, poverty, perversion, war, and men sleeping with each other even then, until this day, and adultery, has changed since the days of old, you are delusional, and dumber, than dumber.
as long as this guy monreal areteta flamini and ramsey are the basis of our defence and the link to forward play arsenal will be nothing other than a 4th place team... at best... this has been obvious for 3 years now and the only reason we are in this position is the manager... greed and stupidity are at the root of the problem and a 3 year 8m quid contract is indicative of a club that is rotting at the core
Uncle Neds thoughtless greed is bound to get the better of him, and Randy is reminded of this fact by none other than the fish, who take on ghostly personas.
The anti-corporate subtext does give the piece a topical heft, though Verbinski and company aren't really going for any grand political statements in this purely popcorn piece other than to state that people on the side of people are good and people on the side of greed at the expense of people are evil.
It's a crisis of ego, fuelled by no other ideology than greed.
Also the past performance may not ensure that a particular fund will repeat the same or still better is always better that we predetermine our expected return and once this is achieved rebalance the portfolio.After all paper profits won't make us rich until they show up in our bank account.Mutual funds will definitely give better returns than some other traditional avenues but greed should not override our investment horizon.
In my small unique book «The small stock trader» I also had more detailed overview of tens of stock trading mistakes ( • EGO (thinking you are a walking think tank, not accepting and learning from you mistakes, etc.) • Lack of passion and entering into stock trading with unrealistic expectations about the learning time and performance, without realizing that it often takes 4 - 5 years to learn how it works and that even +50 % annual performance in the long run is very good • Poor self - esteem / self - knowledge • Lack of focus • Not working ward enough and treating your stock trading as a hobby instead of a small business • Lack of knowledge and experience • Trying to imitate others instead of developing your unique stock trading philosophy that suits best to your personality • Listening to others instead of doing your own research • Lack of recordkeeping • Overanalyzing and overcomplicating things (Zen - like simplicity is the key) • Lack of flexibility to adapt to the always / quick - changing stock market • Lack of patience to learn stock trading properly, wait to enter into the positions and let the winners run (inpatience results in overtrading, which in turn results in high transaction costs) • Lack of stock trading plan that defines your goals, entry / exit points, etc. • Lack of risk management rules on stop losses, position sizing, leverage, diversification, etc. • Lack of discipline to stick to your stock trading plan and risk management rules • Getting emotional (fear, greed, hope, revenge, regret, bragging, getting overconfident after big wins, sheep - like crowd - following behavior, etc.) • Not knowing and understanding the competition • Not knowing the catalysts that trigger stock price changes • Averaging down (adding to losers instead of adding to winners) • Putting your stock trading capital in 1 - 2 or more than 6 - 7 stocks instead of diversifying into about 5 stocks • Bottom / top fishing • Not understanding the specifics of short selling • Missing this market / industry / stock connection, the big picture, and only focusing on the specific stocks • Trying to predict the market / economy instead of just listening to it and going against the trend instead of following it
I also don't get why people can't seem to think about any other reason why Sony has done this than greed or that they are going to change things.
I could understand the hunt for resources in past times if necessity dictated as such; but in these times of abundance of a wealth of alternative resources, what is the purpose of pursuing the whales resources other than pure greed and callousness?
I know some here will decry that I am not talking about the issues because I do not try to obsfuscate with a discussion of the spot market price of coal vs long - term contracts, or use of coal in locations other than Kansas, or Al Gore's footprint, but the issue of Global Warming IS politics (non-ratification of Kyoto and negative flag - waving ads about politicians who oppose coal), it IS public relations («Clean Coal», cleanest coal - fired plants, surface mining and mountain - top reoval rather than strip mining, etc.), and it IS about misrepresentation (Peobody framing the debate as coal vs NG when it is really coal vs every other energy source), and it IS about greed (the coal industry doing everything it can to scuttle every other energy alternative).
A selfish «but we love fossil fuels because they make us rich» approach now is not going to win much pity, let alone many friends and allies, in a future where they suffer even more than others for their greed.
Still, even though some of the problems Pope Francis raises may be more amenable to technical remedies than he seems to believe, there are no technical remedies for other, deeper problems that worry him — such as the frenzied consumerism and complacent greed of those living in the world's richest countries, who too often seem too indifferent to the plight of the world's poorest.
Any material which paints the private prosecutor as someone other than a dispassionate Minister of Justice — as motivated by greed or too easily controlled by his client — could make an important difference to how the factual issues are ultimately judged.
Is it any wonder good people are increasingly looking for better alternatives than working in a private legal practice; clients are looking to other providers to add value to their businesses; and that external disruptors will continue to flock to the legal profession in droves to exploit law firms» soft underbelly - our lack of flexibility, failure to innovate, unwillingness to collaborate, our short term greed for the almighty dollar, our 19th century governance structures, absence of diversification - and most of all our cultural desert.
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