Sentences with phrase «other than imagination»

Is there any possibility that Lewis» tales had any basis other than his imagination?

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Just as nobody forecast social networks, blogging or Netflix in the 1990s, the absence for now of any tangible applications other than bitcoin for the blockchain merely points to humankind's deficient imagination.
Steve Jobs long believed Apple should own the technologies inside its products rather than rely on mashups of components from other chip makers, including Samsung, Intel and Imagination Technologies.
You have no proof of any of the remaining statement, other than your sad imagination.
Many many other places, but you won't accept reality I already know... you think the book is more than the product of men's imaginations, so trying to show you where it is false is something you are not willing to hear... you would rather believe the fake pearls men planted in your book.
If people are making up religious belief systems entirely out of their imaginations it only stands to reason that what one group of people in one part of the world come up with will be different than what a different group in some other part of the world come up with independently.
Where did god come from (other than from men's imaginations)?
Most of us with any pastoral imagination, however, would not pursue this line of interpretation, if for no other reason than that the victims are not the perpetrators that one might identify.
Now I can usually imagine my own future more effectively than the present or future state of another, simply because there are more data at the disposal of the imagination in one case than in the other.
There emerge, however, from the «periphery» (so to speak) rather than from the center, pockets of order, meaning, and value which grow, spread, and die — that order, those values, and those meanings which gradually grew and spread until they constituted the various Kingdoms of Ancient Egypt would be an example of how order, value, and meaning emerge from the «bottom» and spread «upward» and «outwards» into dynamic pockets or aggregates of order, meaning, and value which prosper - overcoming and absorbing other pockets of order — until they no longer embody the imagination, vigor, and zest required for continued vitality and find themselves absorbed into other competing orders or gradually disintegrating into the silence of a Dark Age.
Other than your weird imagination, that is.
We are used to two possibilities: on the one hand, prophecy being punctured by reality, and our settling for far less than our imaginations were excited into expecting; or on the other hand, prophecies being fulfilled, and a boost being given to our expectations and our sense of who we are and what we deserve.
ok i've decided — after soul searching and observing my and other's reactions to these religious blog news on CNN learning more about religion from this alone and about the mideast than from anywhere else in my USA educated life i need to be more tolerant of others having religious based governments THAT is what is confusing me — that religion are governments are not seperated that is hard for much of USA population to understand perhaps it is for me i think you would have to actually live in a society like the mideast to truly understand it i mean — actually be part of the society the religious part is truly offputting — since most in USA seperate church and state like — church is for faith and imagination and celebration and family and community involvement and state is for protection and education and health and infrastructure, etc., for all it is hard to be serious about religion — when the serious side of society is state it is hard to see religion being the serious side of enforcement — and the state enforcing the faith based side of society egad — doesn't god get lost in all that?
1) We're highly evolved primates 2) We have overactive imaginations 3) Our greatest evolutionary asset, our large and highly-folded brains, are also responsible for an insatiable curiosity 4) As a species, and a survival tactic, we make things up to comfort ourselves in difficult times 5) As a complex societal species, we create commonalities and «traditions» with others in our clan / tribe / community 6) These «traditions» result in security, trust, and strong relationships that make the collective more able to survive than the individual 7) These common beliefs also act as a means of numbing the brain to questions and concerns without legitimate or tangible answers 8) Religion is simply a survival mechanism 9) When we die, we simple «are not alive» anymore.
It became this when we all realized we could cry together with no frontier other than our own wonderful imagination of the endless promise of America.
Soon after, we find Christians heartily mocking other, irrational gods of the time which, being so hopelessly capricious, were to them no more than the work of human hands or, as we would say, the figments of men's imaginations.
It can not do this simply because it is man's imagination, and the social environment conditions man's imagination more than any other single factor.
Thus, although the notion of imagination is extremely vague, it is not on that account any less respectable than a good many other fundamental philosophical notions whose usefulness seems to be directly proportional to their degree of vagueness.
Other selves, though given, are «made much more distinct... [by] inference and imagination... than the self.»
When He says that if someone wants to take your cloak, give him your tunic as well, or when someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to them the other also, it stretches the imagination to think that He would be fine with killing someone when they try to do more than slap you on the cheek or take your cloak.
Alyosha instantly recognizes that Ivan's imagination was groping for the profoundest of all truths — that nothing other than God's self — emptying love can answer bitter unbelief.
He seems to have been for Müller little more than a sort of supernatural clergyman interested in the congregation of tradesmen and others in Bristol who were his saints, and in the orphanages and other enterprises, but unpossessed of any of those vaster and wilder and more ideal attributes with which the human imagination elsewhere has invested him.
And Henry — incomparable so entirely pointless to bring him in to any argument other than to say he was the the product of Wenger's efforts and imagination.
Andrew Flint (@AndrewMijFlint): Bet One: $ 5 Lokomotiv - Anzhi: Anzhi to win with +1 handicap @ 1.68 at bet365 Lokomotiv are a side bereft of imagination going forward and offer very little serious threat other than to weak sides with problems of their own.
Not only will pretend play give your child ample opportunity to practice using his imagination, says Singer, but research shows that kids who play make - believe tend to be happier than other kids.
In all seriousness, despite the obvious con of this being a bit messier than other toys, your little one will be able to grow their imagination while learning all about colors and what happens when you mix colors together.
The agency clarified that the said publication is nothing other than wild imaginations of the faceless mischief makers desperately bent on casting aspersions on the reputation of Director General of NEMA, Management and Staff through the falsehoods, forged documents and baseless innuendoes.
The maps the task force released yesterday group Republican voters into districts that, rather than pulling together similar towns or neighborhoods, contort themselves into shapes that, with only a little imagination, look like «well - endowed camels,» among other things.
Those who had imagined eating 30 M&M's consumed significantly fewer of the real thing than people in the other groups, suggesting that eating in imagination can cause habituation to real food.
Like memory, imagination allows you to put yourself in a time and place other than the one we actually occupy.
Not everyone has the ability to teach someone else a specific skill he himself has mastered, and to be able to guide someone else through a fitness journey, a trainer needs to have a lot more than knowledge of biomechanics — he also needs a great deal of patience, empathy and creativity and an ability to motivate others to achieve things beyond their imagination.
I think we all have perceptions and assumptions about places... and people... that are unfounded in anything other than our own minds and imaginations filling in gaps.
I've had the pleasure of working with Sherwin - Williams more than any other sponsor, and this giveaway was the perfect reason to look back at all of the magic we've created together with their top - notch paint and my imagination!
This is what makes the film better than other low budget horror's because of Johnson's brilliant makeup wizardry and freaky imagination with his monsters.
It's a fable about the complexity of seeing others clearly, but one that relies more on imagination and surprising details than workaday moral revolt.
«Other than my eye,» he says, «two things aren't paralyzed: my imagination and my memory.»
Aided immensely by Tony Kushner's script, which dramatizes historical moments and freely creates others from an imagination steeped in knowledge, Day - Lewis gives us a Lincoln whose patience derives from a lifetime of being smarter than everyone, of knowing that he is 10 steps ahead of even his fastest colleagues.
Though some service - learning projects require little more than imagination to get them rolling, others require extra resources.
My story, and every other writer out there who has invested so much time and effort to bring us a story worth reading, providing our imaginations with such wonder and joy, is worth more than an f» ing McDonald's cheeseburger or the craptastic plastic toy from the dollar store.
Nothing can bring more satisfaction than reading something new that sparks the imagination or connecting with other people regarding a topic.
The story mode does not seem to offer very much to the imagination other than occasional mini-games in the form of zombie smashing and poker games.
There's no narrative to follow or set goals to accomplish other than those set by the player, creating a unique experience only limited by one's imagination.
To be clear, the claims I'm about to make are in no way definite or based off of anything other than my own active imagination.
Piaget and others have stressed in their genetic epistemology that in the development of reason and in the unfolding of imagination in young children, intelligence — or, by implication, what we choose to call genius — is a dynamic activity rather than a static essence, and an activity of a subject in a situation.
While his imagery has changed several times over the years, the artist characterized himself as being «from the beginning, a minimalist abstract artist, a geometric abstractionist, with no recognizable shapes in my work» — other than circles, which have always captivated his imagination as «the perfect shape.»
In other words, landscape invites more than one leap of the imagination.
He pointed out that exhibitions are not collected nor have they been documented with the consistency and depth that historical research requires, leaving in obscurity the work and imagination of curators who absorbed the lore of their elders and informally passed on their accumulated expertise to the succeeding generation: Only by comprehending those genealogies can we understand how some objects rather than others entered into conventional art history.
His imagination has penetrated more deeply into modern culture than any other candidate.
Lax served as assistant curator at the Studio Museum in Harlem, where for seven years he organized more than a dozen exhibitions, including «When the Stars Begin to Fall: Imagination and the American South,» which is currently on view, and other museum programs.
«Science and religion are diametrically opposed, and will remain so unless and until God can be empirically demonstrated to be something other than a figment of human imagination...»
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