Sentences with phrase «other than hip»

See our guide to dog hip problems if you believe your dog is suffering from something other than hip dysplasia such as osteoarthritis in the hips.
The emerging church, to be anything other than a hip blip on the radar of American religion, will need to live the tension of «relevant - resistant» no less than it lives the tension of «ancient - future.»

Not exact matches

More than in any other musical form, hip - hop artists like to name - check their favourite luxury brands in their lyrics — booze, cars, restaurants, jewelry.
While the media as a whole has used the objectification of women to sell everything from cars to burgers, no other subculture has felt the wrath more than hip - hop.
«So this is what we do, we make each other better at being ourselves, better at being like Jesus, we slow - dance, my head on your heart, your breath in my hair, your hands on my wider - than - they - used - to - be hips, our feet slower perhaps because we're moving together.
Battersby is just like any other brick - walled, Edison lightbulb - lit restaurant in the hipper - than - thou culinary hotbed known as Brooklyn — but better.
«In many ways, Battersby is just like any other brick - walled, Edison lightbulb - lit restaurant in the hipper - than - thou culinary hotbed known as Brooklyn.
Spike Albrecht, who missed last season after hip surgeries, will likely play his final year of college basketball somewhere other than Ann...
I am also concerned with the fact that he had to have surgery on his hip after the season and was not able to work out at the combine other than do the bench press.
Well, if you have ever had a toddler, you probably have shoulders that are sore, a hip that is used frequently as a seat, and one side of your body that's a little stronger than the other one.
This diaper is also a much trimmer fit in general than our BG 5.0's, which is good for mobility in the hips - in other words, learning to walk is able to progress because his range of motion is not limited.
I also go to a yoga class that focuses on hips and pelvis and lower back which has made lots of difference I'm now 32 weeks and it flares up when I do lots of walking but other than that it's now manageable which is a huge change.
OrganicMania was included in Nielsen Online's Power Mom 50 «mamaste» category of «mom bloggers who stretch beyond their spheres to explore going green, travel and spirituality,» along with fellow Green Mom carnival member Sommer Poquette of Green and Clean Mom and several other bloggers I'll have to get to know: Traveling Mamas, Mormon Mommy Wars, Travel Savvy Mom, More than Words, Mom of Faith, and Happy, Healthy Hip.
Other than using to prop up my growing belly or between my legs to relieve some hip pain, I have also used it behind my back to keep me from laying completely flat on my back.
An ergonomic baby carrier supports the natural «C» shaped curve of the baby's spine, the spread squat position of the hips / legs where the knees are raised slightly higher than the bum (the «M» shape), and has the fabric spread from the hollow of one knee to the hollow of the other knee.
The gathering, organized by Brooklyn Councilman Jumaane Williams, came less than a week after gunshots killed one person and injured three others at a concert featuring rapper T.I. near Union Square — and after Mr. Bratton responded by labeling hip - hop performers «basically thugs» in a radio interview.
The area also includes the Staten Island Ferry terminal and has a slightly more urban, sometimes even hip, feel than other parts of the decidedly suburban borough: A major waterfront revitalization project will include «MRKTPL,» touted as «Staten Island's first artisanal food hall» and set to open in 2017.
In an analysis that included more than 70,000 participants from 13 studies, subclinical hyperthyroidism was associated with an increased risk for hip and other fractures including spine, according to a study in the May 26 issue of JAMA.
The pelvis extends vertically so that the hip socket vertically carries the load, rather than on lateral loading other reptiles.
Today, surgeons at the 215 - bed hospital perform more than 29,000 surgical procedures each year, with more hip surgeries and knee replacements performed than any other hospital in the U.S. [READ MORE]
Other researchers noted some critical bones were missing or shaped slightly differently than the same bones in humans today and from this they concluded Lucy walked with bent knees and her upper body bent forward slightly at the hips.
If one of your legs is shorter than the other, that may increase your risk of pain in your knees or hips, some researchers suspect.
On the other hand, people who were technically overweight or obese based on their BMIs — but who did not have central obesity — were less likely to die than people with normal BMIs but high waist - to - hip ratios.
This can be problematic as the hips and back on one side receive more impact than the other, potentially causing joint pain as well as unbalanced muscle development.
Stop and freeze your feet: If one foot is more turned out than the other, or if one foot is set forward of the other, you may have hip issues that are causing pain in your feet (or that will cause pain soon).
This is a great way to see how tight your hips are, and if one is tighter than the other.
On the other hand, the way most people do conventional deadlifts (the hips are way back and the torso is inclined more than it should) makes it a much better exercise for building the posterior chain, i.e. glutes, hams and spinal erectors.
However, this idea rarely works in reality and you would actually benefit a lot more from strengthening your gluteus maximus by doing hip thrusts, squats and deadlifts than stretching, since it's quite possible that the other muscles in the area are weak so you've been putting too much stress on your piriformis muscle.
If the pelvis is rotated more to one side than the other, or up higher on one side than the other it will affect the way you put pressure on the joints below the hips: as in your knees and ankles.
Look under your right shin (toward the wall) to see whether one of your hips has dipped lower than the other and adjust them so they are even — it will intensify the stretch and keep your lower back happy.
If you want to isolate hip motions, the cables offer much more benefit than the floor or other seated leg machines.
The Triceps press up is a moderate exercise that is a bit more demanding than standard press ups but not as intense as other versions such as the hip press up.
You may even find that one side of your hips is more stable than the other.
The full force can be sent to the hip joint, the knees, ankles, or perhaps one side of the body more than the other and cause acute and chronic injuries.
One side will invariably be tighter and higher than the other, an interesting phenomenon that can easily be attributed to side dominance, performance in unilateral sports, or lack of rotational hip movements in any way.
Start with your legs wider than hip width, and squat down towards one side, keeping the other leg extended in the opposite direction.
No other exercise has been found to involve greater quadriceps muscle activity than the back squat but the barbell hip thrust involves greater gluteus maximus activity and the deadlift involves greater erector spinae muscle activity.
The other is tight calves, which prevents a full relaxed drive / hip extension, and disengages the posterior chain prematurely - lifters often push off excessively with their toes, rather than «scraping» the ground with their heels.
There are many other poses than can assist with opening the hips and loosening the infamously tight psoas muscles.
It's common for students to have one hip higher than the other and only one sitting bone down.
Also, one hip may lift higher than the other, which can bring on pain in your lower back.
Chances are that your hips do not lay the same way on each side, meaning that one side is more restricted than the other.
Though there may be disc involvement as well as other nerve related problems, (other than sciatica), most lower back, thigh pain, and hip pain is from muscular imbalances as well as inflammation in the body.
The Low Bar Squat also works out more muscle mass than the other squat variations because it uses «Hip Drive», which engages the hamstrings more.
Although traditionally only deadlift and lunges are used for training the hip extensors (medial and lateral hamstrings, gluteus maximus, and adductor magnus), there is evidence that some exercises emphasize each of these muscle groups to a different extent, and also that some exercises target different regions within each of the muscles more than others.
For example, Lunnen et al. (1981) studied a much greater hip flexion angle (135 degrees) than many of the other researchers (e.g. Mohamed et al. 2002; Guex et al. 2012) and it is possible that the large stretch in this position moved the muscle up the passive arm of the length - tension curve, thereby reducing neural drive.
It was also higher when performing posterior pelvic tilt in a bent - leg position with feet in the air (90 degrees at hip and knee) than in the other positions.
And Handsfield et al. (2016) found that the medial hamstrings (semitendinosus and semimembranosus) and other smaller hip muscles were proportionally larger in sprinters than in non-sprinters.
Test of transfer (long - term): Strength training that targets the hip extensors close to full extension (such as with the hip thrust), and the knee extensors at around 40 degrees from full extension (such as with the quarter squat), may well transfer better to sprinting than strength training that targets the hip and knee extensors at other joint angles.
Once the injury is healed (pain gone) the best exercises for the hips and lower back other than running / walking I feel are Kettle Bell exercises — primarily hip swings, deadlifts, and deep squats.
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